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51 Cards in this Set

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Postponing Parenthood- Micro Reasons

daunting jobs and careers- focus on career

single women don't want a child on their own- single-hood

attitudes about family size have changed

women enjoy jobs and are reluctant to take on balancing children rearing and paid work

scared of divorce

Postponing Parenthood- Macro reasons

-economic liabilities

-distributed by high divorce rates- pattern

-women's reduced concerns about their biological clock

-family leave policies: no national child care programs, and rigid work schedule

-higher education women delay childcare

Role Conflict

this is what happens when two or more roles contradict each other

two or more statuses

Role Strain

involves conflict that someone feels within one role

one status


expected behaviors of a social position (status)

___% of adults have children but almost ___ of pregnancies are unintended



Four different ways parents react to finding out their pregnant

- Planners: excited, joyous, planned the pregnancy

- acceptant of fate: shock but you accept it

- ambivalent coules- oh shi*, not excited, adoption or abortion takes place

-yes-no couples: one is excited and the other isn't

Reasons for absentee fathers

- not being able to provide financially

- deserting unwed mothers, incarceration, or physical, mental disabilities

- drug abuse, divorce, not paying child support

Absentee fathers

- increase child's likelihood of economic and social deprivation

- information from schools- ascendance

- 40% have a high school education

7% have a college education

Family Medical leave act

-Governmental act that requires employers withover 50 employees to provide 12 weeks of unpaid leave to eligible employees(men and women) to care for themselves or their immediate families with specifiedmedial conditions

-Maternity leave

-Only eligible- part time job, slim to none onpart time job

-Full time job= benefits

-Only country without paid leave


-conceive after one year of persistent unprotected intercourse

- inability to carry a pregnancy to term

- 27 for women and 35 for men

Causes of Infertility

- age

- biological or lifestyle choices

- BMI over 26

- smoking, drinking, drug habits

Consequences of Infertility

-personal level: depression

-couple level: sex life may suffer

- social level: feelings of isolation

Artificial Insemination

medical procedure in which semen is artificially introduced into the vagina or uterus at about the time of ovulation

In Vitro Fertilization

surgically removing eggs from a women ovaries, fertilizing them in a petri dish with a sperm from the husband and then reintroducing them back into the uterus

In Vitro

outside the body


women who is capable of carrying a pregnancy to term serves as a substitute for a women who can't bear children

Hormone therapy

use of fertility drug to increase the monthly release of eggs


freezing eggs or sperm for later use

public adoption

occurs through licensed public agencies

Private Adoptions

arranged directly between adoptive parents and the biological mother, usually through the assistance of an attorney

Closed Adoption

all identifying information is sealed and usability to parties

semi-open adoption

biological and adoptive families exchange personal information through a social worker or attorney, but have no direct contact

Open adoptions

involves direct contact between biological and adoptive parents

Marital Rape

- abusive act in which a man forces his wife to have unwanted sex

- been a crime in all states since 1993

-25% of women have been raped by their spouses, yet they don't report it

Intimate Terrorism

-power and control wheel

- male is likely to be the perpetrator

- blaming victim mentality when looking at a women's problem

- physical and Sexual abuse

Power and Control Wheel

Situational Couple Violence

- can be male or female

-most common type

-doesn't not involve any attempt from either partner to gain control or power over the other

-one of more disagreements have resulted in violence

-violence is situational

-power and privilege behaving the meant and difference when it is a women

- could be based on alcohol consumption

Why do women stay? (intimate terrorism)

-fear is the number 1 reason

- 80% of homicides of IPV occur when she is in the process of leaving or left

-theorized the cycle of violence results in learned helplessness

- hope the abuser will change

- home becomes a prison

- economic hardship and homelessness: over half of women and children are homeless because they are running away from someone

- need for child support

-blame themselves

3 cycle of domestic violence (IT)

1: tension building phase: doesn't know what she will say or do to set him off

2: acute battering incident: women provoke violence against themselves, sense of relief when he comes back to himself after the violence

3: honeymoon phase: use manipulation to keep her in the relationship, he will get help and stop

Mandatory Arrest law

if an officer is called out to a domestic assault someone has to get arrested

Cons of Mandatory arrest laws

-gender bias

-disempower women and limit the agency and ability to act in the best interest

Pros on Mandatory Arrest laws

- violence is a serious public concern

- hold police officers accountable

- takes the pressure off of victim

Future for Domestic Violence

-more research

-more training

- encourage responsive from community

- educational institutions

Voluntary fetal mortality

induced abortion

Medical abortion

voluntary termination of a pregnancy nu medication (up to 49 days)

surgical abortion

voluntary termination of a pregnancy by vacuum, aspiration

involuntary fetal mortality

self-terminating pregnancy

"coat hanger "


when a pregnancy sends itself mid-term

before 20 weeks


non living birth

after 20 weeks

Functionalist approach to parenting

-parents model appropriate behavior

- opposite parent models what children will ant for in a future partner (Parent-image theory)

Conflict approach to parenting

affects the development of the people in the family

Symbolic Interactionist and parenting

-children become socialized by first playing at reality

-we all have different perceptions and realities

- different realities

Family Violence

- more likely to be injured by a family member than a stranger at any time during our lives

- ¼ women will become victims of IPV

- in the US home is the most dangerous place for women

- 3 women are killed everyday in the US from partner or spouse

- 15-44 IPV is the leading preventable cause of death in US

Statistics on Violence

- every 2 mins a person is sexually assaulted

- 60% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police

- 97% of rapists will not go to jail

-1/6 american women have been a victim of attempted or completed rape- drops to 1/5 in college campuses

- 10% of all victims are male

3 components of love




Enduring Marriages and Families

Enduring marriages and effective families are characterizedby commitment, which is maintained through quality time together,communication, encouragement and affection, agreed values, rules, trust,ability to cope with stress, and the creation of rituals.

Factors that Affect commitment

-career and work

-role perception in marriage (interactionists)

-willingness to sacrifice

-family relationships and communication


-attitudes and overall happiness

*Driver and Gotten found that couples who use humor and affection in small ways in their everyday lives are more likely to resolve conflicts positively

Characteristics of Effective Marriages

1.Listen,talk, and be nice!

2. Help,then help some more.

3.Becomea cheerleader

4.Bringyour souls together

5.Rememberthe trinity of happiness.

6. Showthat you mean it.

7. Marriageis fun!

8. Betogether in trenches.

9. Trustand be trustworthy.

10. Divideand conquer.

11. Putyourself in your partner’s shoes.

12. Celebratechange.

International Family Strength Model

John Defrain and his colleagues developed the InternationalFamily Strengths Model.

One of the key qualities of a strong family is time spenttogether. Although, the inclusion of spiritual well being is controversial,Defrain insists that a strong family must have it. Lastly, resolving conflictin a positive way is essential.

Functions of a Family

1.Regulationof sexual activity

2.Procreationand socialization



5. Socialplacement