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83 Cards in this Set

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define paidagogos

the attendant hired by your parents to make sure you didnt cut classes.

define ethos

personal character; your credibility

define pathos


define logos

logic of the message or wording

what is the study of "the available means of persuasion?"


It was a respected discipline taught by great philosophers.

what was the first known communication model

canons of rhetoric

what are the five parts of rhetoric?

(Canons of rhetoric)

1. invention





Those of you that are male would have no problem attending this place... This was a school open to young men who showed interest in education.


the process of deciding on the subject matter of ones speech and of discovering information and arguments that would lead to sound conclusion.


it described the process of selecting the proper words to convey a message.


described ways to order ideas effectively.


speech must open w/ into, followed by statement of purpose, lead into presentation of arguments, ending with conclusion.

In oral society this was the ability to hold content, style, and arrangement in ones mind.


This is the final canon, and considered necessary for success because if the speaker did not use a pleasing voice and graceful gestures, the effect of the speech would be undermined.


He was the last of great classical theorists and defined rhetoric as the study of "the good man speaking well"


He was a major Christian theorist who argued that it would be foolish for truth to "take its stand unarmed against falsehood" .....

pretty much that if evil is arguing a point that is false but sounds great could win the argument if the good truthful person is boring to listen to.


Douglas Ehninger identified (4) directions of rhetorical study during the modern period. Name the 4...

1. Classical

2. Psychological/ Epistemological



those who took this type of approach to rhetoric during the modern period set out to recover the insights of the great classical rhetoricians, adapting them to modern times.

Classical approach

This type of approach to rhetoric in the modern period investigated relationships of communication and thought, trying to understand in a "scientific" way how people could influence one another through speech.

psychological/ epistemological approach

This type of approach to rhetoric in the modern period focused on writing and speaking as art forms developing critical standards for judging drama poetry and oratory.

Belletristic approach

This type of approach to rhetoric in the modern period designed elaborate systems of instruction to improve speakers verbal and nonverbal presentation.

elocutionary approach

This guy id'd 4 "idols" or "distortions" that get in the way of clear thinking during the modern period of rhetoric.

1. Idols of tribe

2.idols of cave

3. idols of market place

4. idols of theatre

Francis Bacon

what were two forms of writing style during the Medieval/ Renaissance era?

Letter writing and preaching

Which of the 4 "approach's" or "direction's" of rhetorical study (Douglas Ehninger) can religion NOT apply to?

Psychological/ Epistemological approach

These two modern thinkers both mistrusted normal uses of rhetoric and argued that truth could be obtained only through discourse that was solidly grounded in an understanding of human rationality.

Rene Descartes and John Locke.

This person believed that there was a relationship b/w a speaker and audience. He believed that receivers were active participants in the persuasion process and that the effective communicator studied inner workings (faculties) of the human mind.

George Campbell

What term means "to determine, bring to an end, settle. " Clarify concepts by indicating boundaries.


This is a response that allows you to state your interpretation and ask your partner whether or not that interpretation is correct.

perception check

What makes up nonverbal communication ?

body movement, gestures, facial display, eye contact, vocal characteristics, time, space, touch. Physical appearance and use of artifacts.

T or F: Nonverbal communication is immediate, continuous and natural?


*Nonverbal is immediate because they are a physical extension of our body.

*NV are much more continuous than verbal.

According to Albert Mehabian there are 3 kinds of relational messages that are exchanged nonverbally during every interaction. What are they?

1. Liking



_____________ is indicated through facial expression, eye contact, proximity.


hint: Your talking to someone new, they smile and make eye contact.

this is often conveyed through posture and gesture, through touch and proximity and by the OBJECTS we display on ourselves


This is the degree to which we are psychologically involved in an interaction, is shown by such cues as rate of volume of speech, amount of gesture and different facial displays.


What would be examples of paralanguage?

vocal qualities, vocalizations, vocal segregates

What are some examples of proxemics?

territory, spatial arrangement, personal space and touch (haptics)

What are some examples of chronemics?

psychological time orientation

biological time orientation

cultural time orientation

Persuasion theorists called __________ ___________ __________ point out that people accept messages not on the basis of what a speaker says but on the basis of their own responses to the speakers message.

ex: Teachers, may use experiments because people discover for themselves is often more powerful than convincing them in a lecture.

Cognitive response theorists

What is newspeak?

speech or writing that uses words in a way that changes their meaning especially to persuade people to think a certain way.

think political propaganda

What is the study of ways in which people use language forms to achieve goals in social contexts?

To say the right thing at the right time in the right way....


what is the study of linguistic signs (symbols) including word formation and the internal structure of words?


What is the smallest unit of meaning in language.

example: endings like "ish" "s" must be connected to a noun.


Antidisestablishmentarianism- compromised of 6 of these....

This is the theory that ----language determines thought----

Linguistic determinism

This theory follows from linguistic determinism. It theorizes that people from different language communities perceive the world differently.

Linguistic relativity

To say the right thing at the right time in the right way....

The study of how we use language in social contexts is known as ______________


Coordinated Management of Meaning theory


The theory that provides framework for understanding how individuals use context to assign pragmatic meaning.

The context being... episode. relationship.life script. and cultural pattern.

Which context of CMM theory would best fit in this scenario?

The speakers professional identity is an aggressive defense attorney (____1_____), engaged in cross examining (___2______) a hostile witness (_____3____) in a US court of law (_____4_____).

life script, relationship, cultural pattern, episode.

1. defense attorney (life script)

2. cross examining (episode)

3. hostile witness (relationship)

4. US court of law (cultural pattern)

Name some examples of a cultural pattern

national, religious, ethnic membership

Name some examples of Life script.

aggressive executive, creative artist, loving parent, sensitive friend.

Recall that life script is the individuals sense of self...

What am I???

Name some examples of an episode

friendly chats, playing a game, solving a problem

Recall that episodes identify the purpose of interaction.

Name some examples of a relationship in reference to CMM theory...

friends, lovers, strangers, business associates.

recall that relationship identifies who communicators are to one another.

A __________ is the vehicle for this expression.

It consists of two parts,

1.the private idea (signified);

2.and the form in which it is expressed (signifier).

BOTH connects content and form.


*page 66 last paragraph for examples.

A ________differs from other signs in that it is arbitrary and conventional.


*page 66 last paragraph for examples.

______________ can be defined as a rule- governed symbol system that allows its users to generate meaning and in the process, define reality.


In relation to body type, there are 3 extremes. Which one is short, fat and round?


In relation to body type, there are 3 extremes. Which one is tall, frail and thin?


In relation to body type, there are 3 extremes. Which one is average, athletic and muscular?


True or False:

Our possessions act as public symbols of our values, status, financial success.


It reinforces our sense of self, and informs other of our status.

According to this type of perspective... communication becomes a means of world building.

This is not something that goes on b/w individuals but something that surrounds people and holds their world together.

Social constructionist perspective.

What are kinesic behaviors whose direct verbal translations are known to all of the members of a social group.


silent words...

when you look at your best friend who is talking to someone hot- and you shake your head in approval-

What is the study of body movement? This would include face and eyes


Gestures like these that accompany speech and add meaning are called?

Example: making zigzags with your hand while describing it.


nonverbals that consist of head nods, eye and hand movements that maintain, request or deny other to talk...


They are the traffic signals during interaction.

Body movements that convey emotional states are called?

affect displays

This is when we want to know what someone is feeling, so we look at their face..

These are behaviors that people use to adapt to stresses and to satisfy personal needs.


This is when a communicator feels trapped b/w two unpleasant alternatives.

ex: someone asks you to read their paper. it is horrendous. they ask you all happy "so how is it..?" Your like ummm "its amazing that you wrote 4 full pages! wow! "

equivocal communication

pg 92

According to this model, communication is not something that goes on between indiv's instead it is something that surrounds ppl and holds their world together

social constructionist model

According to this perspective model, communication is a process whereby ppl in groups, using the tools provided by their culture, create collective representations of reality.

social constructionist model

This perspective model specifies 4 of these cultural tools; language, symbolic codes, cognitive customs, cultural traditions

social constructionist model

This perspective model maintains that we never experience the world directly, rather we take those parts of it that our culture makes significant, process them in a recognized way and respond in ways our culture considers significant.

social constructionist model

what is a coherent set of assumptions about the way a process operates.


This perspective focuses on what happens "inside the head" of communicators as they transmit and receive messages.

psychological perspective

According to this perspective, communication consists of a system of interlocking, interdependent "moves" which become patterned over time.

-games people play when they communicate.

pragmatic perspective


According to this model, communication is unsuccessful whenever the meanings intended by the source differ from the meanings interpreted by the receiver.

psychological model

What are ways to improve being an effective listener.

*begin by acknowledging how easy it is to be diverted by extraneous details

*have a clear purpose in mind on entering a listening situation

*notice relevant contextual and nonverbal cues

What are characteristics that we notice on a daily basis about others?

Personal constructs

Examples of Kinesics




affect displays


examples of proxemics


spatial arrangement

personal space


What is the study of time as it affects human behavior?


What is the study of how we use space and what space means to us.


The way you habitually think about and experience time.

psychological time orientation

metabolic processes as well as neurochemical activities in the brain are tied to this...

biological time orientation

People from different cultures think differently about the value and uses of time...

cultural time orientation

true or false: The silent language of time is an extremely important part of nonverbal communication
