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27 Cards in this Set

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What is chemotherapy
use of chemicals that are effective in treating cancer or selectively kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms at low concentrations
What are the two antimicrobial chemotherapy goals (ON EXAM)
to eliminate a pathogen
What are the five abuses of antimicrobial chemotherapy (ON EXAM)
-tx of untxable infections
-tx a fever of unknown origin
-improper dosage
-inappropriate use of chemo alone (w/o I&D)
-poor rx selection due to lack of info on bacteria
Rank for broadest to most specific
antiinfective > antimicrobial > antibiotics
What is the primary use of anti-infective agents
to kill or inhibit the growth of organisms
Why can't local anti-infectives be used systemically
too toxic
What is an antimicrobial agent used for
kill/inhibit the growth of microorganisms
What are the five key characteristics of an ideal antimicrobial (ON EXAM)
-demonstrates selective toxicity
-does not induce allergic reaction
-is not destroyed, neutralized or excreted too rapidly
-therapeutic dose at site of infection
-pathogens do not develop resistance
What is the chemotherapeutic index
-reflects margin of safety
-higher number = more safe
What does the clinical effectiveness of a drug depend on
it's maximal efficacy, not its potency
What are antibiotics
substances produced by microorganisms that suppress the growth or cause the death of other microorganisms
which phase is the best time to treat
log phase - right before bacteria are going to take off
What is PAE
post antibiotic effect
- prevents reverse outgrowth
What are the four factors that determine whether an antibiotic is cidal or static
-drugs mechanism of action
-microorganisms state of growth
-conc of drug which org is exposed to
-type of micro involved and abx specturm of activity
What is the MIC
lowest concentration to prevent growth after 1 day of incubation
Which spectrum of abx are at lowest risk for superinfections (secondary infections that occur due to imbalance of normal flora)
narrow spectrum
How do narrow and extended spectrum differ from broad spectrum
broad are static, narrow and extended are typically cidal
What are the two exceptions of narrow/extended drugs being cidal
clindamycin and nacrolides (both static)
What are other factors that affect outcome of antimicrobes (4)
-immune status, age, health
-site of infection
-presence of foreign objects
-patient compliance
What are three ways to achieve selective toxicity
-drug blocks pathway only organism has
-drug block rxn more vital to microbe than host
-drugs blocks pathway to both but only microbe converts drug to active metabolite
T/F - some bacteria have constitutive resistance to a drug
What are three ways drugs can have acquired resistance
-keep drug from reaching it's target
-inactivate drug
-alter target
What are four genetic mechanisms of acquired resistance
-mutation of gene
--> all deal w/transposons
What are four indications for combo use of abx
-severe infection of unknown cause
-polymicrobial infection
-enhanced antibacterial activity in tx of specific infection
-prevent emergence of resistanct microbes
What is synergism
inhibition of growth by a combo of drugs at less than 25% of MIC for each drug acting alone
What are three examples of synergistic mechanisms
-each drug affects a different step in biochemical pathway
-one drug may enhance the uptake of a second drug by microbe
-one drug may prevent the enzymatic degradation of another drug
What are four disadvantages of combo antimicrobial therapy
`-one agent may enhance the toxicity of the other
-allows to selection of MDR organisms