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23 Cards in this Set

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Belief that there will not be a specific period of Christ's rule and reign on earth within history apart from his spiritual presence with his community, the church.
In theology and philosophy the defense of a belief system using reason and evidence.
Denial of the existence of any God r personal supreme being. "Intellectual atheism" is the formal, philosophical expression of this denial.
An act that reconciles God and humanity. The word usually applies to Jesus, death on the cross.
God's perfect goodness.
The consequence of sin in which the unrepentant sinner stands guilty before God. This condition causes alienation between the human person and God and can lead to hell.
The experience of turning from one belief or way of life (or both) to another one. Classical Christianity believes that becoming Christian involves a radical change that is a work of God in a Peron's life in response to faith. It is called being born again or conversion. Also, the life changing encounter with God that inaugurates a radical break with our old, fallen existence and a new life in fellowship with god.
Having to do with the nature of the universe that we experience by our sense. The "cosmological proof" for God's existence begins from the existence of the world or universe as our senses reveal its existence and argues that it must have a divine cause.
Formal statements of belief. These are usually considered to be very few and only those statements of belief almost universally accepted by Christians are given the stature of creeds. Most denominations also have their own "confessions of faith" or "statements of faith" that go beyond the basic creeds such as the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed to include distinctive denominational beliefs.
De Jure
God's right to control every event within his creation.
De Facto
God's actual control over events within his creation.
Depraved Nature
The human condition due to the fall into sin. Humans are born bound to sin and in need of grace to transform them and restore them to the image of God.
Our inability or powerlessness to remedy our sinful condition by ourselves
A kind of biblical interpretation that understands God's plan of salvation for Jews as different from his plan of salvation for Gentiles. A "dispensation" is a way of working out a plan and "dispensing" something to others (in this case salvation).
Dynamic atonement
A view of Jesus' mission that focuses on his defeat of evil, enslaving powers such as Satan and the fallen nature of humans as a result of sin.
Spiritual uplifting and support
A Greek word translated "church" in the New Testament. It literally means the "called out ones" or "assembly". In the New Testament it designates the church as God's special people in community.
The aspect of salvation in which the Holy Spirit gives us the power to live according the pattern that characterized Jesus' life in relation to God.
The consequence of sin in which the person is unable to free himself or herself from its power.
The study of the final things-- the culmination and consummation of God's plan and way of dealing with the world.
God's everlastingness and freedom from temporal limitations.
Literally "thanksgiving". Another word for the Lord's Supper or "communion" often used in sacramental churches.
An effect of Jesus' death on the cross in which humanity's sinfulness is covered over and set aside so that reconciliation between God and humanity can take place.