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24 Cards in this Set

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Another name for the foot of a grasshopper is the ___.


Characteristics all insects share

Wings and antenna

Compare/Contrast excretion in crayfish, worm, grasshopper

Green Glands, nephridia, Malpgihian Tubes

Compare/Contrast respiration in crayfish, worm, grasshopper

Gills (swimmerets aid in creating a current to help), mucus, and spiracles

Examples of insects that go through both types of metamorphosis

Incomplete - Termites, grasshoppers

Complete - Butterflies, beetles, fruit flies

how many simple eyes do grasshoppers have?


Know several reasons insects have been so successful

Size, diversity, wings, exoskeleton, adaptability

Know the roles the different honeybees have

Worker bees - feeding larva and queen bee, build repair hive, remove dead bees, cooling the hive, maintaing the population, gathering nectar and pollen

Drones - fertilize the queen

Queen - reproduce

Malpighian tubes aid in


Openings in the abdomen for gas exchange in insects


The gizzard in insects is used to

grind food and increase surface area

The organ that sense sound in an grasshopper


Through which organs are nutrients absorbed in a grasshopper

Midgut and Hindgut

to which phylum do insects belong


What are the antenna used for?

Sensory organ for touch and smell

What are the steps of incomplete metamorphosis


Nymph - no wings, underdeveloped organs

Adult - nymph molts several times to become adult

What are the steps for complete metamorphosis


Larva - Common name caterpillar, has 3 pair of jointed legs and several fleshy legs, molts

Pupa - immobile, incased in a cocoon or chrysalis


What carries oxygen to the body tissues of insects

Tracheal Trunk Network

What is royal jelly?

Honey bee excretion that is fed to queen bee and larva

What is the effect of queen factor in honeybees

Queen releases a pheromone that makes the worker bees not able to become a queen

What kind of defense does the viceroy butterfly use

Mimicry, mimics toxic species

What term is used to describe innate, genetically controlled behavior?


What type of circulatory system do grasshoppers have


What is the ovipositor

The organ with which insects deposit their eggs