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82 Cards in this Set

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Frameworks for mapping business models (9):
1. Value proposition
2. Customer segments
3. Distribution channels
4. Customer relationship
5. Revenue stream
6. Core capabilities
7. Activity configuration
8. Partner network
9. Cost structure
Elevator pitch
Statement of solutions that company/product can provide to particular segments and reason why the product/company is superior to other brand

Use simple words so everyone can understand
Structure of business pitch:
1. Elevator pitch
2. The problem statement
3. Your solution
4. Market size
5. Business model (revenue model)
6. Proprietary tech/Expertise
7. Competition
8. Team/hires - HR matters
Methods of estimating market size:
1. Top down --> from existing data/reports
2. Bottom up --> requires calculation --> based on transaction size, number of possible customers and frequency of transactions
Lists of business model:
1. Subscription access
2. E-Commerce
3. Digital goods
4. Advertising - CPM
5. Advertising - CPC
6. Freemium
7. Brokerage
8. Affiliate - CPA
9. Sponsorship of whole website section (i.e on NY Times/Finance)
What is subscription access?
Pay fee to access documents/file for a period of time
What is E-Commerce?
Selling physical goods/services online
What is digital goods?
Selling products that are digital. Ex.: eBooks, online games
What is Advertising CPM?
Indirect business model where company pays for website owners a fee (per mille - based on amount of exposure to thousand of viewers) to display ads on their website.
Website owners can have their own ads server or utilize Google AdSense by paying a fee to Google.
What is Advertising CPC?
Cost per click advertising. Company pays to website owners a fee to display ads on their website, fee is calculated based on click-through amount.
What is sponsorship of site section?
Company can choose to pay a fixed fee to website owner in order to display ads on a particular section of a website (i.e NY Times/Finance)
What is Affiliate revenue model?
A company pays an affiliate based on their customer acquisition skill (cost-per-acquisition).
Terms of acquisition is per-specified (might be click = CPC, sign up...)
What is Freemium?
A direct business model where core product functions are free and provide a possibility to have additional functions at premium fee.
Ex. LinkedIn, Ebay
What is Brokerage?
Charge people to make transactions between themselves. We are intermediary
Ex.: Alibaba, eBay
What is business model?
A method by which a firm generates revenue by offering customers better value than its competitors
Types of business models:
1. Symmetric = revenue is received from selling product
2. Asymmetric = revenue is received from being an intermediary (companies want to target our website users through us)
What influences Internet Marketing strategy?
1. Corporate objectives and strategy
2. Marketing strategy in general
3. Market structure and demand
4. Competitors' strategies
5. Emerging opportunities and threats
Product in Internet Marketing:
5 important features of product: attributes, brand, labeling, packaging and support service

Product must be able to create a sustainable competitive advantage. Internet marketing removes limited shelf-space problem, giving more opportunities for small businesses.
Product value rules:
1. Customers' perception is the most important --> research/analyze customer needs
2. Value involves expectations
Price in Internet Marketing
Internet provides transparency in price --> give consumers' more power
Internet Marketing benefits + costs:
Benefits: fast, convenient, one-stop shopping, auto customer service, lower distribution cost, low overhead, self-service saves time and money

Costs: shipping/distribution cost, customer-acquisition-cost are high, website set up
Promotion in Internet Marketing:
1. Place ads on the Internet to pull people
2. Give right incentives to capture targeted customers to make purchase/convert (i.e don't giveaway iPad as prize if you are a tourguide company --> attract wrong segments who just want the prize)
3. Make brand go viral --> give people reason to share
What is Lean Start Up Idea?
Leas Startup based on the business-hypothesis-testing experiment which states that a company should test the core idea before developing other features in order to avoid waste of time and resources
What is pivot?
Pivot is the idea that is in right direction but has not been properly define to monetize in the market
Importance of website:
1. Signal trust (social proof) --> Good-designed website is a good indication of credibility
2. Provide information
3. Signal of brand image/personality
Psychology of pricing design:
1. Price anchoring: make very expensive option to make other options cheaper
2. Per month (day) vs per year - more frequent pricing looks cheaper (1$/days vs 365$/year)
3. Bundling pricing
Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organisation:
1. Similarity
2. Proximity
3. Continuity
4. Closure
5. Common Fate
6. Figure/Ground
7. Symmetry
Principles of Web Design:
1. Consistency
2. Typography
3. Portability
4. Speed
5. Content
6. Accessibility
7. Technology
8. Interaction
Consistency in Web Design
1. Follow style guide
2. Consistency should be in all communication channels
3. Don't make consumers feel loss in your website
Typography in Web Design
1. No long lines
2. Web fonts are important
3. Use serifs fonts if required print out
Portability in Web Design
1. Have responsive web design that "fit" all electronic devices
2. Give people smth to takeaway with them --> strengthen the relationship with customers
Ex. free app, mobile website, downloadable PDF
Speed in Web Design
Technically cannot load by more than 2secs
Content in Web Design
1. Post relevant content
2. Update regularly
3. Use Web Content Management System
Golden Rectangle Rule:
Size and proportion of content should be congruent with website --> should be easy to scan
Accessibility in Web Design
1. Quality HTML --> Should work on any device and browser
2. Help in enhancing SEO
Interaction in Web Design
Let visitors participate through feedback/review/comments
What is call to actions?
Image or text that attract a person to perform some type of behavior
Goal is to drive traffic to landing page where more information is given in order for lead to final conversion
Tips for CTA placement:
1. Make it clear
2. Make it stand out - use contrast and designing tips
3. Action oriented - "Click here to download free trial"
4. Give reason to click on CTA
5. Keep it above the fold
6. Use social proof to your advantage (customer portfolio, figures, rankings)
7. Every page should include CTA
Misconceptions on Site Design
1. People read --> Follow F-form
2. More choices and features are better
3. Icons enhance usability
4. Stock photos make website look more professional
5. Design has to be original
6. All pages need to be accessible within 3 clicks
How can we execute direct emails campaign?
1. Know current market segments
2. Get more information to target more finely (i.e with advertising on social media)
3. Implement targeted messaging: relevancy is a key (know what each group of customers want to hear from us), cross-selling opportunities, keep customers engaged (competition, events)
4. Measure: ROI, CTR (use MailChimp)
Types of Emails:
1. Email Newsletter (preferably monthly)
2. Dedicated Email
3. Transactional Email
Adv. & Disadv. of Email Newsletter?
Adv.: good for building brand equity, drive website traffic, keep people reminded
Disadv.: diluted call to action, more complicated design
Adv. of Dedicated Email?
Adv.: easier to build, focus on call to action, fast to measure
Steps in setting up an email:
1. Determine the Goal
2. Form name & email address
3. Subject Line should be a hook
4. Email Body
5. Send the email
6. Listen and respond
7. Measure
How to determine the goal in setting up email?
1. Have specific goals (give information, increase subscription rate/event attendance)
2. Prioritize the goals for relevancy
3. Set expectations: what will they expect from us when opt-in for email/mobile alerts
4. Privacy non-disclosure statement
Rules in forming name & email address:
1. Email address should be personalized (bcoker@...)
2. Avoid noreply@, sales@...
Rule in Subject Line:
1. Short and to the point
2. Give good reason to open the email
Rules in Email Body:
1. Include only information to achieve your goal
2. Have 3-4 links to your landing page
3. Choose between HTML email (more visual richness) and Plain text email (more likely to be seen as non-spam)
4. Address receiver by name
5. Have signature
6. Must have "Unsubscribe" link
Death traps in email marketing:
1. Misspelled or wrong name
2. Obvious fake emails with inconsistent spaces and caps
3. Pushy/spammy subject line
What to include in Modular Design email?
1. Forward for a friend
2. Incentives
3. Offer to connect
4. Consistency (look like a landing page, no surprises)
5. Call to action (for each module)
6. Modular
7. Demand triggered (based on previous behaviors)
8. Segmented offers
9. Share buttons
10. Opt-out
What is A/B testing?
A business-hypothesis-testing experiment. Version A vs version B --> measure to see what works better
Can test everything in the email: call to action (font, size, color), headline/product description...
Rules in listen and respond:
1. Make sure someone can respond (not from noreply, unless it is automated confirmation)
2. Don't take too long to respond
Metrics for email marketing:
1. Bounce rate (soft/hard)
2. Delivery rate
3. CTR
4. Sharing
5. Conversion rate
6. Revenue per email
7. Open rate (with loaded picture)
8. Unsubscribe rate

Use MailChimp!
Good practice in Email marketing:
1. Regular maintenance: cleaning/update customers' information
2. Double opt-in
3. Offer good reason to join your list
4. A/B testing
Australian Law Regulation:
1. All commercial electronic messages must be sent with express or inferred consent of the recipient
2. Must have accurate information about sender
3. Have function to unsubscribe

Some organizations are exempt: governmental bodies, charities, religious organizations...
Mobile Marketing Opportunities:
1. Everyone is on mobile - 24/7
2. Phone is used in all stages of purchase decision process
3. Reduce targeting error --> no one shares their phone
4. Know their phone number --> send private targeted messaging
5. Location awareness
Advantages of Responsive Design:
1. Website looks like app
2. Can be use on non-smartphone
3. Less costly than app
4. Easier to update (don't need Apple/Google approval)
5. Can make use of SEO
Advantages of native mobile apps:
1. Greater personalisation
2. Faster data transfer
3. Can access information on your phone
Rules for mobile design:
Design based on customers' goals of using website/app (get information, search for address, check price...)
1. Keep simple
2. Don't use flash
3. Update regularly
4. Test on multiple device
5. Install redirect sniffer
6. Heavy branding
7. Inbound link with SMS campaigns
Steps in developing personas:
1. Background information
2. Demographics
3. Identifiers
4. Goals
5. Challenges
6. How we can help
7. Real quotes on problems they have
8. Common objections
9. Marketing message
10. Elevator pitch
Steps in organizing content:
1. Content audit: date, type of content (webminar, social media...), topic, metrics to measure and persona
2. Match content to purchase decision process (awareness --> search --> evaluate --> transact)
Topics of content:
1. How-to content
2. Save time/energy (evergreens)
3. News articles
4. Repurposed - content is used but transformed into different type (from webminar to social media)
5. Original research
How to get people to talk about?
1. Ask question
2. Being controversial
3. Original content
How to develop a schedule?
1. Find out what your target audience is interested in
2. Develop a plan - spreadsheet/content audit
3. Measure and evaluate: likes/comments/retweets/mentioned/follows/pins...
Types of Internet Advertising:
1. Pay per click (PPC): pay when click on ad
2. Sponsorship ads: pay website to display ad that redirect or pay affiliate to talk about your brand
3. Online directories
4. Pop-ups
5. Interstitial adverts - modern pop-up, advertisement prior entering the website
6. Unicast ads - TV commercial runs in browser
Keywords match types:
1. Exact match
2. Phrase match
3. Broad match
4. Negative match: don't show under this keywords
1. Impressions
2. Spend: cost of campaign
3. Conversion
4. CPA - cost per each acquisition
5. CTR - % of impressions turn into clicks
6. CPC
Types of Internet Marketing:
1. Demographics
2. Context
3. Behavioural
4. Retargeting
Advantages of social media:
1. Cheap for reaching more people
2. Increase trust and build relationship
3. Great research/measurement tool
4. Enhance customer service: cheap and prompt
5. Improve internal communications
Why people visit LinkedIn?
1. Network - build connection
2. Learn - stay on top of industry trends and become an "expert"
3. Research products and competitors
4. Explore employment opportunity
How to maximise relevancy?
1. Post targeted contents/updates (use targeting specs of social media vehicle)
2. Monitor viewers searching behavior/analyze customers' feedback/comments to set up FAQs
3. Have a clear business description including keywords search terms to maximize SEO
4. Include employees in targeted updates
List 5 steps of setting up Social Media channel:
1. Establish presence
2. Attract followers
3. Engage followers
4. Amplify
5. Analyze and refine
Attract followers:
1. Leverage existing communities: get employees to like/follow, have social media address
2. Have share/like/follow button in all communication
3. Give them reason to follow/ offer value --> Have giveaways, sweepstakes, contest
4. Tap into existing customer base
Engage followers:
1. Post interesting and relevant updates
2. Be authentic and no hard sell
3. Keep it brief and punchy
4. Targeted contents/updates
5. Encourage staffs to participate in posting
Advantages of FB:
1. Finely segmented
2. Provide fast customer support
3. Raise awareness through engagement
4. Create traffic to your website
5. Allow to be creative with visual contents
Advantages of Twitter:
1. Improve customer service
2. Keep customers in touch with trends
3. Track competitors activities/their problems
Advantages of LinkedIn:
1. Industry/market/professionally segmented
2. Request recommendation as a form of social proof
3. Reach influential people in the industry
7 components of Google's ranking algorithm:
1. Authority of subject
2. Link popularity to specific page
3. Anchor text of external links to the page
4. On-page keywords usage
5. Registration + Hosting data
6. Traffic + CTR data
7. Social media buzz
How to set Authority of subject:
1. Keywords in body text
2. Keywords in internal links
3. Keywords in external links (anchor text)
4. # and quality of backlinks
5. Image count and keywords in alt
How to improve on-page technology:
1. Clear, simple and logical structure
2. No orphans page
3. Site speed
4. Breadcrumb navigation
5. Have neat URL
6. Include keywords in URL and domain
How Search engine work:
1, Spider crawls the web to find new pages/documents --> can tell Google how often you want spider to visit
2. Spider codes/updates your page/document into database
3. Use PageRank algorithm to decide where should it be placed in the search
Philosophy of PageRank:
Rank page based on probability that a person randomly surfing the Internet will find a given page
Importance is measured based on popularity