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33 Cards in this Set

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Hypophospatemic rickets
- Xlinked dominant
- high phosphate wasting at proximal tubule
- rickets like presentation
Mitochondrial myopathies
- get mito from mom
- variable expression due to heteroplasmy
- myopathy
- CNS disease
- ragged red fibers
- AD
- fibroblast growth factor - cell signaling defect of receptor 3
- dwarfism
Polycystic Kidney disease - adult
- AD
- flank pain
- hematuraia
- Progressive renal failure
- PKD1 XX(16)
- ass/ w/ polycystic liver, berry aneurysm, mitral valve prolapse
Familial adenomatous polypopsis
- AD
- XX(5) - APC gene
- colon covered in adenomatous polyps
- progresses to colon cancer
Familial hypercholesterolemia
(hyperlipidemia type II A)
- AD
- Defective LDL receptor = high LDL
- Het LDL 300; Homo LDL 700+
- severe atherosclerosis
- tendon xanthoma
- MI before 20
Osler Weber Rendu syndrome
- AD
- Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (blood vessel d/o)
- telangictasia
- epistaxis
- skin discolorations
- Arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
Hereiditary spereocytosisi
- AD
- spectrin or ankyrin defect
- hemolytic anemia
- high MCHC
- cure with splenectomy
Huntington's disease
- AD
- depression, progressive dementia, choreiform
- cuadate atropphy
- low GABA and Ach
- XX 4, CAG repeat
- anticipation
- AD
- Fibrillin 1 mutation
- CT d/o affecting skeleton, heart and eyes
- Tall, long fingers, pectus excavatum
- hypermobile joints, cystic medial necrosis of aorta
- idssecting aortic aneurysm
- floppy mitral valve
- Subluxation of lenses
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
- AD
- familial tumors of endocrine gland
- 2A and 2B ass/w/ ret gene
von Recklinghausen's disease
- AD - XX17
- Neurofibromatosis I
- cafe au lait spots
- neural tumors
- Lisch nodules = pigments in iris
- skeletal d/o - scoliosis
- optic glioma
Neurofibromatosis type II
- AD
- XX 22
- NF2 gene
- bilateral acoustic schwannoma
- juvenile cataracts
Tuberous sclerosis
- AD
- adenoma sebaceum (facial lesion)
- ash leaf spots - hypopigmentation
- cortical and retinal hamartomas
- Seixures
- Mental retardation
- Renal cyts and angiomyolipomas
- astrocytoma
von Hibble Lindau
- AD, XX 3, VHL gene (delete tumor suppressor)
- hemangioblastomas of retina, cerebellum, medulla
- bilateral RCC
- constitutive expression of HIF transcription factor
- activation of angiogenic growth factors
Auto Recessive Diseases
Glycogen storage diseases
Mucopolysaccharidoses - except Hunters
Sickle Cell
Sphingolipidoses - except Fabrys
- CTFR gene on XX 7
- deletion of Phe on 508
- recurrent pesudomona and S. aureus in pulm
- chronic bronchitis, bronciectaissi
- pancratic insufficiency
- malabsorption
- steathorrhea
- nasal polyps
- tx: N-acetylcysteine - loosen muscous plugs
CFTR function:
actively secretes Cl- in lungs and GI
actively resorbs Cl- form sweat
X-link recessive disorders
Be Wise Fool's GOLD Heeds Silly HOpe
- Broton's agammaglobulinemia
- Wiskott Aldrich syndrome
- Fabry's
- G6PD
- Ocular albinism
- Lesch Nyhan syndrome
- Duchenne's and Becker's muscular dystrophy
- Hunter's Syndrome
- Hemophilia A/B
- Ornithine transcarbamoylase def
Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy
- Xlinked fameshift
- deletion dystrophin (DMD gene)
- begins in pelvic girdle
- pseudohypertrophy
- Grower's maneuver
- dx: high CPK and muscle biopsy
Becker's Disease
- less severe muscular dystrophy
- X linked mutated dystrophin
- dx: high CPK and muscle biopsy
Fragile X syndrome
- X linked defect affecting the methylation and expression of the FMR1 gene
- mental retardation
- macroorchidism - big balls
- log face, large jaw, everted ears
- mitral valve prolapse
- CGG repeat
CGG repeat
Fragile X
GAA repeat
Friedreich's ataxia
CAG repeat
CTG repeat
Myotonic dystrophy
Trisomy 21
- gap b/w 1st and 2nd toe - simian crease
- duodenal atresia
- ostium primum type ASD
- inc ALL
- Alzheimer's
= Low AFP, high BHCG, low estriol, high inhibin A
= high nuchal translucency
Trisomy 18
- rocker bottom feet and MR
- small jaw
- low ears
- prominent occiput
= low AFP, low BHCG, low estriol, normal inhibin A
Trisomy 13
- rocker bottom feet and MR
- small eyes, small head
- cleft lip/ palate
- holoprosencephaly
- polydactyly
- low free BhCG, low PAPP-A, high nuchal translucency
Robertsonian translocation
XX - 13, 14, 15, 21, 22
nonreciprocal chromosomal translocation
Cri du chat syndrome
- congenital microdeletion of short arm of XX 5
- microcephaly
- MR
- high pitched crying
- epicanthal folds
Williams syndrome
- congenital microdeletion of long arm of XX 7
- (deleted region includes elastin gene)
- distinctive elfin faceis
- hypercalcemia d2 high sensitivity to Vit D
- well developed verbal; super friendly
22q11 deletion
Cleft palate
Abnormal facies
Thymic aplasia (Tcell def)
Cardiac defect
Hypocalcemia 2* to parathyroid aplasia
22 microdeletion
- DiGeorge's - thymic, parathyroid and cardiac defect
- Velocardiofacial syndrome -palate, facial and cardiac defect