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14 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics Protected Under Equality Act
1) Age
2) Disability
3) Gender reassignment
4) Marriage/civil partnership
5) Pregnancy/maternity
6) Race
7) Religion/belief
8) Sex
9) Sexual orientation
Why Does Diversity Matter?
1) Legislative Framework: Human Rights Act, Equality Act
2) Healthcare Policy Context: NHS ethos
3) Practice Context: epidemiology (disease prevalence) useful for designing support services
LGBT Mental Health
- 1.5 times higher risk: depression, anxiety, substance use
- 2-4 times higher risk of suicide in gay men
- Self-harm rates twice general population
- Discrimination, social stress, concealment, stigma internalised homophobia
Minority Differences in Mental Health
- African/Black Caribbean: lower common mental disorders, higher sever mental illness (schizophrenia)
- Asian: low suicide/depression in men, high in women, high alcohol in Indian men
- White Irish: high depression, alcohol use, suicide - especially men
Women's Mental Health
- Overall no difference between men and women
- Women more likely to suffer depression, OCD, PTSD
- Less likely suicide
Downside of Choice
- Regret: anticipation and post-decision
- Opportunity costs
- High expectations
- Social comparisons
- Learned helplessness and self-blame
Self-Determination Theory
- When basic psychological needs of relatedness, competence and autonomy are satisfied: well-being is enhanced
- Ryan & Deci (2000)
3 Routes to Happiness
- Seligman (2003)
1) The Pleasant Life: positive emotion, gratification
2) The Good Life: Absorption, engagement, 'going with the flow'
3) The Meaningful Life: Using your strengths in service of something greater than yourself (i.e. religion/charity)
Subjective Well-Being
= Life Satisfaction + High Positive Affect + Low Negative Affect
- Life Satisfaction: discrepancy between present situation and what is thought to be ideal/deserved standard
- WHO Quality of Life questionnaire
- Measures Domains: physical health, psychological health, social relationships, environment
- Used by Dept. of Mental Health & Addiction Services (DMHAS) study
- Used for developing policies/procedures
- Measures weather QoL improvements work
- Shows where support needed
Gillison et al. (2009)
- Meta-analysis 56 studies on exercise interventions effect on QoL
- 3 subgroups: healthy, rehabilitation, disease management
- Moderate positive effect of exercise on QoL for rehabilitation
- Healthy: significantly higher physical/psychological QoL than controls
- Disease management: significantly lower psych QoL than controls
- Light intensity (group) exercise improves overall QoL, moderate intensity improves physical QoL
Limitations of Disorder-Based Therapies
- Many different disorders: train therapist in models for treating all?
- Average number of sessions attended around 5
- Greatest treatment gains in first session
- 30-80% patients have comorbid disorders
- Standardised diagnosis not conducted
Key Factors Shared Across Disorders
- Pivotal papers
- Biology (e.g. COMT gene)
- Social factors (e.g. expressed emotion)
- Transdiagnostic CBT for Eating Disorders
Harvey, Watkins, Mansell & Shafran (2004)
- Systematic review of cognitive and behavioural processes in Adult Axis 1 Disorders
- Criteria for transdiagnostic process: strong methodology, present in ALL disorders (more than 4)
- 12 definite transdiagnostic processes found (+ 3 possible)
- Helps understand comorbidity and inform new treatment