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15 Cards in this Set

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What is individualism

The prioritization or emphasis of the individual over the entire group,being independent instead of identifying with a group mentality. Worse than continent is more individualistic

What is collectivism

If it says in the needs and goals of the group as a whole over the needs and desires of each individual. Eastern continents are more collectivist

Individualism/collectivism in terms of marketing mix

Individualism is more of a hard sell collectivism uses more of a soft sell.

Individualism reduces the effect of public brand image, reduces effective customer satisfaction, reduce is effective relational switching, is more influential at the cultural

What is time orientation

Reflects a preference towards past present or future thinking. it affects how a culture values time and believes they can control it American culture focuses on the future

What are high and low context cultures

High context cultures are those that communicate in ways are implicit and rely heavily on context. Low context cultures rely on explicit verbal communication

What is power distance

The distribution of power and wealth between individuals in a business culture or Nation

What is globalization or customization pricing strategies

Altering the price of goods or services based on customer factors paired. Used by some organizations to appeal to the consumer by offering a low price based on their particular circumstance

What is product advertising campaigns

A coordinated series of clink advertisements with a single idea or theme

What is channel structures in marketing

the way which a network of participating intermediaries is constructed in the delivery chain to perform the required activities to achieve in organization distribution goals and objectives

What is cultural imperialism

how an audiology or way of life is exported from one country to another through movement of cultural goods. A major driver of cultural imperialism is globalization, large corporations who may have their base in United States

What is transfer pricing

Setting the price for goods and services sold between controlled legal entities with an Enterprise. For example a subsidiary company sells goods to a parent company, the cost of those goods paid by the parent to the subsidiary is the transfer price

What are gray markets

An unofficial market or trade and something, especially an issue cheers or control or scarce. Legal but unintended by the original manufacturer or trademark proprietor

What is dual distribution

describes a wide variety of marketing arrangements by which two men affected or wholesale uses more than one channel simultaneously to reach the end user

Describe localization in marketing

Localization is the process of adapting a product or content to specific local or market. Translation is one of several elements of the localization process in addition to translation the localization process may also include adapting graphics to Target markets

Ways of globalizing a brand

Build a strong consistent brand culture

Be boardless in your marketing

Picking the right market

Understand local and cultural nuances and adapt to them