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98 Cards in this Set

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Describe the magician.
high school age boy, Harry Potter wizard hat, and a blue bathrobe with stars and moons on it.
How did Julie find Boots?
Bikes were chasing him throught the forest
How did Julie get Gothel to remember her?
By reminding her of many memories
How did Julie get passed the animals that were guarding the Wild?
Gillian played the magical trumpet, and it made them dance.
How did Julie trick the ogre?
She got him to change himself into different things and then stole his wand.
How do Julie and Boots get to the ogre and who takes them?
Across the endless ocean and the griffin takes them
How does the Wild "trap" you?
When you End a Story.
How long ago had Repunzel escaped the wild?
5 centuries or 500 years
How many Dwarves died to stop the Wild?
Julie's Mom was what storybook character?
Name two of the things in the linen closet that the Wild Created?
cloaks, purses, wands, hats, picnic baskets
What color were Julie's flip flops?
Bright Sunflower Yellow
What did Julie's fairy godmother look like?
She had on a bathing suit and sunglasses, and butterfly wings
What did the ball gown Julie wore look like?
It was made of feathers, green and gold feathers to her waist, then long sweeping feathers of black, white, and navy made the skirt. Peacock feathers went down her arms.
What did the Wild say when the Prince kissed Julie
"And they lived happily ever after"
What does "Marchen mean?
Fairy Tale in German
What does Julie's Mom tell her everytime she leaves the house?
"Have an uneventful day"
What happened to Julie when she bit the apple?
She passed out and woke up in the glass coffin with the Dewarves surrounding her.
What happened to Boots after he and Julie left Rapunzel in the tower?
He was possessed by the force of the Wild
What is a "griffin?
A lion-eagle-serpent
What is Boot's girlfriend's name?
What landmark in the town was Rapunzel's tower?
The Shakespeare in the park Tower.
What was in the lunch that Boots and Precious gave Julie. Name 2 things.
Ham and Cheese with mustard, napkins, crackers, and a Red Delicious apple.
What was interesting about the swans?
They turn human in the evenings until a spell is broken
What was Julie's first task from Gothel and who/what helped her?
Her task was to separate lentils from the ashes, and birds helped her complete the task
What was Julie's wish at the well?
"I wish the wish that is dearest to my heart"
What was special about the key that Julie's mom had?
It works-on-any-door
What was the Princess test?
Being able to feel a pea under a stack of matteresses and not being able to sleep.
What was the second task from the witch that Julie must do, and who helped her?
Gather the thousands of pearls hidden in the forest, and the ants helped her
What was the title of Julie's story?
The Mysterious Princess from Unknown Lands
When Julie tried to remember things during "her story"
Her head would hurt
Who did Cindy send to get Goldie?
The birds
Who is stuck in the Swan's story knitting?
Kristen March
Who is the first character that Julie meets in the Wild?
Little Red, or the New Little Red
Who rescued helped Julie get away from Boots and in what?
Cindy in the pumpkin coach
Who saved Boots and Julie from drowning in the ocean?
A flock of giant Swans
Why couldn't Julie and boots get into the tower to help Zel?
She had cut off all her hair when she left the Wild
Why did the griffin drop Boots and Julie into the water?
She didn't have a walnut that would grow a tree so he could rest.
Why didn't Julie have to climb the beanstalk?
Because Goldie climbed for her, sacrificing herself for Julie
What had the Wild eaten?
Julie's sneaker
What instrument does Gillian play?
Where did Mary tie the sheep's leash?
On the bike rack
What color is Cindy's car?
How did the middle ages end, according to Julie?
When the wild was weakened and the fairytale characters escaped
What is the name of Gothel's hotel?
The Wishing Well Motel
What is Julie's cat name?
What escaped and was now free?
The wild
Who was ordered to the scene?
The SWAT team
Who died in the wild?
Julie's father
What is the librarian's name?
Where was Prince Charming?
Los Angelas or L.A.
Who did Linda set free?
The three blind mice
What had declared war on the family?
The wild
Where were all the magical items?
In the linen closet
What did Gillian do to stop the fairytale characters from patrolling the wild?
Gillian played her trumpet
What came alive after Julie entered the wild?
Her bike
Who does Julie find in the woods?
Little red riding hood
What chased Julie?
A rooster
What did Gothel give Julie for her 5th birthday?
A talking frog
Who can only take Julie to the magician?
The ogre
Who was Julie's bike hunting?
What does Julie use to cross the endless ocean?
A Griffin
What picked Julie and Boots out of the ocean?
Who had Julie met before the which?
The animal helper
What did Boots say was unnatural to see?
A cat riding a bird
Five centuries ago, with what did Julia's mom write?
Her own blood
What did McDonald's now have?
A thatched roof
Who was guarding the well while Gothel was away?
The three bears
What does Julie's wish need to be so it won't come out wrong?
The wish needs to be dearest to Julie's heart
Who is Cindy?
Who did Julia leave behind?
What did Boots give Julia to make her pass out?
A juicy bright red apple
Where did the queen take Julia after she found her?
the ball
What color hair was the prince's hair?
What is Boots full name?
Who did the prince challenge to a contest for Girl's love?
The magician
What did the Wild tell Julie he'd give her since she had won?
He would give her her heart's desire
What was Julie's "heart's desire"?
Her dad
H ow many years had it been since Julie had seen her father?
500 years
What does Julie's last name, Marchen, mean?
Fairy tale
What did the Wild present Julie with when she was with her father?
She had to choose between staying or going through the forbidden door and facing her fate.
What did Julie use to open the motel room door (ROOM THIRTEEN)
Her mom's special linen closet key
What did the key open?
The door to the Wishing Well Motel
What did Julie wish for when she whispered in the well?
"I wish the wish that is dearest to my heart"
What did The Wild turn Julie's sneaker into at the beginning of the book?
a boot
What is the full name of Zel's second customer?
Mary Hadda
Who is Zel's assistant in the salon?
What is Rapunzel's adoptive mother's name?
Dame Gothel Marchen
What kind of car does Cindy drive?
An orange Subaru
What is the name of Julie's adopted brother?
Where does The Wild hide out?
Under Julie's bed
What kind of instrument does Gillian play?
a trumpet
What is the name of the motel that Gothel runs?
The Wishing Well Motel
What is Jack the Giant Killer's real world name?
Jack Bean
Where does Prince Charming (Phillip Charmin) live?
Who did Linda the librarian set free?
The Three Blind Mice
What color is Puss in Boots?
Where does Julie find the items that make up her arsenal?
The linen closet