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30 Cards in this Set

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Six Functions of the Integumentary System
1. Protection
2. Thermoregulation
3. Sensory
4. Metabolic Functions
5. Blood Reservoir
6. Excretion
Two Layers of Skin
Epidermis - epithelial tissue (superficial)
Dermis - connective tissue (deep)
Structure of Epidermis
Epithelial tissue
Stratified squamos
Structure of Dermis
Connective tissue (dense irregular)
Vascular supply to dermis
Four Types of Cells found in the Epidermis
1. Keratinocytes
2. Melanocytes
3. Langerhans cells
4. Merkel cells
Produce keratin and lamellar granules.
A tough fiberous protein that protects the skin.
Lamellar Granules
Oil for waterproof coating.
Produce melanin.
Dark, protective pigment that migrates into keratinocytes (makes the melanocyte vulnerable to UV damage. Hence, cancer-->melanoma.
Langerhans Cells
Migrate from bone marrow to epidermis. Involved in immune response "presents the invader"
Merkel Cells
Detect touch sensations. Deepest layer of epidermis. Associated with sensory neurons.
Five Layers of Epidermis
1. Stratum Basale
2. Stratum Spinosum
3. Stratum Granulosum
4. Stratum Lucidium
5. Stratum Corneum
Stratum Basale
1 layer attaches to basement membrane. Basically stem cell layer to produce new cells.
Stratum Spinosum
10 layers - "spiny" appearance
Stratum Granulosum
4 layers. Site of apoptosis and lamellar granules (waterproofing).
Statum Lucidium
4 layers. Clear, thick skin. Dead cells. Thick skin found on fingers, palms, and soles of feet.
Stratum Corneum
30 layers. Dead cells keratin/granules, no nuclei.
Epidermal Ridge
Purpose: grip
Genetically determined cell death. Programmed cell death as cells get further away from their blood supply.
Keratinization and Growth
1. Newly formed cells migrate toward the surface.
2. Cells accumulate more and nore keratin.
3. Apoptosis
4.Fully keratinized cells slough off (to prevent colonizing microbes).
Two Regions of the Dermis
1. Papillary Region
2. Reticular Region
Papillary Region
Blood vessels (vascular)
Superficial layer is loose areolar CT.
Dermal Papillae
Increased surface area. Contains vessels, nerve receptors
Reticular Region
Dense irregular CT for strength and elasticty.
Collagen and elastin fibers.
Basis of Skin Color
1. Melanin - yellow->black. Freckles, albinism.
2. Carotene - carrot; precursor of Vit. A
3. Hemoglobin - carries oxygen in RBCs
Functions of Hair
1. Thermoregulation - insulation
2. Protection - from UV
3. Senses light touch - touch receptors.
Anatomy of Hair
1. Keratin shaft - dead
2. Hair root - in dermis
3. hair follicle - surrounds root
4. bulb - in dermis
5. Matrix - in dermis
Hair Root Plexus
Touch neuron dendrites
Exocrine Glands
1. Cerumenous - ear wax
2. Sebaceous - oil (sebum)antibacterial
3. Sudoriferous - sweat. Eccrine (from birth for cooling)or Apocrine (puberty for musk)