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48 Cards in this Set

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Clear Stomach Heat
Shi Gao, Huang Lian, Zhi Mu, Lu Gen, Zhi Zi
Activate Spleen (Aromatic) and Transform Damp
Sha Ren, Bai Dou Kou, Hou Po, Cang Zhu, Ban Xia
Regulate Qi and Harmonize Stomach
Chen Pi, Bai Dou Kou, Sha Ren, Ban XIa, Mu Xiang
Harmonize Stomach and Descend Rebellious Qi
Ding Xiang, Shi Di, Sheng Jiang, Chen Pi, Ban Xia
Sx: Cold/flu type symptoms, sudden severe diarrhea, abdominal pain Gurgling, reduced appetite, n/v, head/bodyache, sneezing, not much cough
T: white greasy coat
P: soggy, superficial, leisurly
D: External Pahogens
TxP: relax surface, transform damp aromatically, regulate qi, stop diarrhea
Rx: Hou Xiang Zheng Qi Tang
Sx: acute intense diarrhea or after diarrhea patient doesn't feel release, abdominal pain, stool is runny/strong/smelly/yellow/brown, burning anus, dark scanty urine
T: red-greasy, yellow coat
P: slippery, rapid
D: Damp Heat Diarrhea
TxP: clear and transform damp heat, reg qi, stop diarrhea
Rx: Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang
Sx: Acute diarrhea with foul smell, abdominal bloating/pain, gas, after diarrhea patient feels better (released) belching, sour regurgitation
T: Turbid, gross, thick, greasy coat
P: Slippery
D: Food Retention Diarrhea
Txp: Remove food stagnation, harmonize St/intestines, stop diarrhea
Rx: Bao He Wan
Sx: Abdominal cramps with diarrhea, borborgymus (wind), diarrhea triggered by emotional stress, belching, sighs a lot, chest congestion
T: non-specific
P: wiry
D: Liver Qi attack Sp
TxP: soften Liver, strengthen Sp, stop diarrhea
Rx: Tong Xie Yao Fang
Sx: more chronic, comes and goes, loose stools (sometimes diarrhea), abdominal bloating, poor appetite, Sp xu complexion (yellow/sallow), weak muscles, fatigue
T: pale-white coat
P: weak, thready (esp. Sp/St)
D: Sp/St Qi Xu type Diarrhea
TxP: tonify Sp/St ascend pure, stop diarrhea
Rx: Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
Sx: early morning diarrhea, intestinal gurgling, abdominal pain/cramps, cold body temp, pale complexion, tired, weak/sore low back
T: puffy, pale-white coat
P: deep, thready, forceless
D: Kidney Yang Xu
TxP: warm and tonify Kd/Sp, consolidate and astringe the essence, stop diarrhea
Rx: Si Shen Wan
Sx: acute vomiting (w/diarrhea), chills fever, head/bodyaches, heavy sensation, abdominal fullness/congestion
T: white, sl greasy coat
P: Soggy
D: External Evil Attack St
TxP: release surface, harmonize St, use aromatic herbs to transform turbid energy
Rx: Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
Sx: vomiting/belching/diarrhea/gas (foul/sour), aversion to food, loss of appetite, abdominal fullness/pain
T: looks gross, dirty - thick greasy coat
P: Shi, full , slippery
D: Food Retention
TxP: trxfm (remove) food stagnation, harmonize st, descend reb. qi
Rx: Bao He Wan
Sx: emotionally depressed, intermittent vomiting, acid regurgitation, belching, chest/costal/epigastric fullnss/pain, induced by emotional stress
T: non-specific, sl red on edges - sl white coat
P: wiry, esp guan positions
D: Liv QI Attack Sp
TxP: soothe liver, harmonize st, descend reb qi, stop vomiting
Rx: Zuo Jin Wan
Sx: fever, very irritable, delerium, abdominal fullness/congestion/pain, constipation, dislikes pressure, severe/intense/loud vomiting, vomitus doesn't stop
T: red - yellow, dry thick coat
P: rapid, forceful or slippery
D: Yang Ming Accumulating Heat
TxP: purge Yang Ming accumulating heat, harmonize st, stop vomiting
Rx: Cheng Qi Tang
Sx: vomiting, abd. bloating/pain, cold sensation, prefers warmth, pale complextion, tired/fatigue, cold limbs, reduced appetite, loose stool, prone to diarrhea,
T: puffy, pale, white coat
P: Weak, soggy
D: St/Sp xu Cold (Chronic)
TxP: warm Middle, strengthen sp, harmonize st, descend reb qi
Rx: Li Zhong Wan
Sx: frequent recurrent vomiting (w/dry heaves), dry throat/mouth/lips, hungry but does not want to eat
T: red, dry cracked - sl coat or peeled
P: thready, rapid
D: St Yin Insufficiency
TxP: nourish St, generate Jin, harmonize St, stop vomiting
Rx: Mai Men Dong Tang
Sx: Dry Hard Stool, reduced frequency of BM (every 2-3 days), difficulty moving bowel, scanty/dark urine, flushed/red face, abd. bloating/fullness/pain, dislikes pressure, lots of gas with bad smell, thirsty, dry mouth, bad breath
T: red - dry, yellow, coat
P: slippery with force, or rapid
D: Heat Accumulating in Yang Ming Channel (heat constipation)
TxP: clear heat, moisten intestines, open bowel
Rx: Ma Zi Ren Tang
Sx: constipation, px has urge but difficult to move bowels, frequent belching, chest/costal fullness/congestion, abd. distension/pain, accompanies emotional stress
T: non-specific, thin greasy coat
P: wiry, esp guan position
D: QI Stagnation Constipation
TxP: Move qi, open bowel
Rx: Liu Mo Tang
Sx: px have urge but can't pass bowel, SOB, sweats, stool not necessarily too hard/dry, exhausted after BM, pale complexion, fatigue, qi xu symptoms
T: pale sl. puffy, tender (fine)
P: thready, weak, empty
D: Qi Xu Constipation
TxP: tonify Qi, open bowel
Rx: Huang Qi Tang
Sx: dry stool, reduced frequency, difficult to pass, pale complexion, dizzy, xue xu symptoms, Ht palpitations, pale lips
T: pale
P: thready, choppy, hollow
D: Xue Xu Constipation
TxP: nourish blood, moisten intestines, open bowel
Rx: Run Chang Wan
Ping Wei San
cang zhu, hou po, chen pi, gan cao, sheng jiang, da zao
Ma Zi Ren Tang
Ma Ren, Zhi shi, hou po, da huang, xing ren, bai shao
Zhen Wu Tang
fu zi, bai zhu, fu ling, bai shao, sheng jiang
Tong Xie Yao Fang
Bai Zhu, Bai shao, chen pi, fang feng
Diarrhea Patterns
External Pathogens, Damp Heat Diarrhea, Food Retention Diarrhea, Liver Qi Attack St, Sp/St Qi Xu Type Diarrhea, Kidney Yang Xu
Dysentery Patterns
Damp Heat Dysentery, Cold Damp Dysentery, Yin Xu Dysentery, Intermittent Diarrhea
Warm Kidney - Tonify Kidney Yang
Fu Zi
Rou Gui
Lu Rong
Bai Ji Tian
Yin Yang Huo
Clear and Drain UB Damp Heat
Zhu Ling
Fu Ling
Ze Xie
Mu Tong
Tong Cao
Lin Syndrome Patterns
Heat Lin
Stone Lin
Qi Lin
Blood Lin
Cloudy Lin
Heat Lin
Ba Zheng San
Stone Lin
Rx; Shi Wei San
Qi Lin
Shi Type
Rx: Chen Xiang San
Qi Lin
Xu Type
Rx:Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Blood Lin
Shi Type
Rx: Xiao Ji Yin Zi
Blood Lin
Xu Type
Rx: Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
Cloudy Lin
Shi Type
Rx: Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin
Cloudy Lin
Xu Type
Rx: Gao Ling Tang
Low Back Pain
Cold Damp
Shen Zhuo Tang
Low Back Pain
Damp Heat
Si Miao Wan
Low back pain
Blood Stasis
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang
Low Back Pain
Kidney Xu
Liu Wie Di Huang Wan
Low Back Pain
Kidney Xu
Jin Gui Shen Qi Tang
You Gui Wan
Low Back Pain
Kidney Xu
Qing E Wan
Low Back Pain
Kidney Xu + WInd Cold Damp Bi + Xue Stagnation in back area
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang
Wind Edema
Yue Bi Tang
Sp Blocked by Damp
taken together
Wu Pi San, Wei Ling Tang
Ht Yang Xu (Exhausted)
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
Kidney Yang (Exhausted)
Zhen Wu Tang