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29 Cards in this Set

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what plexuses contribute to the somatic nervous system for innervating the pelvis?
lumbar plexus (T12) L1 to L4
sacral plexus L5-S4
(the lumbosacral trunk -- L4/L5 -- joins these two)
coccygeal plexus S4 to Co
Contributions from what autonomic fibers are made to innervate the visceral nervous system of the pelvis?
sympathetics from abdomen
sympathetics from sacral chain
parasympathetics from sacral lateral horn of spinal cord
visceral efferents
what are the five branches of the pudendal nerve?
inferior rectal
deep perineal
superficial perineal
posterior scrotal (labial)
dorsal nerve of penis (clitoris)
the anterior rami of S2 and S3 emerge between the digitation of what two muscles?
piriformis and coccygeus
the sciatic nerves is formed by what two nerves?
common fibular and tibial
what vertebral levels contribute to the pudendal nerve?
somatic nerve from the sacral plexus ventral rami S2, 3, 4
what does the superior gluteal artery serve as a good landmark for?
it lies between the lumbosacral trunk and S1
Course of the pudendal nerve
exits true pelvis via greater sciatic foramen to gluteal region (below piriformis)
exits gluteal region via leser sciatic foramen to perineum and runs in pudendal canal to perineal membrane
What does the pudendal nerve innervate?
1. provides inferior rectal branches to anal traingle to external anal sphincter
2. provides posterior scrotal/labial branches before entering the deep pouch
3. supplies external urethral sphincter muscle in deep pouch
4. supplies branches to bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles
5. supplies sensation to the phallus as the dorsal nerve of the clitoris or penis
what nerves supply the external anal sphincter and are involved in the motor limb of the anal wink reflex?
inferior rectal branches of the pudendal nerve
what nerve innervates the following:

obturator internus
pelvic diaphragm
obturator has its own nerve
piriformis does too (comes off sacral plexus)
pelvic diaphragm has a sacral nerve branch
the muscles of the deep perineal pouch are supplied by which nerves?
deep perineal branch of the pudendal nerve
how is an erection achieved?
erectile muscles (somatic!) like the bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus are innervated by the superficial branch of the pudendal nerve

they hydraulically push blood to distal phallus increasing turgidness and pulsatility of ejaculation
what nerves innervate the external genitalia?
branches of the lumbar plexus:
ilioinguinal (ant scrtoal and labial)
genital branch of genitofemoral

branches of sacral plexus
pudendal (post scrotal/labial)
dorsal branch of clitoris penis

(remember pics with ares outlined in yellow and green)
what structures exit the greater sciatic notch superior to the piriformis?
superior gluteal v/a/n
what structures exit the greater sciatic notch inferior to the piriformis?
inferior gluteal v/a/n
sciatic n
internal pudendal v/a
pudendal n
what doe the subinguinal hiatus give entry to?
entry from false pelvis to thigh
what type of nerves are responsible for erection?
para, result from decreased venous return
what type of nerves are resonsible for orgasm (contraction of vas deferens, internal urethral sphincter contraction to prevent retrodgrade ejaculate or urination)?
what plexuses of autonomics and visceral afferents are found around various organs of the pelvis?
vessicular plexus (around bladder)
prostatic plexus
cavernous nerves
uterovaginal plexus
rectal plexus
what nerves to erectile bodies are often damaged during prostate resection resulting in impotence?
cavernous nerves
how far do vagus parasymps extend down the abdomen?
as far as the end of the midgut
what symps supply celiac trunk?
greater splanchnic T5-9
what symps supply SMA?
lesser splanchnic T10-11
what symps supply IMA?
lumbar splanchnics
what para nerves supply the hindgut?
pelvic splanchnic
what are the three sources of autonomics to the pelvis?
pelvic splanchnics
sacral splanchnics
superior hypogastric plexus (sympathetics left over in abdomen...source from lumbar chain aortic plexus)
what nerves serve the levator ani?
sacral nerves
what nerve supplies the external anal sphincter?
pudendal (inferir rectal branchn)