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22 Cards in this Set

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The Global Civil Society
-International Organizations (IOs): state membership.
-Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): established by individuals, non-profit.
-Multi-National Corporations (MNCs): for profit.
-Organized Crime Groups: violence for profit
-Terrorist Groups: NGO with suicide vests.
Legitimate Non-State Actors, 1939
-IOs: League of Nations.
-NGOs: same
-MNCs: the beginnings
-Why the Change?: WW1
US Absence
Reasons: keeping out of wars.
Implications: not legitimate, weak.
Non-State Actors, Today
IOs: UN, EU, and all the rest of it.
NGOs: ditto
MNCs: yup
How to avoid World War III
-Realists: hegemonic stability. Nuclear weapons.
-Liberals: more stop signs, please.
-Radicals: LET IT COME.
-Constructivists: promote peaceful norms of interaction.
Functions in the International System
-IOs: makes rules, gets states to talk to one another.
-NGOs: early warning system.
-MNCs: interdependence.
-Overarching Objective: foster peace, security, democracy, and development.
Authority and Influence
-IOs: reputation and legitimacy that accrues to the state.
-NGOs: mobilizing public or international opinion against the state.
-MNCs: promotion of econ development.
NGO Controversies
-Governance: “democratic deficit”
-Representativeness: sources of $$$
-Funding: citizens; MNCs; governments.
-Origin: developed countries.
Issue-oriented NGOs
-Democracy and Human rights
-Humanitarian aid
-Environmental issues
NGO Human Rights Involvement
-Host government reaction: CIA front.
-Effect on domestic human rights movement: undermines the legitimacy of the entire cause.
Humanitarian Crisis in an Authoritarian State
-Not participate: people die
-Participate: prolonging the life of an authoritarian regime.
US-occupied Iraq and Afghanistan Humanitarian Relief
-Not participate: nationbuilding might fail.
-Participate: become an extension of US foreign policy.
Why is environmentalism controversial in the developing world?
-NGO Priorities: environmentalism
-Developing State Priorities:economic development FIRST
UN Mission
Promote cooperation
Economic development
Humanitarian issues
UN Assumptions
-UNSC Permanent Members: France; Russia, China, US, UK.
-“Get out of war free” Card: P5, against own client states.
-Implications: “concert of great powers”—but each has to equally powerful, no vacuum of power.
UN during the Cold War
Can do: “meals on wheels”
Can’t do: peace
What’s in it for US???
-Positives: spreading the cost of hegemony.
-Negatives: it does not endure.
UN, post-Cold War
-Can do: anything the US wants it to do.
-US Attitude: no check on US power, so do stuff unilaterally.
-Likely Consequences: hegemonic burden becomes greater.
Looming Irrelevance???
in un
Major Powers, 1945: P5
Major Powers, 2010: China; EU?;India; Brazil; Japan, Germany, South Korea,
Why the lag?: dilution of power; regional rivalries.
Consequences: irrelevance? League of Nations?
Evolution of the International System
-Medieval/Renaissance: contested sovereignty (church-state).
-Enlightenment through early 20th century: the sovereign state (the Westphalian system).
-Late 20th century: post-Westphalian system. Limited sovereignty.
Possible Futures of the International System
-Breakdown—sovereign states.
-End of the world.
-No change.
World Government—if current institutions fail.
Back to the 19th century. Very unlikely—immense problems associated with pure state sovereignty.

Status quo, but hegemonic rotation.
Nightmare Scenarios
Failure of globalization
Environment and resource depletion.
Natural disaster.
Hegemonic failure.