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48 Cards in this Set

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Patristic Period




Christian Dominance/Growth

Patristic Period


1. Sort out NT

2. Creeds of Christianity

3. Basic Doctrines (teachings)

Middle Ages and Renaissance


Thomas Aquinas

First Universities

The Great Schism- Catholic vs Orthodox 1054

Reformation and Post-Reform


Luther & Calvin

Importance of the Bible (sola scriptura)

translate Bible

Modern and Post-Modern


Schleicrmacher - Christianity must adapt

Barth - ignore modernity, focus on the word

Atheism & Pluralism



"to speak about God"

Plato - "The Republic"

Sources -> Branches

of Theology

Scripture -> Biblical

Tradition -> Historical

Reason/Experience -> Philosophical

All 3 -> systematic theology

ecclesia reformata sempre reformata

Reformed Church will always be Reforming

Tasks of Theology

Describe (faith) -> the Church

Critical (judging) internal -> Church

external -> Society/Culture

Apologetic (defense of) ->soc/cult ; Academy

Criteria of Theology

Orthodoxy - Correct Doctrine

Coherence - statements make rational sense?

relevance- experience, help live Christian Life

fides quaerens intellectum

Faith Seeking Understanding

Hebrews 1 (faith)

"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. The convictions of things unseen."

Faith & Hope are...


Bertrand Russell



Atheist and Pacifist

Russell's Criteria to be a Christian

Believe in...



Christ was the best and wisest of men

Evidential Atheism

Not believing based on a lack of evidence

a priori

ontological arg- Being of God

a postorior

Cosmological- first cause

Teleological- world has design/purpose/end...

Response to Evidential Atheism

1. Try to give counter-evidence

2. Question the Assumptions

3. Level the Playing Feild


Latin: Revelare

Greek: apokelyptein

General Revelation

God reveled through nature/creation

available to all

Roman's 18-20

Special Revelation

Reveled through the Bible

available to elect

The Word

Jesus Christ



Bible- Narrative

God speaks to us in a level we understand

Divine Accomodation

Bible- theocentric

Bible tells who God is

Bible- Holiness

Set apart

Bible- canonicity

Bible is the Rule for Faith and Life

Bible- Authority

Has authority because of God (not Church)


theo pneostos - Breath/spirit of God

Organic conception

Balance of humanity and divinity of the Bible

Bible- Infallibility

Bible will not slip in respect to its purpose of telling us about Good

Bible- Innerancy

Bible will not cause us to slip in ANYTHING

not true

Bible- Sufficiency

Tells us enough about God to find Saving Grace


sola scriptura - By Scripture Alone


Art of Interpretation

Hermeneutic Principles

1. Literary- take text literal vs poem/metaphor

2. Historical- texts have 2 contexts:

Historical and Modern

Theological- interpret scripture in light of other scripture

Belgic Confession

New Reformed Christians wrote to clarify their beliefs

General Revelation Alone

Deism- Jesus doesn't say anything new that GR doesn't say already

Special Revelation alone

Karl Barth- sola scriptura

Both Revelations

John Calvin- GR is insufficient, necessity of SR

sensus divinitatis

Sense of divinity

All people conceive that their is a God

Why do only few people seem to KNOW God

-suppressing the truth

-people create their own image of God

-God as an emergency measure only

John Calvin

16th Cent French Protestant Reformer

Studied Law in Paris

1532: sudden Conversion

1536: Geniva William Fearl convinced him to stay

1559: Genivan Academy

Servetus Episode

Institutes of the Christian Religion

Reasons for writing?

help people read the Bible

apologetic (asking King for tolerance in France)

Modern Skepticism

Descartes (decart)- Founder of modern/ doubtful world

Carl Marx

Class warfare

influenced the way we think


weak trample the strong



