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159 Cards in this Set

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nutritional characteristic of grain germ:
antioxidants, vit E and B vits
nutritional characteristic of grain bran:
fiber, B vits and trace minerals
nutritional characteristic of grain endosperm:
carbs, protein
equation for GL:
GL = GI x carb content / 100
long term high GL diet causes:
hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hormonal and physiological changes, IR, certain cancers
acids ___ GI
fiber and protein ___ affect of high GI foods
5 nutrients for which Americans don't meet the RDA:
Ca, Mg, zinc, A, B6
net acid producing foods:
meat, dairy, fish, poultry, eggs, shellfish, cereal grains
net base producing foods:
nuts, fresh fruit, legumes, roots, mushrooms, veggies, leafy greens, plank stalks
foods high in K:
fruits and veggies
diseases associated with low fiber intake:
constipation, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, DVT, varicose veins, diverticulitis, hiatal hernia, GERD, CVD
this in pharmacological concentrations activate this gene
Resveratrol activates Sirtuins (SRT1)
3 leading causes of death:
CHD, malignant neoplasms, CVD
fatty fish intake; reduction in all-cause mortality and cardiac death
DART trial
Med. diet with canola oil (ALA); reduced CVD by 70% and cardiac mortality
Lyon Heart Trial
compared metformin (31%) with lifestyle changes (58%) in diabetes risk
Diabetes Prevention Trial
CAD reversal without meds; 10% fat diet, aerobic exercise, stress management, stop smoking, support
Intensive Lifestyle Program
doubles decrease in metabolic syndrome compared to normal:
Med diet + nuts
nuts components advantageous to decrease CV risk:
fiber, MUFA and PUFA, antioxidants, phytosterols, arginine, K, Ca, Mg, n-3 FAs, beta and gamma tocopherol
populations with lots of centenarians
Sardinia Italy, Okinawa Japan, CA 7th Day Adventists
these up regulate good pathways (increased insulin signaling and apoptosis)
rye-pasta diets
these up regulate inflammatory pathways
oat-wheat-potato diets
colorectal cancer is associated with intake of ____ due to high amounts of ______
high intake of red meat; heterocyclic amines
way to prepare broccoli to retain ____
steaming; phenolic compounds
4 Ps of chronic illness treatment:
Predictive, Personalized, Preemptive and Participatory
this percentage of Americans are obese:
> 25%
adipose tissue increases ___ and decreases ____
TNF; adiponectin
dose-dep relationship of pesticides and diabetes
National Health and Exam Survey
sugar cane contains:
fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins and trace elements
describe absorption of fructose from HFCS:
facilitated diffusion in small intestine, portal vein to liver, metabolized by fructokinase into fructose-1-phosphate; enter glycolytic path, FAs produced and exported as TG
risk of rickets:
<15 ng/mL
risk of bone loss, muscle pain, DM, depression, migraines, preeclampsia and back pain
<30 ng/mL
protective against breast cancer
>50 ng/mL
optimal vit D level
50-80 ng/mL
increased risk of vit D toxicity:
> 100 ng/mL
established risk factors for CVD:
age, gender, dyslipidemia, HTN, DM, smoking
novel risk factors for CVD:
endothelial function, oxidative stress, inflammation, thrombosis/coagulation, arrhythmia, other intermediary paths (stress)
golden rules of lifestyle changes:
exercise 30 min, eat fish/whole grain/legumes/fruit/veggie/nuts, eat small portions, avoid trans fat/sugary drinks/processed food, don't smoke
4 main excretion paths:
feces, urine, breath, sweat
4 major organs of detox:
liver, kidney, intestine, skin
this is needed to remove toxins via bile
acetylation used to detox:
sulfa drugs
glucuronidation used to detox:
Rx drugs, food additives
glutathione used to detox:
heavy metals, fat soluble toxins
methylation used to detox:
sulfation used to detox:
NTs, steroid and thyroid hormones, food additives, drugs and bacterial toxins
active component in milk thistle; it's actions
Silymarin; antioxidant, inhibit lipid peroxidation, enhance ribosome protein synthesis, liver regeneration and kidney damage protection
aims of DASH diet
decrease HTN and homocysteine level (high in B vits and folate)
low salt DASH diet is important for this:
decreasing bone turnover and stronger bones
independent risk factor for CVD:
types of omega-3s
omega-6 is precursor of
arachidonic acid and COX 2 pathway (inflammatory)
main enzyme for omega-6 and -3 cascades
delta-6 desaturase
IgE reaction; mins to hours, rash, anaphylaxis, enteropathy, proctitis
food allergy
IgG, hours to days
food intolerance
tests for food allergy dx:
DBPCFC; RAST, skin prick
tests for food intolerance
elim diet, IgG4 levels, applied kinesiology, patch test, ALCAT
cells important to antigen-presenting or tolerance:
GI epith cells, gut dendritic cells, 5 types of T-cells
increases leaky gut syndrome:
inflam, NSAIDs, microflora imbalance, disease, stress, developmental age, alcohol
these have direct effects on CNS of kids genetically predisposed to ADHD
tartrazine (yellow #5), benzoates, flutamate
triggers of atopic dermatitis:
egg, milk, peanut, tomato, soy, wheat
triggers of migraines
tyramine, nitrates, histamine, monosodium glutamate, aspartame
trigger for chronic middle ear congestion and otitis media
steps of elim diet:
plan, avoid, challenge, creation of long term plan
theories of aging:
cell doubling, telomere shortening, loss of VO2 max, CR, longevity genes, morphic response, allostatic load (McEwen)
rate of decline in optimal lifestye:
rate of decline in obese:
hyperglycemia leads to ____
protein cross linking
def in these 3 vits causes increased levels of homocysteine
B6, B12 and folate
increased cortisol causes:
impaired neuron connections, vascular inflam, atherosclerotic lesion, preferential abd fat deposition
protein hormone that signals satiety and is expressed in adipocytes
secreted by stomach and duodenum prior to eating, simulates appetite
pancreatic hormone that stimulates gluconeo and glycogenolysis; induces satiety
BMI for overweight; obese
25-29.5; 30
min/wk needed to see benefits of exercise:
cal/wk neede to sustain weight loss
min/day to lose weight
min/day to maintain lost weight
parasympathetics ___ cortisol levels
waist circ for metabolic syndrome:
men 40; women 38
glucose transporter that becomes embedded in cell membrane upon insulin action or exercise
transcription factor that regulates insulin action
increases cholesterol and decreases apo-a1
HMG-CoA reductase
presentation of overt CAD
acute MI, angina, stenosis, sudden cardiac death
5 components of CAD pathophys
plaque instability, inflammation, LDL oxid, thrombogenicity, metabolic syndrome
4 main approaches to decreasing CAD
low carb, low GI, low fat, Med
tea and chocolate contain:
these displace cholesterol
plant stanols and sterols
this med decreases CoQ10
statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors)
raw garlic:
inhibits platelet aggregation, protects endoth from oxid LDL, decreases lipids and BP
causes of essential HTN
obesity, diet, alcohol, stress, inactivity
preHTN range
39% able to maintain normal BP when off meds with decreased weight, decreased Na and alcohol
HTN Control Program
allowed reduction of BP by 11.4/5.5
combination diet
ideal K:Na
K:Na in fruits and veggies
6 actions that affect digestion:
eating patterns, OTCs, physical behaviors, cephalic phase response, chew completely, dehydration
nutrients affected by hypochlorhydria:
B vits, Fe and Ca
absorbed as:
carbs: monosac; proteins: aas/dipeptides/tripeptides; fat: monglycerides/FAs
6 supplements to aid in intestinal cell growth and function
glutamine, butyric acid, fiber/SCFAs, EPA, GLA and gamma-orqzanol
4R approach to normal GI function
remove, replace, reinoculate, repair
impairs Ca absorption:
excess fat, phytic acid, oxalic acid, cocoa
increases Ca absorption:
HCl, ascorbic acid, citric acid, glycine and lysine
increased fecal excretion of Ca
excess fiber, caffeine and ethanol
increased urinary excretion of Ca
excess protein, glucose and aspartame
non-dairy source of Ca
Cabbage family
enhances insulin activity via GTF; helps insulin bind to receptors
aids in function of enzymes, hormones, immune system, protein and DNA synthesis, wound healing, bone structure, skin oil gland function and prostate tissue
main storage of Fe
ferritin and hemosiderin
Fe form best absorbed
antioxidant that is a cofactor for GPO and Vit E
food with highest selenium content
brazil nut
needed for function of deiodinase enzyme (converts T4 to T3 in liver)
improves IR and helps lipid and catecholamine metabolism, RBC formation, thyroid function
B1 def
beri beri
B1 def + EtOH
W-K syndrome
4 important roles of B2
energy metabolism, drug metabolism, lipid metabolism, antioxidant
another name for B2
another name for B1
B3 def
another name for B3
sx of B3 def
4 Ds: dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea, death
95% of B5 in form of
another name for B5
panthothenic acid
functions of B5
synthesis of aas, steroid hormones, vit D, FAs, sphingolipids, porphyrins; oxidation of FAs, acetylation of choline, FA transport and use
B6 def sx
cheilosis, glossitis, fatigue, stomatis
active form of B12
this is required for absorption of B12
intrinsic factor
cofactors for B3 synthesis
tryptophan, B6, B2, Fe
this must be given with folate when treating macrocytic anemia
chronic alcohol and raw egg whites inhibits
biotin def in infants causes
cradle cap
vit C def
8 compounds of vit E
alpha, beta, gamma, delta tocopherol and tocotrienol
another name for vit A
toxicities of vit A
teratogenic above RDA, increased in liver disease and BCP use; increases bone fractures
active form of vit D
1,25 OH cholecalciferol
found in cruciferous veggies; anticancer agents
reduce cancer, antioxidant, protects arteries from plaque
antioxidants in apples, berries, cherries, plums, pomegranates, red cabbage
antioxidant, reduces cholesterol, hinders cancer cell growth
affects folate levels due to competition
drug that affects Ca, B12 and proteins by altering gastric pH; causes malabsorption
proton pump inhibitors
drug that can exacerbate irreg BP and cardiac function, suppress wound healing and immune function, can cause hyponatremia
thiazide diuretic
omega-3 important to CNS and photoreceptors
this % of cholesterol is made in liver
cofactors for the action of SOD
zinc, Ca, manganese
cofactor for catalase action
recommended amount of fiber/day
fundamental phys processes defining health/disease
hormone and NT, ox-reduc and mitoch, detox and biotransf, immune and inflam, digest/absorp/microbial, structural
produced by some molds; associated with what cancer:
aflatoxins; liver
selenium, indole-3, curcumin, flavonoid, n-3 PUFA, CR, phase 2 enzymes, organosulfur
N-nitroso, polychlorinated piphenyls, heterocyclic amines, obesisty, aflatoxins, IGF
actions of Med diet
decrease CVD and CAD, improve inflam markers, decrease metabolic syndrome
sources of omega-3
walnuts/nuts, flaxseed, avocado, olive/canola/soy oil, grain fed beef, cold water fish, pumpkin/hemp seed, purslane
sources of omega-6
meat, dairy, chips, baked goods
sources of MUFAs
olive/canola oil, olives, nuts, avocado
actions of IR
increase HMG-CoA reductase, TG, cortisol, free radicals, platelet adhesives, IL, cytokines, uric acid, Ca oxalate, CVD risk, lipids deposition in artery wall; decrease NOS and NO