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61 Cards in this Set

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List the layers of the Epidermis:
•Stratum Corneum
•Stratum Lucidum
•Stratum Granulosum
•Stratum Spinosum
•Stratum Basale
There are 5
Stratum Corneum
•outermost layers, thick, with 20-30 layers (All dead)
Stratum Lucidum
Thin & it's only in Thick Skin
Stratum Granulosum
Drastic changes; flat & dead keratinocytes
Stratum Spinosum
Stratum Basale
Deepest layer; firmly attached to dermis & constantly undergoes Mitosis
List the layers of the skin:
•Subcutaneous Tissue
There are 3
•Resists abrasion
•Reduce water loss
Outermost Region
Structural strength of the skin
Middle Region
Subcutaneous Tissue
Connects the skin to underlying muscle or bone
Deepest Region (Hypodermis)
List the cell types of the Epidermis:
•Merkel Cells
•Langerhans' Cells
There are 4
•Produce the fibrous protein keratin
•Most abundant cell type
•Produce the brown pigment melanin
Found in the deepest layers of the epidermis
Langerhans' Cells
Helps activate the immune system
Merkel Cells
Touch receptors in association with sensory nerve endings
An ingested plant pigment, and cause skin to appear a yellowish color
Ex: Eating to many carrots
Bile not excreted (Orange)
Liver problem
Addison Disease
Discoloration (MSH)
Pituitary Gland Problem
Loose melanosome
Increase of melanin in a specific area
No melanoma
Increased blood flow produce a red skin color
Decreases oxygen content in the blood results in a bluish color
List the layers of the Dermis:
•Papillary Layer
•Reticular Layer
Papillary Layer
Collagen and Elastic fibers
Areole Connective Tissue
Reticular Layer
Collagen fibers that add strength
Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
Dermal Papillae
Contains blood vessels that supply the overlying epidermis
Responsible for fingerprints and footprints
When the skin is overstretched and dermis ruptures and leave visible lines
Stretch marks
Subcutaneous Tissue
Not really part of the skin but is deep to the skin
Adipose and Areolar Connective Tissue
What are the effects of aging?
•Epidermis thins
•Decreased #'s of dendritic
•Reduces blood supply & elastic fibers
•Slower repair rate
An active inflammation of sebaceous glands
Holocrine Gland
Found all over the body except palms and soles of feet
Lanugo Hair
Fetal Hair
Velles Hair
Thick Hair
Terminal Hair
Gets thicker, but is thin
Ex: Baby
Different types of sweat glands:
There are 5
Merocrine Gland
Produces sweat to cool off the body
Apocrine Gland
Produces secretion that can break down bacteria to cause body odor
Found in the axillary and genital areas
Ceruminous Gland
Modified merocrine glands in external ear canal that secrete cerumen (ear wax)
Mammary Gland
Specialized sweat glands that secrete milk
An abnormal cell mass
Bengin Tumors
Neoplasm that is abnormal, but not cancerous
Malignant Tumors
A growth that doesn't have boundaries
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Can be removed; (Stratum Spinosum)
Most dangerous
Characteristics of Melanoma:
1st Degree Burn
•Only dermis damaged
-causes redness, swelling and burning (inflammation)
2nd Degree Burn
•Epidermis and upper regions damaged
-mimic first-degree burns and blisters
3rd Degree Burn
•Entire thickness of skin is damaged
•Burned area appears grayish white, cherry red or black there is no initial edema or pain
Nerve endings are destroyed
Vitamin D Production Pathway:
1) Skin
2) Liver
3) Kidney
4) Calciteol (Calcium)
Cause rickets if not enough
An albino individual lacks the ability to produce
Glands that discharge an oily secretion into hair follicles are __________ glands.
The _________ glands in the axilla become active at the time of puberty.
Apocrine Sweat
An important vitamin that is formed in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight is __________.
Vitamin D
When the arrector pili muscles contract, __________________________.
"Goose bumps" are formed.
The type of burn that may require a skin graft is ?
Third-degree burn
Cyanosis signifies that a patient________________.
Has oxygen-starved skin
A surgical incision parallel to the lines of cleavage________________.
Closes and heels with relatively little scarring.
While walking barefoot on the beach, Joe stepped on the board that penetrated through the soul of the split to the dermis. How many layers of Epidermis did the thorn penetrate?
The most common type of skin cancer is?
Basal Cell Carcinoma
_________ is a pigment found in vegetables that I can make the skin appear orange or yellow.