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31 Cards in this Set

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the break in the West begins

in 15th century

development started since


cultural individualism

Values, practices, rules & social order that make the single person primary over family,ethnic, religious or other group.

legal impersonalism

Laws and procedures that apply in standard ways to all citizens,regardless of birth or status

Administrative proceduralism

Actions of public officials fully governed by clear, transparent written guidelines, limiting arbitrariness and abuse of power.

Money profit for own sake

as opposed to wealth for glory of god, for other religious purposes, to benefit divine ruler, or for pure pleasure.


system of production centered on individual ownership of private property & the accumulation of money profit as an end unto itself; associated with machine industrialization&with the rise of a money economy, wage labor, and the extraction of surplus value from labor.

Industrial revolution

Rapid transition to society in which bulk of economic activity & labor force devoted to the production of goods made with help of machines; sources of energy largely not animate; high levels of urbanization; rapid tech’l & labor specialization; class based social homogenization;consumerism.

ways of measuring development


Human Development Index measures: captures level of income, education and health


How to promote development


various kinds of organic solidarity


western model break away and isolate from exploitation by the west

adapt and innovate off the western model

Pathway to conventional development



industrial revolution



age of decolonization

conventional development 1950-2015


system of social, political and economic organization centered on the authority of decentralized, small-scale, localized territorial authority in hands of local rulers who owe allegiance to an overlord, provides protection to vassals and peasants below them, and receive fealty and material gain from these subordinates.

feudal social order(10th to 16th)

"corporate" groups

Status by inheritance

law of "household"

Peasant=near slave

trade restricted

system= slow to change


continually developing set of ideas about politics that helps us make sense of the many political questions that face us.

Classical conservatism

everyone in their place- in born status group

a god given order, a natural, organic order

some are born to rule.. others to cattle

state= arm of moral, divine rulership

solidarity, shared values

willingness to sacrifice for collective well being

order, stability, leadership


change filtered through culture, tradition, heritage and thus intentionally slowed

Individualistic materialism and liberalism upend the good social order, wisdom, grace, justice, tasteful aesthetics; mixes that which should not be mixed (different ranks of people; order begets solidarity and shared sacrifice

Key social unit: status group.

Structure of society: Vertical hierarchy of status groups

nature of authority: religious, or traditional

role of state in society: extensive instill and maintain order

role of moral order

emergence of bourgeoisie

1650-1850- increased urbanization and trade, growth in feudal economy

ideology of classical liberalism

Not status groups, but the individual= primary

all people are free and equal individuals

all individuals have same inherent rights

politics and state exist to protect rights of individuals

state should be minimal, not do much more than that

radical human equality: smash the old order

french revolution


no person wasted, all fulfill maximum potential

entrepreneurship, capitalism


The primary focus is on the individual, equality, inherent rights, minimal state intervention.

key social unit: Individual

Structure of society: Horizontal equality of persons

Nature of authority: Contractual

Role of state in society: Minimal, arbitration and facilitation

Role of moral order: private matter

corn laws

feudal era price controls on staple food

maximum price for bread (corn=bread)

to protect poor, limit starvation

right to feed

favor market liberalization of bread price

Neo-Liberal model

structural adjustment program(SAPs) as conditions of loans, aid, debt refinancing

Structural adjustment programs

deregulate economy

privatize ownership of economy

reduce size of civil service

transfer "public goods provision" to private companies

open economy to foreign investment(tax and other incentives)

maintain labor discipline

aid for development goes around the state

neo- liberal model for development

1. must get institutions right- market based, private sector whenever possible

2. markets are most efficient way to allocate resources and make development decisions

3. role of public sector should be absolute minimum

4. public goods allocated by markets

5. poor governance= main cause of underdevelopment

6. market institutions must operate on international scale

7. a rising tide can life all boats

8. technological and cultural change flows from and follows institutional change

9. all actors are rational regardless of history and culture

10. cause of change and theory is clear

What do Classical Conservatives believe

1. Society has a natural status groups order

2. groups have rights and duties to each other

3. moral order to society, perhaps god-given

4. those fit to rule should rule, but should protect and care for lessers as if they were children

5. stat should uphold and promote that moral order

6. change should be incremental and guided

7. tradition is the ballast and must be preserved

8. liberty without objective or goal is anarchy

Classical Conservative Model of Development

1. Shared values based on tradition, heritage, and group identity are the foundation of a good society

2. good societies place leadership in the hands of people who, by birth or upbringing, are fit to rule and know how to rule.

3. there is a natural status group hierarchy

4. the natural hierarchy and order of society are organic, from nature, or from god.

5. people are imperfect and need the guidance of those with greater wisdom and experience.

6. good societies respect the long-received wisdom of a community

7. shared values, and respect for tradition and hierarchy are the bases of order.

8. order rooted in shared values, tradition and hierarchy ensure social solidarity, even in large complex societies

9. social solidarity is the bases for shared sacrifice, which is an important pathway to development

10. change can happen, but it must be built off of and respect tradition and heritage. avoid revolution and focus on reform.

two branches of socialism: Radical or revolutionary socialism

liberal/classical conservative order so entrenched and unjust, must be overthrown by any means available, include violence.

enemies: yes to capitalist system, but also lack of class consciousness, bargains, marginal social mobility, nationalism, imperialism, racism

two branches of socialism: democratic socialism

can use tools of the classical liberal order to build socialism

need only force classical liberals to see hypocrisy of their definition of people- leads to labor incorporation

socialism: state power

1. redistribute resources to invest in collective well being (highway, health care)

2. progressive taxation

3. protect weaker from stronger through regulation (child labor law)

4. "nationalize" key economic sectors

5. invest in broad based human capital development

6. Insulate public sphere (state) from private interests (those who have money)

Marxian Model

1. Modes of production- organized social arrangements of production

2. surplus values within capitalism= Labor value(LV)-Wage(W)

3. removing obstacles to mode of production progress.

4. the state, institutions and culture= result of infrastructure.

Modernization Model

1. Promote individualism: establish underlying culture and rights of classical liberalism. start with property rights. Remove obstacles to linear progress.

2. accumulate capital: investment, amass wealth to invest, inequality is necessary at first

3. get technology: tech innovation increases productivity and profits, leads to social change, public debt okay at first, will grow out of debt.

4. build right institutions: based on individual, rights, consent, respect property, equality

5. let state lead- development is a technical matter

6. westernize- get culture, loans, technology, institutions, follow from west

Welfare Paradox

before things get better, they have to get worse


Believes that 'the race' is rigged, there are unfair advantages from the beginning, and that no race is possible until there are gyms in every neighborhood with trainers for

everyone; circumstantial

key social unit: Economic class

structure of society: Vertical class hierarchy

nature of authority: extension of class power

role of state in society: extensive advance class interest and equality

role of moral order: derived from class consciousness