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133 Cards in this Set

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Evidence-based practice
– nursing practice based on the best available evidence.
Example of Evidence based practice
using saline flush instead of heparin in peripheral lines
Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, implementation, and evaluation
Nursing diagnosis
Using patient data and critical thinking skills to identify and validate appropriate nursing diagnosis
What are the 3 parts to nursing diagnosis
Problem – label (NANDA list)
related to – cause of contributor of the problem
– as evidenced by – defining characteristics or symptoms identified during nursing assessment
Phase consisting of writing measurable patient outcomes and nursing interventions to accomplish the outcomes.
Maslows Hierarchy of needs
Maslows hierarchy order
1. PHysiological needs (breathing/food)
2. Safety and security (health, employment)
3. Love and belonging (friendship/family(
4. Self esteem (confidence/ achievement)
5. Self actualization (morality/creativity)
Look for measurable outcomes like
Pt doesnt wake as much during the night, awakens refreshed
take your plans and do them
Data, action, response
Sometimes the best action is to
call the doc
What are the goals of communication (3)
1. COnfidential
2. Accurate
3. Timely
Therapeutic nurse-patient relationship is
1. Foundation of nursing care
2. Patient centered communication and goal directed
3. Professional
4 goal directed
5. empowers them to make decisions
Goal directed communication
promote wellness and personal growth in patients
3 phases of therapeutic relationship
1. Orientation
2. Working
3. Termination
Orientation (therapeutic relationship)
Learning about the patient and needs, clarifying roles, establishing rapport, collecting data, establishing goals and clarifying misunderstandings
Working (therapeutic relationship)
Work toward effective goal attainment
Termination of therapeutic relationship
evaluation and summary of progress toward goals
Nosocomial infection
infection resulting from being at hospital
6 elements of infection
1. infectious agent
2. reservoir or source for the growth
3. Portal of exit from the reservoir
4. Mode of transmission (cough, touch)
5. Portal of entry (open wound)
6. Susceptible host (immunocomp)
Working (therapeutic relationship)
Work toward effective goal attainment
Termination of therapeutic relationship
evaluation and summary of progress toward goals
Nosocomial infection
infection resulting from being at hospital
6 elements of infection
1. infectious agent
2. reservoir or source for the growth
3. Portal of exit from the reservoir
4. Mode of transmission (cough, touch)
5. Portal of entry (open wound)
6. Susceptible host (immunocomp)
Medical Asepsis
clean technique. hand washing, routine environmental cleaning
Surgical Asepsis
Sterile technique. (invasive procedures)
Most common means of transmitting infections btw pts
hand hygiene
Standard precautions
used for all patients
Airborne precautions
private room with negative airflow respirator or mask....measles, varicella, tb
Droplet precautions
private room r room with patient who has the same problem, mask within 3 ft of patient (FLU, meningitis, mumps)
Contact precautions
private room or share room with patient with the same problem, gloves, gown (GI, resp, skin infections)
What is the purpose of sterile technique?
To make or maintain objects and areas that are free from pathogenic microorganisms (also called surgical asepsis)
How big is the border of a sterile area?
1 inch
What equipment is necessary for sterile technique?
surgical mask, surgical cap, and eyewear protection
Possible nursing diagnosis for applying and removing cap, mask, and protective eyewear
1. Ineffective protection
2. risk for infection
When inspecting sterile equipment packaging look for
integrity, exposure, and expiration dates
When removing a mask what order do you go in?
Untie bottom first then untie top
Type IV hypersensitivity
Cell mediated allergic rxn. Redness, itching, hives, local swelling, red and itchy nose, cough
Type I allergic rxn
True allergic rxn. hives, edema, itching, rash, wheezing, brochospasm, dyspnea
People at risk for latex allergy (7)
1. Spina bifida. 2. Congenital or uogenital defects. 3. History of indwelling catheter or repeated catheterizations 4. hx of condom catheter use 5. high latex exposure
6. hx of multiple childhood surgeries 7 hx of food allergies
Complete BLood count
Male- 4.7-6.1
Female- 4.2-5.4
High RBC caused by
high altitude, polycythemia, dehydration (false high)
Low RBC caused by
Hemorrhage, hemolysis, diet deficiencies, genetics, marrow failure, drugs, chronic illness, and organ failure
White Blood cell
Adult/child >2yo 5000-10000. Critical value <2500 or > 30000
Protective Isolation
Wash hands, wear mask, gown and gloves, restrict visitors, prohibit visits by sick
Avoid bacteremia from pts own flora
No rectal temps, exams or enemas. no flossing. Avoid IM injections
Avoid bacteria from food
only foods from newly opened packages, avoid fresh fruit, vegs and cook all food
largest human organ, protects body
Complete bed bath
dependent patient
Partial bed bath
dependent pt or pt unable to reach parts of body
Sponge bath at the sink
basin or sink, pt able to perform all or part of bath
Tub bath
immersion into tub, pt may need help or may be independent
pt stands or sits, may need help or may be independent
disposable bed bath/cloths
premoistened, no rinse
Sitz bath
decrease pain and inflammation in perianal and rectal areas (hemorrhoids, after childbirth)
Medicated bath
relief of skin irritiation and creates antibacterial and drying effect
Perineal care
Thorough cleansing of pt external genitalia and surrounding skin (eg incontinence and catheters, rectal or genital surgery)
Nursing Diagnosis for bathing and hygiene
- activity intolerance
- bathing/hygiene self-care deficit
-knowledge deficit r/t skin care
-impaired physical mobility-
-impaired skin integrity
- risk for infection
Fowlers position
SemiFowlers position
30-40 degrees
bed frame tilted head down
Reverse Trendelenburg
bed frame tilted feet down
bed frame horizontal
Common causes of constipation
1. Irregular bowel habits
2. Chronic illnesses
3. LOw fiber diet
4. Lengthy bedrest - lack of exercise
5. Laxative misuse
6. Slowed peristalsis
7. Neurological Conditions (SCI, tumor)
8. Organic illnesses
9. Meds that slow colon action (anticholergics)
foods that promote peristalsis
high fiber, whole grains, fruits, green leafy veges
Tap water (hypotonic) enema
danger of water toxicity and fluid overload if repeated
Normal Saline
Hypertonic enema
useful for pt who cant tolerate lots of fluid
Harris flush enema
expels gas by stimulating perstalsis
soapsuds enema
castile soap
Oil retention
softens stool
Carminative soluntion enema
relieves gas distention
Sequential Compression Devices
Elastic Stocking
reduce blood stasis and venous wall injury; promote venous return and prevent venous pooling; prevent passive venous dilation
instrument for measuring angles
Risks for falls
1. History, 2. Older than 60, 3. postop 4. smoker
hyperexcitation of neurons in the brain that leads to suddent, violent, involuntary muscle contractions
Define platelet count
Acutal count of the number of platelets per cubic militler of blood
What are the causes of Thrombocytopenia
1. dec production of platelets
2. Sequestration of platelets
3. Destruction of platelets
Prothrombin Time (PT)
INternation Normalized ratio (INR)

Normal 11-12.5 sec
2-3.5 INR

Critical value >20 sec
What does INR measure
clotting ability of factors i, ii, v, vii and x
Prolonged PT associtate w
1. hepatocellular liver disease
2. Obstructive bilitary disease
3. coumarin ingestin
What is the nurses role in nutrition
1. Screening for malnutrition risk
2. assist w and assess pt intake
3. identify pts at risk for aspiration
Nutritional risk factors (16)
1. liquid diet for >3days
2. IV or NPO >3days
3. Low intake f prescribed diet
4. Weight 20% above or 10% below desirable
5. Diagnosis that inc or dec nutritional damand (burns)
6. Chronic drug/alcohol use
7. Inadequate nutrition for >7days
8. Alteration in chewing/sawllowing
9. Body temp high>2 days
10. Low hematocrit
11. Dec lymphocyte count
12. Elevated or decreased cholesterol level
13. Low serum albumin
14. Dec appetite, n/v
15 Compromised dentition
16. Change in bowel habits >3 days
What score on Mini nutritional assess is at risk of malnutrition
a pathologic state resulting from a relative or absolute deficiency or excess of one or more essential nutrition
inhalation of oropharyngeal segretions into lower respiratory tract
protein formed in liver...serum protein Transports drugs, hormones and enzymes, measure of nutrition
WHat is albumin lab used for
diagnose, evaluate and monitor cancer pt, intestinal/renal protein wasting states, immune disorders, liver dysfunction, impaired nutrition and chronic edematous states
assist with transport and metabolism of vitamin a
Prealbumin increased levels
drugs, nephrotic syndrome, hodgkins disease, pregnancy
Decreased levels of prealbumin
drugs, malnutrition, liver damage, burns, inflammation
insufficient oxygen to meet the needs of tissues and cells; caused by hypoxemia
deficiency of arterial oxygen
carrier of respiratory gases (O2 and CO2)
3 diseases that require use of oxygen therapy
pneumonia, COPD, Cardiovascular disease
fluid in alveoli, decreased gas exchange
CO2 retention and decreased O2
Cardiovascular disease
decreased CO, decreased oxygen to tissues and cells
What percentage of oxygen is room air
Normal range for pH?
Normal range for Pco2
35-45 mmHg
Normal range for HCO3
Dont do arterial blood gases if
no palpable pule, cellulitis or open infection, no ulnar artery, AV fistula, severe coagulopathy
Increased levels of hemoglobin
1. Erythrocytosis 2. congenital heart disease 3. COPD 4. Polycythemia vera 5. Severe dehydration
Decreased levels of hemoglobin
1. anemia 2. hemoglobinopathy 3. cirrhosis 4. Hemolytic anemia 5. hemorrhage 6. dietary deficiency 7. bone marrow failure . normal pregnancy
indirect measure of red blood cell number and volume
Hematocrit used for
evaluated pt with bleeding or who is anemic
What are the six rights of medication
1. Right patient
2. Right drug
3. Right route
4. Right time
5. Right documentation
6. right dose
obtained by dissolving powder in h20/alchol and allowed to evaporate
suspension of mixed oils
ointment like calamine lotion
WhaT does nitro do as sideeffect
drop bp and ha
26gauge, 1 cm needle
25 gauge 1.3 – 1.6 cm needle
Therapeutic effect
intended effect
side effect
may be harmless or cause injury
Idiosyncratic rxn
something totally didnt expect
Paradoxical rxn
does exact opposite of what supposed to do
Unit dose system
minimizes drug dosage errors
Metered dose inhalers
Nebulized drugs
add diluent to medication, placed in reservoir
Sites for IM on infants
vastus lateralis
Sites for im on toddlers
vastus lateralis, ventrolgluteal, deltoid
Children site IM
deltoid or ventrogluteal
Adult site IM
ventrogluteal or deltoid
IM deltoid
small volume <2mL. immunizations