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15 Cards in this Set

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Major Population Clusters (and the 3 biggest)

Typically lie near a body of water for trade and sustainable energy. The 3 biggest known clusters are (1) South Asia along the Ganges, (2) East Asia centered on China and includes the Korean Peninsula to Vietnam, and lastly in (3) Europe (lies along Eurasia on the opposite side of China than "2")

Language Families (how many are there?) (and the largest known)

groups of languages with a shared but usually distant origin. There are at least 15 language families. Largest known: Indo-European

What is Lingua Franca?

Known as the "common language" or the "language of business", currently is English and formerly was French.

What are the major religions?

1. Christianity, 2. Hinduism, 3. Islam, 4. Buddhism, 5. Judaism

* States and what they represent

States are independent bodies that rule among themselves but typically recognize eachothers policies and international law

Sovereignty (definition)

Understood in jurisprudence as the full right and power of a governing body to govern itself without any interference from outside sources or bodies

Nation State (definition)

a type of state that conjoins the political entity of a state to the cultural entity of a nation


The Core nations (developed) abused the Periphery (developing) which created wealth for the former and enforced stability for the latter

What is the World Bank?

One of the agencies that monitor economic conditions across the globe (very effective)

What are the categories that the World Bank uses to classify countries?

(1.) High-Income, (2.) Upper-Middle-Income, (3.) Lower-Middle-income, (4.) and Low Income.

*What is a Hinterland?

the often uncharted areas beyond a coastal district or a river's banks

What are the positives of globalization?

Interconnected world (Knowledge of world), Increased Trade/Cooperation, Creativity and Innovation are encouraged

What are the negatives of globalization?

The benefits are not universal, Loss of culture/tradition, Outsourcing, More unhealthy food consumption

What is the WTO?

The World Trade Organization: Countries must open their economics to foreign trade and investment, it has 159 members!

*What are the maps in this chapter about?

(1.) World Geographic Realms (pg 10), (2.) World Tectonic Plates (pg 14), (3.) Climate (pgs 15,16,17), (4.) World Population Distribution (pgs 20/21), (5.) Language Families of the World (pg 24/25), (6.) Religions of the World (pg 26/27), (7.) States and Economies (pg 28/29), (8.) World Geographic Realms and Their Constituent Regions (pgs 36/37)