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10 Cards in this Set

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Systolic Dysfunction in CHF
Decreased ejection fraction
1) Recent MI
2) Cardiomyopathy
3) Myocarditis
Diastolic Dysfunction in CHF
Impaired ventricular filling in diastole (impaired relaxation of Left ventricle
1) HTN --> myocardial hypertrophy
2) Valvular diseases (aortic stenosis, mitral stenosis, aortic regurg)
3) Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Symptoms of Left-Sided Heart Failure
1) Dyspnea - 2/2 pulmonary congestion
2) Orthopnea
3) Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea (PND)
5) CONFUSION & MEMORY IMPAIRMENT - 2/2 inadequate brain perfusion
6) Diaphoresis and cool extremities at rest
Signs of Left-Sided Heart Failure
1) Displaced PMI - 2/2 cardiomegaly
2) Pathologic S3
3) Pathologic S4
4) Crackles/rales at lung bases
5) Dullness to percussion and decreased tactile fremitus of lower lung fields - 2/2 pleural effusion
6) Increased intensity of pulmonic component of S2 - 2/2 pulmonary HTN
New York Heart Association (NYHA) Classification of CHF
NYHA Class I: Symptoms only with vigorous activity
NYHA Class II: Symptoms with prolonged or moderate exertion
NYHA Class III: Symptoms with activities of daily living (getting dressed)
NYHA Class IV: Symptoms at rest
Symptoms/Signs of Right-Sided Heart Failure
1) Peripheral pitting edema
2) Nocturia - 2/2 increased venous return with leg elevation
3) Jugular venous distention
4) Hepatomegaly/hepatojugular reflex
5) Ascities
6) Right ventricular heave
Diagnosis of CHF
1) CXR
2) Echocardiogram (systolic vs. diastolic dysfunction)
3) Radionuclide
ventriculography w/ technetium-99m
4) Cardiac catheterization (CAD as cause?)
5) Stress testing
Treatment of CHF
1) Sodium restriction: <4g/day
2) Diuretics
3) ACE Inhibitors (and ARBs)
4) Beta-blockers
5) Digitalis
6) Hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrates

*ACEIs REDUCE MORTALITY, prolong survival, and alleviate symptoms
*B-Blockers DECREASE MORTALITY in patients POST-MI heart failure
Which classes of heart failure show reduced morbidity and mortality with Spironolactone?
Class III and Class IV

*Contraindicated in renal failure
B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)
Released from ventricles in response to increased volume and pressure overload

*Levels >100pg/ml = decompensated CHF