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32 Cards in this Set

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According to Entwistle, the Enemies model of integration (Christian Combatants subtype) asserts that:
1) Christian combatants in the Enemies model reject all psychology. Example: Jay Adams and the Nouthetic counselors.
2) Mixing psychology and theology is heretical –reaction against ant-religious sentiments of some psychologists.
3) Scripture contains all information relevant to psychological health
According to Entwistle, the Enemies model of integration (Secular Combatants subtype) asserts that
1) A Secular Combatant believes in psychology and science, but rejects Christianity. Example: Freud, Ellis, famous atheists.
Freud: religion is neurosis, Mechanistic physiology, human rationality, scientific method,
2) Religion is infantile need that can be supplanted by science and truth
According to Entwistle, the Neutral Parties model (also known as the Levels of Explanation model) asserts that
1) Psychological neutrality: a person committed to profession of psychology simultaneously holds religious, but not necessarily Christian, beliefs.
2) Psychology and theology are distinct disciplines – lacks commitment to Christian orthodoxy, and is simply spiritual or religious
3) Christian neutrality: a person committed to the profession of psychology simultaneously holds specifically Christian beliefs
According to Entwistle, which model asserts that All truth is Gods truth
What is one difference between Entwistles Spies model and his Colonialists model regarding theology
1) Spies: Theology reconstructs psychology process – Selective rejection of theological or psychological viewpoint
2) Colonialists: Theology transforms psychology process –filtering isolated psychological findings through proof texts or WV, accepts or rejects findings without engaging discipline or methods of psychology
Which of Entwistles models emphasizes Gods Word over Gods Works
Christian Combatants
The integration of psychology and Christianity is a multifaceted attempt to discern the underlying truths about the nature and functioning of human beings from the unique vantage points of psychology (in its various sub-disciplines, utilizing diverse methodologies) and Christianity (in theology, faith, and practice).
Which of Entwistles models best fits this definition - Allies
According to Entwistle, an epistemological assumption made by the Enemies model (Christian Combatants version) is that:
1) Scripture is the standard of all faith and practice – contains all information relevant to psychological health
2) Use of psychology is essentially idolatrous
3) Psychology and Christianity have been enemies since the beginning
4) Care of the soul belongs solely to the church, and psychology is a mere trespasser in its territory
5) Scripture can effectively function as a psychology text
Many who subscribe to the Enemies model (Christian Combatants version) believe that counseling is the churchs responsibility and should not be done by
Psychology and theology both use this methodology in their disciplines:
rational inquiry
According to Entwistle, an integration problem for both scientists and theologians is
expertise in both psychology and theology
Psychology highlights the awareness of multiple determinants of behavior (genetics, social environment, reinforcement history, etc.). This might help us understand why one individual struggles with certain sins while the same sins are not tempting for another individual.
Then too, theology reminds us of the pervasiveness of sin and that while each individual may struggle with different types of sin, we all struggle with sin in some form. Allies
According to Entwistle, the most significant principle that allows for dialogue and interaction between psychology and theology is:
underlying unity
Imagine that Albert Ellis has a recent conversion experience which radically changes his outlook on religion. Even though he now believes that religion is a valuable area of study, yet he also thinks that both psychology and religion need to remain separate fields of academic discipline
A worldview according to Entwistle is:

1) Window through which the world is seen, framed by the assumptions and beliefs that color what he or she sees
2) Shape how we understand our experience in the world, and reflect out expectations about life
3) A worldview is a set of presuppositions (assumptions which may be true, partially or inconsistently) which we hold (consciously or unconsciously) about the basic make-up of the world.
Entwistle writes that C.S. Lewis addressed the issue of supernaturalism and science in his book Miracles.

1) the ability to identify something as a miracle actually depends upon knowledge of the normal rules of nature, precisely because the miraculous does not fit the normal and expected pattern
2) Miracles are not violations of scientific reality, rather created by God – his intervening in nature
3) Science describes how reality typically acts, but cannot state it must act that way
Millard Erikson, according to Entwistle, observed that there are three general views of the character of imago Dei.
1) Substantive view: the image reflects a particular divine quality, such as thinking
2) Relational view: human relatedness (made male and female) reflects divine relatedness within the Trinity
3) Functional view: the task of dominion, tending, creativity, or some other activities reflects the divine endeavors
Entwistle mentions five keys to a Christian Theocentric worldview.
1) The essential unity of truth is recognized as grounded in a transcendent God who created an orderly world.
2) Human capacities are seen as God-given, to be guided by intellectual and moral virtues and resulting in adoration of God
3) Reality is seen as a holistic unity composed of physical, social, psychological, and transcendent phenomena
4) Human finitude, frailty, & individual & corp effects of sin, recognized as limiting the pursuit of knowledge
5) Various means of epistemic inquiry are recognized as means of evaluating truth claims. Each has unique strengths, limitations, applications that make them relevant to diff forms of epistemic application.
The five models of integration discussed by Entwistle are:
1) Enemies,
2) Spies,
3) Colonists,
4) Neutral Parties,
5) Allies as Subjects of one Sovereign
Know which of Entwistles models best describes the approach of Liberty Universitys graduate counseling program.
Citing Walsh and Middleton, Entwistle points out that worldviews ask four basic questions. (Chapter 4)
1. What does it mean to be human?
2. What is the nature of the world?
3. What is wrong with the world and why did things go wrong?
4. How can it be fixed?
According to Entwistle, what model is based on the belief that psychology and theology/Christianity are mutually exclusive and incompatible with each other.
According to Entwistle, there are two versions of the Enemies model.
The Secular combatants are antagonistic toward religious belief, whereas the Christian combatants see psychology as the enemy.
According to Entwistle, there are two types of Spies:
1) Foreign- psychologists who seek to identify religious elements that have psychological benefits
2) Domestic- those who practice a watered-down religion and are interested in proclaiming its psychological benefits
According to Entwistle, what model filters isolated psychological findings through proof-texts or worldview; accepts or rejects findings without engaging discipline or methods of psychology.
According to Entwistle, in which model psychological and theological methods are utilized to gain a more holistic and unified understanding of truth.
Freud, Ellis, and Maslow were antagonistic toward religion. As such, they are examples of which subset of Entwistles Enemies model
Secular Combatants
According to Entwistle, Jay Adams and John MacArthur are antagonistic toward psychology. As such, they are examples of which subset of Entwistles Enemies model
Christian Combatants
According to Entwistle, the neutral parties model views psychology and theology as distinct and not interacting that can be carried out through psychological neutrality and Christian neutrality. Know the names of the people included in the psychological neutrality group.
1) Allport
2) M Scott Peck – The Road Less Traveled
3) Thomas Moore – Jungian psychotherapist
According to Entwistle, the neutral parties model views psychology and theology as distinct and not interacting that can be carried through psychological neutrality and Christian neutrality. Know the names of the people included in the Christian neutrality group.
1) Clement
2) Malcolm Jeeves
3) David Myers
4) Fraser Watts
5) Scanzoni
According to Entwistle, when a Christian counselor is seeking to integrate psychology and theology in order to help a couple deal with marital conflict in a counseling session,
the Christian counselor is practicing Allies integration