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89 Cards in this Set

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Sorting based on binary comparisons of the
objects to be sorted admits this as a lower
bound to the worst-case complexity of the
a. O(nlg n)
b. Ω(n lg n)
c. Ω(n)
d. All of these are appropriate answers
e. None of these is an appropriate answer
b. Ω(n lg n)
Sorting algorithms that sort objects “in place”
require this much storage allocation.
a. O(nlg n)
b. O(n²)
c. O(n)
d. O(1)
e. None of these is an appropriate answer
d. O(1)
All of these sorting algorithms sort objects “in
place” except:
All of these sorting algorithms sort objects in
optimal worst-case time except:
d. All of these are optimal algorithms
e. None of these is an optimal algorithm
In a max-heap, the largest element is stored
at _____.
a. a leaf
b. an internal node
c. the root
d. the “right-most” node
e. the “left-most” node
c. the root
In a min-heap, the largest element is stored
at _____.
a. a leaf
b. an internal node
c. the root
d. the “right-most” node
e. the “left-most” node
a. a leaf
Building a max-heap from an unordered
array can be done in ____ time.
a. O(n lg n)
b. O(n²)
c. O(n)
d. O(1)
e. None of these is an appropriate answer
c. O(n)
Building a min-heap from an unordered
array can be done in ____ time.
a. O(n lg n)
b. O(n²)
c. O(n)
d. O(1)
e. None of these is an appropriate answer
c. O(n)
________ is based on a technique similar to
the way many people sort a hand of playing
Heaps are useful in their own right — they
can be used to implement this data structure:
a. dictionary
b. priority queue
c. ordered list
d. stack
e. set
b. priority queue
ATROCIOUS-SORT from the homework has this
as its best-case running time:
a. Θ(n lg n)
b. Θ(n²)
c. Θ(n)
d. Θ(1)
e. All of these are appropriate answers
c. Θ(n)
Linear time sorting is possible because ____.
a. objects can be sorted without binary
b. the linear time lower bound to sorting is
not valid
c. one can always “tweak” the system clock
d. All of these are valid answers
e. None of these is a valid answer
a. objects can be sorted without binary
A ______ is a full binary tree that represents
the comparisons between elements that are
performed by a particular sorting algorithm.
a. heap
b. binary search tree
c. decision tree
d. 2-3 tree
e. B-tree
c. decision tree
COUNTING-SORT determines, for each input
element x, the number of elements less than
x. This information is then used to place x
directly into its position in the output.
Therefore, COUNTING-SORT is an “in place”
sorting algorithm. Assess the validity of this
a. It is a valid conclusion.
b. It is not a valid conclusion.
b. It is not a valid conclusion.
COUNTING-SORT depends on this key
assumption about the numbers to be sorted:
a. They are in reverse order
b. They are in correct order
c. They are all distinct
d. They are all integers in {0, 1, … , k}
e. All of these are appropriate answers
d. They are all integers in {0, 1, … , k}
RADIX-SORT is the algorithm that was once
used by _______ machines.
a. typewriting
b. voting
c. flying
d. perpetual-motion
e. card-sorting
e. card-sorting
RADIX-SORT requires that the intermediate
sorting algorithm (the one that sorts on the
basis of the digits) be _______, which means
that “numbers with the same value appear in
the output array in the same order as they
do in the input array.”
a. efficient
b. stable
c. optimal
d. linear
e. transparent
b. stable
BUCKET-SORT assumes that the input is
generated by a random process that
distributes element uniformly over this range:
a. {0,1, … , k}, i.e., natural numbers up to k
b. {1,2, … , k}, i.e., positive integers up to k
c. [0,1], i.e., the closed unit segment
d. [0,1), i.e., the closed unit segment except 1
e. (0,1], i.e., the closed unit segment except 0
d. [0,1), i.e., the closed unit segment except 1
BUCKET-SORT has an expected time
complexity of Q(n). In theory, it can have a
worst-case time complexity of _______,
although this is highly improbable.
a. O(n²)
b. O(2ⁿ)
c. O(n!)
d. All of these are appropriate answers
e. None of these is an appropriate answer
a. O(n²)
A hash table is effective for implementing a
dictionary, a data structure that supports
this/these functionality/functionalities:
d. All of these answers are appropriate
e. None of these answers is appropriate
d. All of these answers are appropriate
In an ordinary array, we store the element
whose key is k in position k of the array. By
contrast, in a hash table, we use a(n) ______
to generate from the key k a value h(k) to
index into the hash table.
a. random number generator
b. Turing machine
c. automaton
d. oracle
e. hash function
e. hash function
The expected time to search for an element
in a hash table is O(1) under reasonable
assumptions. However, the worst-case search
time is _________.
a. Θ(n)
b. Θ(n²)
c. Θ(2ⁿ)
d. Θ(lg n)
e. Θ(n lg n)
a. Θ(n)
The analysis of hash table operations is
performed in terms of the ratio of n, the
number of elements in the table, and m, the
number of slots in the table. This ratio is
called the _______.
a. golden mean
b. load factor
c. key factor
d. All of these are appropriate answers
e. None of these is an appropriate answer
b. load factor
Hash functions assume that the keys are
natural numbers. This assumption is not too
severe because:
a. all keys are numerical anyway (no reinterpretation
b. all keys are stored in binary anyway
(readily interpreted as binary numbers)
c. all keys are physical entities that have
numeric dimensions (readily convertible
to natural numbers)
d. All of these are appropriate answers
e. None of these is an appropriate answer
b. all keys are stored in binary anyway
(readily interpreted as binary numbers)
Hash functions that use the division method,
e.g., h(k) = k mod m, are fast but have the
disadvantage of having to avoid certain
values of m. Assess the validity of this
a. It is a valid statement
b. It is not a valid statement
a. It is a valid statement
Hash functions that use the multiplication
method, e.g., h(k) = m (k A mod 1), may be
slower but have the advantage of not having
to avoid certain values of m. Assess the
validity of this statement.
a. This is a true statement.
b. This is a false statement.
a. This is a true statement.
In open addressing, the action of examining
a slot in the hash table is known as a(n)
a. collision
b. probe
c. successful landing
d. examination
e. rehash
b. probe
The technique known as linear probing
suffers from the increasing probability of
primary clustering. This is when long runs of
_____ hash table slots build up.
a. empty
b. occupied
c. vacated
d. oversized
e. garbage-collected
b. occupied
The analysis of open-address hashing
resulted in the expected number of probes in
an unsuccessful search to be at most ______,
where the load factor a is assumed to be
less than 1.
a. α + 1
b. α – 1
c. α²
d. 1/(1 – α)
e. 2α
a. α + 1
Hash tables are an excellent manifestation
of this seeming “law” in algorithm design that
described opposite tendencies insofar as two
important resources are concerned.
a. Bentley's Rule: “The first 90% of the code
takes 90% of the time. The remaining 10%
takes the other 90% of the time.”
b. Wirth's Law: “Software gets slower
faster than hardware gets faster.”
c. Knuth's Optimization Principle: “We
should forget about small efficiencies,
say about 97% of the time: premature
optimization is the root of all evil.”
d. Pareto Principle: “For many events,
roughly 80% of the effects come from
20% of the causes.”
e. Time-Space Tradeoff: “What you gain in
time, you lose in space tradeoff, and
e. Time-Space Tradeoff: “What you gain in
time, you lose in space tradeoff, and
What is an abstract data type that stores elements, each of which is assigned a specific order of importance
priority queue
Which data structure supports priority queue in Θ (lg n) time and supports insert and delete max?
In a heap data structure, how do you determine the height of a node?
the number of nodes along the longest simple path from that node to a leaf
How do you determine the height of a heap?
it is the height of the root (the number of nodes along the simplest path from the root to a leaf)
In a heap, given the node is at A[i], where is the left child stored in the array?
In a heap, given the node is at A[i], where is the right child stored in the array?
In a heap, given the node A[i], where is the parent of the parent stored in the array?
In a heap, where is the root stored in the array?
What is the time complexity for heap sort?
Θ (n lg n)
What is the immediate lower bounds of a sort based on?
the need to examine all items Ω (n)
What is a way to model sorting algorithms based on binary comparisons?
decision tree
How many leaves are in a decision tree?
as many different possible outcomes based on the number of elements to be sorted, n!
In a decision tree, how can you determine the worst-case complexity of the algorithm?
the longest path from root to some leaf
In a decision tree, how can you determine the best-case complexity of the algorithm?
the shortest path from root to some leaf
Any binary tree of height, h, has a maximum number of how many leaves?
Any decision tree for sorting n elements has what height?
Ω (n lg n)
All binary comparisons have a lower bounds of __________. Give 2 examples of binary comparison sort
Ω (n lg n). heap-sort, merge-sort
Which sorting algorithms can beat binary comparisons?
counting sort, radix sort, bucket sort
Why are counting sort, radix sort, and bucket sort faster than binary comparisons?
because they sort linearly -- O(n)
What is counting sort dependent on?
values to be sorted are integers {0, 1, 2, ..., k}
What is the maximum value of k when using counting sort?
What was the original purpose of radix sort?
to sort cards that were punched for the 1890 census
What is the process of radix sort?
sort each digit, beginning with least significant digit (ones place), then sort to the left
What is the basic time complexity of radix sort?
Given the maximum number of digits, d, what is the time complexity of radix sort?
O(dn + dk), where n is the number of elements and k is the range of digits. This becomes O(n) because d is constant and k = O(n)
Why is radix sort not appropriate for more than numbers?
because it's based on counting sort
What do we assume when using bucket sort?
that all values are distributed evenly in the interval [0, 1)
What is the best case time complexity for bucket sort?
O (n)
What is an effective way to implement a dictionary?
hash table
What is an ordinary array?
elements whose key, k, is stored in position k of the array
What is direct addressing?
Given a key, k, the element whose key k is found in the kth position of the array
What data structure is a generalization of ordinary arrays?
hash tables
Which mathematical methods can be used to compute a hash function?
multiplication method and division method
What is meant by a "collision" in a hash function?
when two unique keys hash to the same table entry
What are two forms of hash tables can prevent collisions?
chaining and open addressing
What is a stipulation when using a hash table?
all keys are unique (no elements have the same key)
What is the average search time of a hash table?
What is the worst search time of a hash table?
O(n) -- linear, all items much be searched
What is the worst-case search time of hash table with chaining?
What is the best time search of hash table with chaining?
What is the worst time deletion of hash table with chaining?
O(1) if doubly linked, O(n) if singly linked
What is a disadvantage to using hash tables?
high cost -- must keep more slots in table than number of keys
What is load factor?
the percentage of elements as compared to possible slots in a hash table (# elements/# slots)
Under what conditions would the search be worst case when using a hash table with chaining?
What is the tight bounds for hashing with chaining?
Θ(1+α), where α is the number of unsuccessful examinations
What are the advantages to using the division method for hash tables?
fast since it requires only one division operation
What is the disadvantage to using the division method for hash tables?
have to avoid certain powers of m (best to use primes): h(k) = k mod m
What is the formula for the division method for hash tables?
h(k) = k mod m
What is the formula for the multiplication method for hash tables?
h(k) = m (k x A mod 1), where A is a constant (0..1)
What is the advantage of the multiplication method for hash tables?
value of m is not critical
What is the disadvantage of the multiplication method for hash tables?
slower than division method
How does open addressing differ from chaining?
open addressing stores keys directly in table ( slot h(k) contains key k), and chaining must use a hash function to compute the slot
What is a disadvantage to open addressing?
when adding, deleting, or searching, must probe locations based on k until NIL is found. When deleting, you can't just change value to NIL because that value could be part of a probe (must assign value of "deleted")
How can uniform hashing be created in open addressing?
by guaranteeing the probe sequence is some permutation of the m slots
What are three examples of ways to implement uniform hashing?
linear probing, quadratic probing, and double hashing
What is the worst case complete search of a binary tree?
Θ(lg n)
What is the worst case search of a linear chain within a binary tree?
What is the time complexity of going up or down a path of a binary tree?