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34 Cards in this Set

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Antisocial personality disorder
disorder characterized by deficits in normal emotional responding - especially for shame, guilt, and fear - as well as deficits in empathy for the emotions of others
a complex, multicomponent episode that creates a readiness to act
Cognitive appraisal
a person's assessment of the personal meaning of his or her current circumstances
Subjective experience
affective state or feeling tone
Thought and action tendencies
urges to think and act in certain ways
Autonomic nervous system
the division of the peripheral nervous system that controls the heart and other smooth muscles
Facial expressions
The muscle actions that move facial landmarks in particular ways
Responses to emotion
how people cope with or react to their own emotion or the situation that elicited it
free-floating and diffuse affective states
Person-environment relationship
the objective situation in which a person finds him/herself
Two-factor theory of emotions
emotions were thought to result from the combination of two factors - an initial state of unexplained arousal plus a cognitive explanation (or appraisal) for that arousal
Misattribution of arousal
lingering physiological arousal can be mistakenly attributed to subsequent circumstances and intensify our emotional reactions to those circumstances
Minimalist appraisal theoies
reduce the number of appraisal dimensions to minimum, often based on fundamental themes
Dimensional appraisal theories
identify a range of appraisal dimensions thought to be sufficient to account for differences among emotions
Core relational theme
the personal meaning that results from a particular pattern of appraisals about a specific person-environment relationship
Backward masking
pictures (in experiment) were shown for only 30 milliseconds and then masked by a neutral picture so that participants were unaware of the picture's content
Small, almond-shaped mass that is located in the lower brain and is known to register emotional reactions
Broaden-and-build theory
positive emotions broaden our typical ways of thinking and acting and, in turn, build our lasting personal resources
sympathetic nervous system
prepares the body for emergency action. Can cause:
1)Blood pressure and heart rate increase
2)respiration becomes more rapid
3)The pupils dilate
4)Perspiration increases while secretion of saliva and mucus decreases
5)Blood-sugar level increases to provide more energy
6)The blood clots more quickly in case of wounds
7)Blood is diverted from the stomach and intestines to the brain and skeletal muscles
8)The hairs on the skin become erect
Parasympathetic nervous system
energy-conserving system which returns the organism to its normal state
Undoing effect of positive emotions
positive emotions may help people recover from any lingering arousal that follows negative emotions
Visceral perception
our own perception of our own arousal
William James
author of first psych textbook
James-Lange theory
autonomic arousal differentiates the emotions
Display rules
specify the types of emotions people should express in certain situations and the behaviors appropriate for particular emotions. Vary across cultures
Facial feedback hypothesis
we receive feedback about our facial expressions, and this feedback can cause or intensify the experience of emotions
Emotion regulation
people's responses to their own emotions
cultures that emphasize fundamental connectedness and interdependence among people
cultures that emphasize the fundamental separateness and independence of individuals
behavior that is intended to injure another person (physically or verbally) or to destroy property
Frustration-aggression hypotheses
whenever a person's effort to reach a goal is blocked, an aggressive drive is induced that motivates behavior intended to injure the obstacle (person or object) causing the frustration
Social-learning theory
shares basic principles of reinforcement with behaviorism, but differs from strict behaviorism in that it also emphasizes cognitive processes
vicarious learning
learning by observation
purging an emotion by experiencing it intensely