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17 Cards in this Set

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Why use inhaled anesthetics?
unconsciousness, amnesia, immobility
constant level of anesthesia
level of anesthesia can be monitored
Mechanism of action
poorly understood
immobility: act on spinal cord
amnesia: hippoC, amygd, cerebral cortex
CNS dep: enhance GABA, block NMDA
Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC)
Conc to suppress movement to surgical stim in 50% pts
>0.5 = amnesia, 1= surgical anesthesia
Additive, decline with age (6%/decade)
Info gained from PA mirrors Pbr and tells us three things
index of anesthetic depth
reflection of rate of induction and recovery
measure of potency
Factors determining PA
Blood-gas partition coefficient
Blood-brain partition coefficient
Oil-gas partition coefficient
Blood-gas partition coefficient
solubility of gas in blood
main factor controlling rate of induction/emergence
less soluble = faster induction/emergence
Blood-brain partition coefficient
solubility of gas in tissue
mirrors blood-gas solubility
Oil-gas partition coefficient
correlates lipid solubility with potency
potency roughly equivalent to MAC
N2O < des<sevo<iso
MAC for N20, des, sevo, iso
N20 = 105
Desflurane = 6
Sevoflurane = 2
Isoflurane = 1.15
Induction/emergency kinetic factors
High PI accelerates induction
Increased ventilation increases induction/emergence
Low CO speeds induction/emergence
Low solubility speeds induction/emergence
Recovery from anesthesia
duration of anesthesia
diffusion hypoxia
Tissue is a reservoir. Conc depends on solubility and duration of anesthesia. (the longer on, the longer off)
Diffusion hypoxia occurs with N2O, outpouring from blood into alveoli can dilute O2. Give higher PI O2
N2O tox
Inhibit cobalt ion in B12
teratogenic in animals
>24 hr = megaloblastic anemia, neuropathy
Malignant hyperthermia
exposure to VA or Succinylcholine
AD, usually RYR1, -> uncontrolled Ca2+ release
myocyte ischemia and cell death, metabolic acidosis
Dantrolene infusion, NaHCO3, hypervent, lasixs, help!
effects on cardiovascular system
VA cause decrease in MAP due to decrease in SVR
N2O has little change on MAP or SVR
HR: small increase iso/des...N20 and sevo = no effect
Little effect on CO, may prolong QT (sevo)
VA cardioprotective: ischemic preconditioning
ventilatory effects
incr. RR, decr. TV, FRC; Less response to CO2 at higher MAC (apnea); sevo and N20: non pungent (peds induction), VA cause bronchodilation (asthmatics) and depress pharyn/laryn reflex (can't protect airway)
CNS effects
all cause cerebral vasodil (inc CBF and ICP)
but dec CMRO2
dose dependent EEG depression
N2O has some mild analgesic properties (still need Opi)
Other effects
VA cause sk mm relax, enhance paralytics, but too weak alone
decrease renal (decrease UO) and hepatic blood flow