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39 Cards in this Set

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power and control exercised by a leading state over other states
balance of power
the power of one state or group of states is checked by the countervailing power of other states
society of states
an association of sovereign states based on their common interests, values, and norms
right of self defence
a states right to wage war in its own defence
the right of a political community or state to become a sovereign state
international society
an association of member states who not only interact across international borders but also share common purposes, organizations, and standards of conduct ; core value is political independence
Westphalian international society
3 principles: king is emperor in his own realm (sovereigns are subject to no higher political authority), ruler determines the religion, balance of power (to prevent any hegemon from rising above the rest
self determination
people should enjoy self-government over their own soverign nation-state; the right of a political community or state to become a sovereign state
sinatra doctrine
statement by soviet foreign ministry stating that the countries of easter europe were doing it their way; marked the end of the brezhnev doctrine and soviet hegemony in eastern europe
condition of a state being free of any higher authority; the state has supreme authority domestically and independence internationally
pax americana
global peace dictated by American power
policy of restructuring; gorbachev intended to modernize the soviet political and economic system
re-establishment of more friendly relations between the peoples republic of china and the US in the early 1970s
the "eastern policy" of the mid to late 1960s designed to develop relations between west germany and members of the warsaw pact
mutually assured destruction
condition on which both superpowers possessed the capacity to destroy one another even if they were attacked first
neoclassical realism
a version of realism that combines both structural factors such as the the distribution of power and unit-level factors such as the interests of states
organization established in 1949 consisting of 12 (eventually 16) countries from western europe and north america; included american commitment to defence of western europe
4 claims: citizens are juridicially equal and have equal rights to education, access to free press, and religious toleration, the legislative assembly of the state possesses only the authority granted by its people, whose basic rights it is not allowed to abuse, the right to own property including productive forces, economic exchange is mainly market driven and not one that is subordinate to bureaucratic regulation
"end of history"
famous phrase by fukuyama; one phase of history shaped by the antagonism between collectivism and individualism had come to an end leaving liberalism triumphant
failed state
a state that has collapsed and cannot provide for its citizens without help from outside and where the govt of the state has ceased to exist inside the territorial borders
relaxation of tensions between the east and west (Soviet-US lasted frome late 60s to late 70s and was characterized by negotiations and nuclear arms control agreements)
brezhnev doctrine
declaration in 1968 that stated members of the warsaw pact would enjoy limited soverignty in their political development ; used to justify the crushing of Czechoslovakia in 1968
truman doctrine
statement in 1947 by harry truman ; policy of the US to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures; intended to persuade congress to support greece and turkey; it also came to be the policy of containmnet of communism
melian dialogue
athens showed their power over melos and told the melians that they had to obey because they were more powerful than them and the stronger state could do what they wanted
"eastern question"
what to do about the decline of the ottoman empire
policy of greater openness; involving greater toleration of internal dissent and criticism
american political strategy for resisting soviet expansion; became a powerful factor for the relations between US and soviets for the next 40 years
policy of making concessions to an expandin state in hopes that it will appease its appetite; infamously associated with Chamberlain - their is peace in our time?- in the munich agreement of 1938
pursuit of national economic self-sufficiency - policy pursued by many states during depression to distance themselves from failing international market
collective security
the foundation principle of the league of nations; member states would take a threat on one member as a threat on all of them; league would respond to international law problems
14 points
Woodrow wilson's liberal views on how to create a peaceful world; a set of principles he wished peace would be constructed upon; promotes free trade and liberalized markets, soverignty of nations, new approach to diplomacy (open covenants), international organization based on collective security
german problem
unification of germany created a powerful sovereignty, center of europe now dominated by a vast state, huge unified population, rapid industrialization, capacity of outward expansion, other states went into alliances to counter their growing power
the doctrine of live let live between political communities or states
suzerain state
state which dominates and subordinates other neighboring states without taking them over
distinct type of political entity, which may or may not be a state, possessing both a home territory and a foreign one
the practice of foreign conquest and rule in the context of global relations of hierarchy amd subordination; can lead to establishment of an empire
total war
term given to the two world wars to denote global scale but also the combatants pursuit of their opponents' unconditional surrender; also the mobilization of whole populations
revolutionary upheavals during the 1970s
cambodia, vietnam, afghanistan, iran, grenada, nicarauga
arms control
limited test ban treaty (bans atmospheric, underwater, outer space tests, nuclear non-proliferation treaty (limits spread of nuclear weapons),salt I (limits strategic arms), biological weapons convention (bans production/use)