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70 Cards in this Set

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process that maintains various physiological states within a fixed range
set point
a specific value of an internal state that the body defends
set point can be compared to a
thermostat setting
flow of set point
air temp-->temp. sensor-->compare with thermostat setting -->heat a/c
body water content
between 45%-70% of the body is water (varies across individuals) individuals with more fat have less water
distribution of body water
1/3 extracellular; 2/3 intracellular
in osmosis water moves
across cell membrane from an area of low solute concentration to an area of high solute concentration
occurs until the concentration of dissolved particles in the intracellular and extracellular fluid are equal
the intracellular and extracellular particles are referred to as
what is the normal concentration of dissolved particles in the intracellular and extracellular fluids
~300 mM
300 mM, normal concentration of solute in extracellular and intracellular fluid
<300 mM, less than normal concentration of solute in extracellular and intracellular fluid
>300 mM, greater than normal concentration of solute in extracellular and intracellular fluid
ingestion of water: ECF volume and ICF volume?
ECF increase ICF increase
Hypertonic NaCl: ECF volume and ICF volume?
ECF increase ICF decrease
hemorrhage ECF volume and ICF volume?
ECF decrease ICF no change
IV isotonic NaCl ECF volume and ICF volume?
ECF increase ICF no change
water deprivation ECF volume and ICF volume?
ECF decrease ICF decrease
two mechanisms for thirst
osmotic thirst, hypovolemic thirst
osmotic thirst is caused
when solute concentration in ECF increases
when ECF increases (causing osmotic thirst)
the ICF volume decreases causing cells to shrink
during osmotic thirst, osmoreceptor neurons
especially in the organum vaculosum of the laminae terminalis (OVLT), respond
osmoreceptors in the OVLT stimulate neurons in the
paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and the supraoptic nucleus (SON) to release vasopressin (also known as antidiuretic hormone (ADH)) in the circulation of the posterior pituitary
in osmotic thirst, circuits controlling drinking behavior are
stimulated and ADH causes kidneys to reabsorb water
Hypovolemic thirst is caused by
loss of both solutes and water from ECF
hypovolemic thirst causes
blood pressure to drop
blood pressure change is sensed by
baroreceptors in several parts of the body; kidney, aorta, heart
change in [Na+] is sensed in
the kidney
baroreceptors in the heart and aorta
send input to the brain through glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves
hypovolemic thirst flow chart
stimulus for osmotic thirst
high solute concentration outside cells causes loss of water from cells
osmotic thirst is best relieved by
drinking water
receptor location for osmotic thirst
OVLT, a brain area adjoining the third ventricle
hormone influence for osmotic thirst
accompanied by vasopressin secretion to conserve water
stimulus for hypovolemic thirst
low blood volume
hypovolemic thirst is best relieved by
water containing solutes
receptor location for hypovolemic thirst
1. receptors measuring blood pressure in the veins 2. subfornical organ, a brain area adjoining the third ventricle
hormone influences of hypovolemic thirst
increased by angiontensin II
most mammals eat in discrete bouts called
oral factors
the taste, smell, texture, and temp of the food can promote or discourage feeding
oral factors include
sham feeding and sensory specific satiety
sham feeding
the food, after being eaten, does not enter the stomach, but issues from a gastric fistula, the chewing and swallowing of food causes an abundant secretion of gastric juices
the stomach; excitatory
grehlin is an orexigenic hormone that is released by a subset of cells lining the stomach. Its circulating blood levels increase with fasting and decrease after a meal
the stomach; inhibitory
gastric filling stretched the stomach and activates sensory receptors in the stomach wall and these signals are transmitted to the brain through two routes: vagus nerve and splanphic nerves (spinal)
what are intestinal factors?
the intestines appear to be sensitive to stretch and has chemoreceptors as well. it transmits these signals through the vagus and splanchnic nerves; cck
cholecystokinin (CCK) is a
hormone released by duodenal cells that close the pyloric sphincter between the stomach and the intestines and stimulates receptors on the vagus nerve
CCK does not
cross blood-brain barrier, but some brain neurons responsive to neural signals from the intestines release CCK. Thus, brain CCK seems to be involved in the regulation of food intake just like intestinal CCK is.
Postabsorbtive factors are
fast and complex carbs are broken down into fatty acids and simple monosaccharides in the gut and then are absorbed through the wall of the intestines into the circulation where they can contact a variety of tissues and endocrine glands
examples of postabsorptive factors
liver (glycogenolysis, glycogenesis), pancreas (glucagon, insulin), adipocytes (leptin)
what is leptin
an anorexigenic hormone released by adipose tissue in proportion to fat mass.
insulin flowchart
glucagon flowchart
central feeding circuits are based on
lesion data (early views)
central feeding circuits include
ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH)="satiety center"
lateral hypothalamus (LH)="hunger center"
central feeding circuits flowchart
lateral hypothalamus lesions cause
sensory-motor neglect and some of the feeding and drinking deficits might be secondary
damage to the dopaminergic systems systems
sending fiber tracts that course through the LH can cause similar effects (however, fiber-sparing lesions of cells bodies are also effective)
LH lesions cause a decrease in
insulin. thus, some of the weight loss may be secondary to this hormonal effect.
Ventromedial hypothalmic lesions cause
metabolic disturbances including increases in circulating insulin. in fact, VMHX rats will still gain weight even if their food intake is restricted.
damage to VMH must be large
usually including areas surrounding the VMH, to produce consist effects
damage to fiber tracts passing through the area,
such as the ventral noradrenergic bundle, can also lead to the effects on feeding and weight gain
rats with VMH lesions will not
overeat all food. They eat less of unpalatable foods than control animals do. Thus, it is not as thought VMHX rats are "so they will eat anything"
how is the preoptic area of the hypothalamus effected by lesions
deficit in physiological mechanisms of temperature regulation
how is the lateral preoptic area of the hypothalamus effected by lesions
deficit in osmotic thirst due partly to damage to cells and partly to interruption of passing axons
how is the lateral hypothalamus area of the hypothalamus effected by lesions
undereating, weight loss, low insulin level (bc of damage to cell bodies); underarousal, underresponsiveness (because of damage to passing axons)
how is the ventromedial hypothalamus area of the hypothalamus effected by lesions
increased meal frequency, weight gain, high insulin level
how is the paraventricular nucleus area of the hypothalamus effected by lesions
increased meal size, especially increased carb intake during the first meal of the active period of the day
hypothalmic involvement in feeding: despite the caeats associated with the early oversimplified views of the LH and VMH, it is clear that these and other areas of the hypothalamus (PVN, arcuate nucleus) play a
significant role in feeding and energy regulation
there are a variety of neuropeptides and neuropeptide receptors found in
neurons of the hypothalamus that are known to be involved in increasing or decreasing feeding
memorize chart