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25 Cards in this Set

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the act of reading data from or writting data to a storge device
authrntication techniques that rely on mesasurable physcial things that can be recognized
communications connevcity
a computer buzzword that refers to a program or devices's abilltiy to link with other programs
digtial camcorder
a camcorder that prdices video and can be uploded to a computer
digtial camera
a camera that you can take pictures with and upload them to the computer
fire wire device
a very fast external bus standard that supports
golobal postional syestem
by using three satileties GPS can calculate the longitude and lattitude
hanhield computer
a portable computer that is small enough to make to be held in ones hand and has a smaller operating syestem
handwritting regonction
the techneique by which a computer reads a persons handwirtting to protect personal information
interactive whiteborad
whiteborads that are connencted to the computer and input can be acompished by writting or taping
laptop computer
a small portable computer that is a little bigger than a handhield computer now called notebooks
a way a picutrue shows up on the screen
media storage device
objects that can be stored theese include hard disks floppy disk etc
notebook computer
extreemly light wieght computer more like the laptop computer but is smaller and lighter
theese devices are connected to a computer and are able to transalte data reecived
a device that can read text illustartions printed paper and put them into the computer
speech regintion
where you can dicate words into the computer and commonds
tablet pc
a type of notbook normally alll touchscreen like the ipad and droid pag can get usb or bluetooth keyborads and other things
an input device that enables a user to enter draings and other things most of the time touch screen smaller operating syestem
a touch senstive transpernent panel coveing the screen where it reads hang toucheing and you can use your fingers to a lsection on the screen
plug devise into your usb port on the computer and have instanely additonal hard drive
a camera that brodcast an image to the computer allowing you to video chat and take pictures
web cell phone
a cell phone that has internet on it
web tv
where you can get tv threw the internet
wireless communication
the ablittiy to send data without being connected to a computer by telephones or handhield computers