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193 Cards in this Set

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Dječak se u parku igra loptom.
The boy is in the park playing with a ball.
Djevojčice se voli igrati lutkom.
Girls like to play with the doll.
Na aerodrom možemo autobusom.
We can take the bus to the airport.
Davor ide u školu tramvajem.
Davor goes to school by tram.
Profesor piše flomasterom.
The professor writes with a marker.
Ja pišem zadaću olovkom.
I write my homework with a pencil.
Marko često leti avionom.
Marko often flies.
Juhu jedemo žlicom.
We eat soup with a spoon.
Tenis igramo i reketom.
We play tennis with a racket too.
Avion leti zrakom.
The plane flies through the air.
Ona šeta šumom.
She strolls through the forest.
Riba pliva morem.
Fish swim in the sea.
Davor trči parkom.
Davor runs through the park.
Brod plovi rijekom.
The ship sails on the river.
Vi hodate obalom.
You walk along the coast.
Ja vozim bicikl ulicom.
You ride your bike on the street.
Profesor razgovara sa studentom.
The professor is talking with a student.
Često idem u kino s prijateljicom.
I often go to the movies with a (girl)friend.
Živiš li sama ili s prijateljem?
Do you live alone or with a friend?
Ona kasni na sastanak s momkom.
She is late for the meeting with the man.
Dođite večeras sa sestrom.
Come over tonight with (your) sister.
Mama priča s djecom.
Mama is talking with the child.
On odlazi sa ženom.
He is leaving with his wife.
Ti ideš na koncert s djevojkom.
You are going to the concert with a girl.
On priča sa studenticom.
He is talking with a student.
Tata igra šah sa sinom.
Dad is playing chess with (his) son.
On želi čaj sa šećerom.
He likes his tea with sugar.
On jede sendvić sa šunkom, ali bez sira.
He eats a sandwich with ham, but without cheese.
Molim čaj s limunon.
I'll have a tea with lemon please.
Molim kavu sa šlagom, ali bez šećera.
I'll have a coffee with cream, but no sugar, please.
Knjige su ispod stolicom.
The books are under the chair.
Djeca su pred kućom.
The children are in from of the house.
Tepih je pod stolom.
The rug is under the table.
S kim živite?
Who do you live with?
S kim razgovaraš?
Who are you talking with?
Čime jedemo salatu?
What do we eat a salad with?
Čekam muža pred kinom.
I'm waiting for my husband in front of the movie theater.
On čeka prijatelja pred hotelom.
He is waiting for a friend in front of the hotel.
Pas je pod stolom.
The dog is under the table.
Čekam prijatelje pod satom.
I'm waiting for friends in front of the clock.
Ja volim palačinke s orasima.
I like crepes with walnuts.
Ponekad razgovaram s prolaznicima na ulici.
Sometimes I talk with passer-bys on the street.
S rođacima često razgovoram telefonom.
I often talk to cousins on the phone.
Djevojke plešu s momcima.
The girls are dancing with the boys.
Ljudi ponekad nisu zadovoljni uspjesima.
Sometimes people aren't satisfied with success.
Čime on voli putovati?
How (by what means) does he like to travel?
S kim djevojke plešu?
Who are the girls dancing with?
Čime jedemo meso?
With what do we eat meat with?
Čitam tvoje pismo s radošću.
I am reading your letter with delight.
Dajem ovaj poklon s ljubavi.
I am giving this gift with love.
Nismo zadovoljni sa zaposlenošću.
We are not satisfied with employment.
Sjećam se roditelja sa zahvalnošću.
I remember my parents with gratitude.
Ljudi čest nisu zadovoljni sa starošču.
People are often not satisfied with old age.
Moram to reći sa žalosću.
You must say that with sorrow.
Smatram to svojom dužnošcu.
I consider that my duty.
Sa sigurnošću mogu reći da je to točno.
With certainty I can say that it is accurate.
S radošću konstantiram da ste dobro.
With joy I see that you are well.
Momci rado razgovaraju s djevojkama.
The young men gladly talk with the girls.
Hrvatski imamo ponedjelkom, utorkom it četvrtkom.
We have Croatian on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
U kinom obično idem petkom, jer sutradan mogu dugo spavati.
Usually I go to the movies on Fridays, because the next day I can sleep in.
Što obično radite subotom navečer?
What do you usually do on Saturday evenings?
Subotom obično imamo goste, a nedjeljom idemo na izlet.
We usually have company on Saturdays and on Sundays we go on excursions.
S vremenom ću dobro govoriti hrvatski.
With time I will speak Croatian well.
S proljećem dolaze topliji dani.
With spring arrives warm days.
Pred kućom je lijep park.
In front of the house is a nice park.
Drvo je pod prozorom.
The tree is under the window.
Čekam te pred školom.
I am waiting for you in front of the school.
Ona sa roditeljima putuje na more.
She's going to the seaside with her parents.
Govorima s njima o onom čovjeku.
We are speaking with him about that man.
Koji čovjek? Onaj sa malim psom?
Which man? That one with the small dog?
Uvijek sa ženom plesa cijelu noć.
He always dances with his wife the entire night.
Piješ li kavu s mlijekom ili bez mlijeka?
Do you drink coffee with milk or without milk?
Sa čim spremaš omelet? Sa sirom?
What are you putting on the omelet (making the omelet with)? Cheese?
Razgovaraju o tome među sobom.
They are discussing it (among themselves).
Među nama je sve svršeno.
It's all over with (= between) us.
Nad gradom ima gustih oblaka.
There are dense clouds over the city.
Naš hotel je na jezerom.
Our hotel overlooks (is situated above) the lake.
Što kaže natpis nad vratima?
What does the inscription over the door say?
Reci mi to pod zakletvom.
Say that to me under oath.
Pas laži pod stolom i leži.
The dog is lying under the table and is growling.
Najbolje radim pod pritiskom.
I work best under pressure.
On mi uvijek stoji za vratom.
He is always watching everything I do (standing behind my neck).
Voli biti za upravljačem.
He likes to be behind the wheel.
Svi su za stolom, možemo jesti.
Everyone is at the table, we can eat.
Zašto si stalno za komputorom?
Why are you always (continuously) at the computer?
Đak piše na ploči bijelom kredom.
The pupil writes on the board with white chalk .
Tko se može umiti hladnom vodom?
Who can wash with cold water?
Namaži bebu uljem za sunčanje.
Put suntan oil on the baby (grease the baby with suntan oil).
Ti kopaš lopotom, a ja motikom.
You dig with a shovel and I dig with a hoe.
Na suncu glavu zaklanjam šeširom.
In the sun I protect my head with a hat.
Naziva ga pravim imenom.
He calss that by its proper name.
Obično plaćamo čekom.
We usually pay by cheque.
Javi se, ili poštom ili telefonom.
Get in touch, either by mail or by phone.
Mi obično idemo tramvajem, a vi?
We usually go by tram, and you?
Putuje samo vlakom, nikad avionom.
He travels only by train, never by plane.
Na posao se vozimo autom.
We drive a car to work.
Nedjelom idemo na izlet.
On Sundays we go on outings.
Zatvoreno ponedjelkom.
Closed Mondays.
Otvoreno radnim danom od 8 do 5.
Open weekdays (work days) from 8 to 5.
Već stoljećima se zna za to.
That's been known for centuries.
Kiša pada već danima.
It's been raining for days.
Već godinama o tome sanjam.
I've been dreaming of that for years.
Dolazi samo noću.
He arrives only at night.
Ona uči danju, i ja učim noću.
She studies by day, and I study by night.
Mornarni krstare Jadranskim morem.
Sailors cruise the Adriatic sea.
Najbolje je ići osvijetljenom ulicom.
It's best to go down a (well) lit street.
Mladići se jure autocestom.
Young men race along the highway.
Kaže da se vratimo istim putem.
She says to take the same route back.
Svaki ide svojim put.
Everyone goes his own way.
To se može riješiti samo sudskim putem.
That can only be settled in the courts. (by way of court procedures)
Čime se baviš?
What's your occupation?
Moja se žena bavi crtanjem.
My wife occupies herself with drawing.
Nitko ovdje ne trguje oružjem.
No one here deals in arms.
Nasi prijatelji trguju vinom.
Our friends are wine merchants.
Strašno se ponosi sinom.
He's terribly proud of his son.
Nemaju se čime ponositi.
They haven't a thing to be proud of.
Poslužili su goste čajem.
They served the guests tea.
Čime te mogu služiti?
What can I do for you? (What can I serve you with?)
Smatramo ga sposobnim.
We consider him (to be) capable.
Ona neće s njim, jer ga smatra grubijanom.
She doesn't want (to go out) with him because she considers him a boor.
Možemo li platiti karticom?
Can we pay with a credit card?
Bolje je to poslati poštom.
It's better to send it by mail.
Pod vodom se snjima specijalnim fotoaparatom.
Underwater photography is done with a special camera.
Zahvalio sam joj poljupcem.
I thanked her with a kiss.
Odmah ga je pozvala telefonom.
She immediately called him on the phone.
Brzim korakom prišao je krevetu.
He came briskly (with a fast stride) up to the bed.
Ceremonija je počela dizanjem zastave.
The ceremony began with the raising of the flag.
Uz fotografiju je bila poruka kojim se svi koji su ga vidjeli da to prijave.
Beside the photo was a notice asking anyone who had seen him to report it.
Gledala ga je uplušenim očima.
She looked at him with terror in her eyes.
Posula je kolače šećerom.
She dusted the cakes with sugar.
Napisano je rukom.
It was written by hand.
Svaki put zalupi vratima.
He slams the door every time.
Hvalila se svojim uspjehom.
She boasted of her success.
Slegnuo je ramenima.
He shrugged his shoulders.
Ponosi se svojim nećakom.
He's proud of his nephew.
Kimnuo sam glavom.
I nodded my head.
Pas maše repom.
The dog wags his tail.
Dobro vlada ruskim jezikom.
S/he's fluent in Russian.
Dijete ne može vladati sobom.
The child can't control himself.
Liječnik je do jučer bio zadovoljan moram oporavkom.
Up until yesterday the doctor was satisfied with my recovery.
Bili smo neugodno iznenađeni njenim drskim prijedlogom.
We were unpleasantly surprised at her brazen proposal.
Nisam baš oduševljen filmom.
I'm not too crazy about that film.
Taj čin, kasnije prozvan Sarajevskim atentatom, bio je povod za Prvi svjetski rat.
That act, subsequently called the Sarajevo assassination, was the cause of the First World War.
Radi kako ti se čini ispravnim.
Do as you think fit.
Ne želim ispasti smiješnim.
I don't want to appear ridiculous.
To ja zovem dobrim obrokom.
That is what I call a good meal.
Snijeg je padao danima.
It snowed for days.
Sjedila je tamo satima.
She sat there for hours (at a time).
Dolazim pečetkom kolovoza.
I'm coming at the beginning of August.
Ovo je strogo među nama.
This is strictly confidential (between us).
Što se vidi među golim granama?
What can you see amidst the bare branches?
Crni oblaci se nadvijaju nad selom.
Black clouds are gathering over the village.
Nestrpljivi lješinari kružli su nad ranjenom životinjom.
Impatient vultures cruised in circles above the wounded animal.
Sve je sad pod vodom.
It's all under water now.
Polja su pod vinogradom.
The fields are cultivated in vineyards.
On je pod mojom zaštitom.
He's under my protection.
Žive pod Velibitom.
They live at the foot of Mt. Velebit.
Dugo je čekala pred zgradom.
She waited a long time in front of the building.
Kleče pred ikonom.
They kneel in front of the icon.
Čitanje je razgovor s najumnijim ljudima iz neke zemlje.
Reading is a conversation with the most intelligent people of a country.
Čitamo 'Prohuljalo s virhorom'.
I'm reading 'Gone with the Wind'.
Puši cigaretu za cigaretom.
He smokes cigarette after cigarette.
Stajali su za šankom.
They stood at the bar.
Ostavlja za sobom ženu i dvoje djece.
He leaves behind a wife and two children.
On je lud za tobom!
He is crazy about you!
Njegova za želja za letenjem bila vrlo jaka.
He had a very strong desire to fly.
Njihova za žudnja za materijalnim bestidna.
Their thirst for material (pleasures) is without shame.
Ne žalim ni za čim.
I don't regret a thing.
mutual, reciprocal
Interurban, intercity
Intermission (theater)
Interval, interm
Space, gap
However, on the other hand.
pod brdom
at the foot of the hill
pod znakom pitanja
pod time mislim
by this I mean
pod uvjetom da
on condition that
pred ovim činjenicama
in light of these facts
sa zadovoljstvom
gladly, with pleasure
s vremenom
in time, with time
(nešto) ide (nekome) za rukom
(someone) succeeds at (something)
primarily, chiefly
by means of, via
of origin, by birth
šaptom, šapatom
sotto voice, whisper
mainly, mostly, predominantly
Ljevak je - piše ljevom rukom.
He's a lefty - he writes with his left hand.
Veseo pas maše repom.
A happy dog wags it's tail.
Tko se slaže, neka kimne glavom.
Whoever agrees, let him nod his head.
Ne kaže ništa, samo sljieže ramenima.
He doesn't say anything, he just shrugs his shoulders.