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23 Cards in this Set

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the set of values, beliefs, rules, and institutions held by a specific group of people.
the belief that one's own ethnic group or culture is superior to that of others.
cultural literacy
detailed knowledge about a culture that enables a person to function effectively within it.
a group of people who share a unique way of life within a larger, dominant culture.
imagery evoked by certain expressions, and the symbolism of certain colors.
positive or negative evaluations, feelings, and tendencies that individuals harbor toward objects or concepts.
cultural trait
anything that represents a culture's way of life, including gestures, material objects, traditions, and concepts.
cultural imperialism
the replacement of one culture's traditions, folk heroes, and artifacts with substitutes from another.
appropriate ways of behaving, speaking, and dressing in a culture.
when habits or ways of behaving in specific circumstances are passed down through generations.
folk custom
behavior, often dating back several generations, that is practiced by a homogeneous group of people.
popular custom
behavior shared by a heterogeneous group of several groups.
social stratification
the process of ranking people into social layers or classes.
social mobility
the ease with which individuals can move up or down a culture's "social ladder".
caste system
a system of social stratification in which people are born into a social ranking, or caste, with no opportunity for social mobility.
class system
a system of social stratification in which personal ability and actions determine social status and mobility.
conveys feelings, thoughts, knowledge, and information through speech, actions, and writing.
body language
communicates through unspoken cues, hand gestures, facial expressions, physical greetings, eye contact, and the manipulation of personal space.
lingua franca
a third or "link" link language that is understood by two parties who speak different native languages.
brain drain
the departure of highly educated people from one profession, geographic region, or nation to another.
all the physical features that characterize the surface of a geographic region.
material culture
all the technology used in a culture to manufacture goods and provide services.
Hofstede Framework
o individualism vs collectivism - identifies the extent to which a culture emphasizes the indivudal versus the group
o power distance - conveys the degree to which a culture accepts social inequality among its people
o uncertainty avoidance - identifies the extent to which a culture avoids uncertainty and ambiguity
o achievement vs nurturing - captures the extent to which a culture emphasizes personal achievement and materialism versus relationships and quaility of life