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39 Cards in this Set

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What was the name of the treaty which pieced together Europe after WWI?
Treaty of Versailles
How did France and Britain want to punish Germany?
a) France= harsh
b) Britian=civil
What did rapid Inflation within Germany lead to?
--> soical revolution
a) hatred of Jews, govts, big businesses, and communits
What was the Dawes plan (1924)?
a) Germany pays reparations dependent upon its economic prosperity
b) U.S. lends money to Germany so that Germany increase economny and pay back France and Britain who can pay back US
What did the agreement in Locarno Switzerland (1925) state?
a) Germany and France accept common border
b) Britain and Italy agree to fight Germany or France if either invades the other
c) Poland and Czech got defined borders
--> stabilty as not country feels singled out
When was the U.S. Stock Market Crash and what were its effects on Europe?
October 1929
a) loans being recalled (everything was margin) --> crisis in Europe
b) factors: lack of leadership in international economy, poor national economic policy in U.S
Define Totalitarianism
Totalitarianism is having total control over a country or region
Define Fascism
Fascism is a system of government that function through extreme nationalism under an extreme ruler, in which war, and violence was a constant. In addition the theory of fascism encompassed the belief in Marxism that everything should be state controlled.
Define Communism
Communism is form of government in which everyone works for the benefit for the state and there are no private capitalist markets, rather the government owns and controls everything.
Define Nazism
Nazism is a political ideology that promotes the idea of German superiority through extreme nationalism and swaying the masses. The theory is based off the use of propaganda and terror in which Hitler’s private army would use the Jews as scapegoats and as a unifying force
When and How did Hitler come to power?
1933- Came to power through a strong political influence as chancellor
-ruled as a dictator replacing the democracy
-undermine rather than overthrow
When and How did Stalin come to power?
1927- Came to power through suceeding Lenin in the socialist party through strong influence with his step-by step plans to create a communist society
-ruled and replaced communist leader
When and How did Mussolini come to power?
1922- Came to power legally as the prime minister through dirty politics as if not elected civil war would occur
-ruled through a "democracy"
Which leader (Mussolini, Stalin, or Hitler) was the most effective?
Stalin was the most effective as he was able to not only incite a total internal revolution within Russia to support communist ideals through his five-year plan (increased industry), but his reign made everyone equal and created equal work opportunities so that there would be no need for rebellion
What was the New Economic Policy and when and where was it ratified?
Russia (1921, Lenin)
a) limited economy (heavy industry =govt)
b) allows for devolopement of capiltalist society to incite a socialist overthrow
Who were the two main canidates to replace Lenin and what were their beliefs?
Stalin: traditional marxist, internal socialism
Trotsky: radical, Russia can't socialize by itself
What was the First Five-Years Plan and why was it so effective?
5-yrs plan:
a) increased industrial output by almost 250%, as well as agricultural
b) collectivization: forcbile consolidation of peasant farms into state controlled enterprises
c) destruction of kulak class
d) industrialization factors: firm labour discipline, foreign engineers
What were the benefits posed to socialist workers?
a) pensions
b) medical services
c) free education
d) day care
e) no unemployment
f) possibility of personal advancement through career training
What were the benefits to socialist women?
a) complete equality
b) could get divorced and have an abortion
c) many become doctors
How did Stalin maintain power? (purges)
a) Reign of terror
b) Purged party and appointed new officials w/ sworn loyalty
What was the condition of Italy after WWI?
a) in shambles politically and socially
b) govt=liberal const. monarchy
c) disatisfied by democracy bc didn't get what promised after war
d) church state tensions
e) local vs. national loyalites
f) extreme class difference
What was the Lateran Agreement of 1929?
Vatican=independent state
Italy gives church financial support
--> pope gives his support to Mussolini's movement
What was the name of the govt. in place when Hitler seized control?
Weimar republic
What was the enabling act?
President of Weimar republic signs absolute dictatorial power to hitler for four years --> nazi controll of govt
What were the Nuremburg Laws?
Deprived Jews of German citizenship and protection
How did Hilter maintain popularity?
a) Public work programs to create jobs
b) fufilled promises
c) propoganda
When does Hitler withdraw from the Leauge of Nations and why?
1933- to build up his army
What was the Anglo-German Naval agreement?
(1935)- prevent german isolation of navy
Who were the axis powers and when were they formed?
1936-Germany, Italy, Japan
What was the Nazi-Soviet non agression pact?
1939- 10 yr pact that stated nutrality
What is the term for a "lightning war"
What was the Battle of Britain?
Thousands of planes attack Britain per day
Britain wins
What was the New Order?
Racial imperialism
a) Nordic ppls top
b) French and Latin decendents in middle
c) Territories in w. n. Eur "subhumans"
What were the "three alls"?
"kill all, burn all, destroy all"
When was the attack on Pearl Harbour?
December 7, 1941
What was the Grand Alliance?
U.S., Britain, Russia
"Europe first policy"
"unconditional surrender"
Why was Britain called the floating fortress?
gateway into Europe and to bringing in supplies, "undestructable"
When was the Battle of Normandy?
June 6 ,1944 France
When and where did the U.S. drop Atomic Bombs?
August 6 and 9 1945- Hiroshima and Nagasaki