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14 Cards in this Set

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General organization

- 2-3 mm thick gray matter around hemispheres

- folds -> 2.5 ft^2 A

- primary C's - easily ID'able fxn's

- association C's - multimodal processing

- cytoarchitecture uniformity corresponds to fxn


- relatively primitive A's (medial temporal lobes)

- olfaction, survival (visceral, emotional rxns)

-- paleocortex - piriform lobe (olfaction)

-- archicortex - hippicampus (3-layered cortex) - declarative memory, spatial fxns

Neocortex - individual layers

- 10-14 B neurons;l 6 layers (superficial -> deep):

1: molecular - few GABA n.'s, dendrites & axons

2/3: external graular, external pyramidal

4: internal granular - most in 1° sensory A's

5: internal pyramidal -> basal ganglia, brain stem, SC, thalamus, etc.

6: fusiform -> thalamus

- 2-6: both glutamate & GABA neurons

Neocortex - layer structure

- supragranular l.'s: 1-3 - 1° origin & termination of intracortical cnxn's: associational, commisural

- internal granular l.: 4 - receives thalamoC input (mostly in 1° sensory C's)

- infragranular l.'s: 5-6 - connect CC w/ subcortical regions (most developed in motor C A's)

Neuronal types in neocortex

Spiny stellate cells, pyramidal n.'s (glutamate), nonpyramidal interneurons (GABA)

- many also release neuropeptides

- receptive to ascending neuromodulatory systems input (dopamine, serotonin, ACh, etc.)

Spiny stellate n.'s

- prominent in l. 4

- relay cells for thalamoC input & other C cells => top-down integration

Pyramidal n.'s

= main excitatory cells in l.'s 2/3, 5, 6

- prominent apical dendrite (-> l. 1) -> branches => apical tuft

- numerous shorter basal dendrites

- spines w/ excitatory synapses -> integration

-> axon w/ collaterals (-> adjacent n.s') & long process (-> distant targets)

- CC & hippocampus - rich intercnxn's -> learning, memory, abstract thought / seizures (excitotoxicity)

Nonpyramidal interneurons

~ 20% of n.'s in C

- many cell types, GABAergic

- FFW inh.: nearby neurons w/ similar input

- FB inh.: reciprocal cnxn's

- benzodiazepines -> inc. GABA(A) R's

General Info flow w/in C

- Thalamus

-> SS (spiny stellate) cells [1° sensory A, l. 4]

-> P (pyramidal) n.'s [, supragranular l.'s 2/3]

-> each other & P n.'s [infragranular l.'s 5 & 6]

-> brain stem/thalamus [C output]

- FFW & FB inh. modulation throughout

- 1° sensory -> 2°/3° sensory -> associational -> 2° motor -> 1° motor

Cortex as a coincidence detector

pyramidal n. - 2 A's of synaptic input

- top-down (higher C A's, non-specific thalamic nuc.) -> l. 1 (apical tufts) [expectations]

- bottom-up (lower C A's, sensory thalamic nuc.) -> l. 5 (perisomatic region) [new data]

=> synergy -> large dendritic e- event -> AP burst: expectations match perception

Somatosensory C

1° somatosensory C (SI A's 3, 1, 2) ~ postcentral gyrus <- VPL & VPM (thalamus)

- granular C (prominent l. 4)

- sensory homunculus (4 submaps) = somatotopic map (remapping due to Δ in motor use)

2° somatosensory C (SII, A40) ~ lower pari. lobe

somatosensory association C (A's 5, 7) ~ posterior to sensory C

Visual C

1° visual C (VI, A17) = striate C ~ surrounds calcarine sulcus

- large granular l., dense columns of n.'s (ocular dominance columns)

- visual field representation

visual association A's (V2, V3; A's 18, 19) - also input from lateral geniculate (lesions -> visual agnosia; V4 - color, V5 - movement recognition)

Auditory C

1° auditory C's (AI, A41) ~ traverse temporal gyri, extending to lateral fisures

- contain tonotopic maps by frequency, bilateral

auditory association A's (AII, A42) - interpretation of sound

Wernicke's A (A22) - language understanding

Motor C

1° motor C (MI, A4) ~ precentral gyrus

- P n.'s ~ corticospinal tract & cortical bulbar fibers -> motor CN's (Betz cells)

- somatotropic organization (homunculus; movements, rather than mm.'s represented)

premotor C (A6) ~ immediately anterior

supplementary motor A (MII, S-M A6) - active before movement (initiation); lesions -> abulia