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43 Cards in this Set

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General anesthesia

amnesia, immovility to noxious stimuli, analgesia, unconsciousness, attenuation of autonomic responses to noxious stim

Diethyl Ether

relatively safe, flammable, prolonged induction, delayed emergence, N/V high rate


associate w/ unexplained intraop deaths, hepatotoxicity


Divinyl ether-variation of ether

-Cycloproane toxicity,

- faster/more pleasant induction/faster awakening compared to older anesthetics


Modern Inhalents

-2 types

Halogenated hydrocarbons-volatile -transition from L to G at room temp

Halogenated partly/entirely w/ fluorine

-greater stability(less flammable) less toxic

Halogenated hydrocarbons

-n20 not halogenated hydro-

anesthetic vapor delivered by variable bypaass vapes- calibrated to vape pressure of each drug

perfect inhalent

non flammable, easily vaporized, potent, low solubilty, minimal metabolism, nonarrhythmogenic compatible with epi, provides skelatol muscle relaxation

3 stages of anesthesia

intoxication, excitement, narcosis

Stage 1 analgesia

slow regular breathing- with the diaphragm w/ intercostal muscles

-presence of the lid reflex

Complete amnesia, analgesia, & sedation

Stage 2 -delerium

excitement, unconscousness, dream state(uninhibited activity)

-Ventilation: irregular/unpredictable

Reflex dilation of pupils- lid reflex intact

Risk w/ reflex activity ^(vomit, laryngospasm, arrhythmias)

stage 3 - surgical anesthesia

plane 1 & 2

plane 1- slight somatic relaxation, regular periodic breathing, active ocular muscles

Plane 2: breathing changes, inhalation< exhalation, slight pause seperates in/exhale, eyes become immobile

surgical anesthesia stage 3 & 4

plane 3: abdo muscles completely relax/ diaphragmatic breathing prominent, eyelid reflex absent

Plane 4: intercostal muscles completely parlalyzed, paradoxical rib cage movement, irregular breathing, dilated pupils

STAGE IV paralysis

muscles flaccid, eyes dilated, CV/ respiratory arrest, cardiovascular collapse

Signs of anestehsia

use of ether, cycloproane, chloroform

-small dose muscle relaxant- mask signs anesthesia except pupil size & lacrimation

-masked in straight inhalation induction-kids

-premed hastens passing through stage 2

ETHERS which ones?

Flourine replaces _________

ISO And enflurane

-all inhalational general anesthetics except N20 & halothane

-all other halogens

-nearly identical


able to change L to G at low temp.

-must be vaporized before administered

-gas molecules create saturated vapor pressure

^ temp=^vapor pressure= ^volatility

volatility and BP

temperature? Altitude? low Bp?

temp at which Vp is = to atm pressure

high altitudes(low atm p) BP decreases

agents with low bP more like variations in barometric p.

-Desflurane lowest-boils at room temp(heated container)

MAC what is it?

minimum alveolar concentration: measure of inhalation anesthetic that prevents movement in response to surgical stimulation in 50% subjects

-varies per drug


1.2 MAC=95% no move

1.3 MAMC 99% no move - additive

things that ^ MAC

decreased age-

acute ^ in CNS-




inc CNS catacholamine leves

decrease MAC

metabolic acidosis, increased age, hypoxia, induced lowBP, multiple drugs, dec. temp/Na/osmolality, progesterone(preg), ketamine, pancuronium, neo/physostimine, lido, opioids, barbiturates, diazepam, verapamil,anemia

meyer oberton rule

mech of inhalent

lipid theory of anesthesia- ^solublity =dec onset

-can hyperpolarize neurons reduce excitability

-inhibit excitatory synapse /enhance inhib synap

inhibit presynaptic release and alter response of post synaptic receptors

anesthesia mechanisms-molecular


CL- channels gated by inhibitory GabaA receptors> sensitive to halogenated inhalation agents

^ senstivity of GabaA receptor to Gaba>

nehanced inhib transmission/dep NS activity

-due to binding on GABAa reeceptor protein

molecular Glycine mechanism w/ anesthesia

glycine & neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine recepotors

-enhance capacity of glycine to activate glycine-gated Cl- channels(glycine receptors)

-role inhib transmission in brain/spinal cord

inhibit some nicotinic receptors> mediate analgesia/amnesia

N20/cyclopropane/xenon effects on gaba/glycine

no effects

selectively inhibit N-methyl-D-aspartate(NMDA) receptor> inhibit NMDA activated currents

Anesthesia and inhibition of CNS activity

global reduction in cerebral metabolic rate/cerebral blood flow

-suppress metab/excitability of thalamic neurons

-relay by which sensory input from periphery ascends to the cortex

-suppression of thalamic activity may act as switch btwn awake state

cerebral cortex suprresd b4 thalamus- cortical suppresion via corticothalamic fibers leads to thalamic suppresion>cortex

anesthesia affect on sleep/amnesia

inhalant agents with GabaA activity

-can^ inhib effects of ventrolateral preoptic(VLPO) nuclei> suppress consciousness

Depress hypocampal transmistter> probable locus of amnesia

Fresh gas flow determined by?

Fresh inspired gas concentration?

fresh alveolar gas concentration?

fresh arterial gas concentration?

-vaporizer & flowmeter

I-FGF rate, breathing circuit volume, circuit absoprtion

Fa-uptake, ventilation, concentration effects/2nd gas effect

arterial- ventilation/perfusion mismatching

Solubility of sevo & ISO

less soluble sevoflurane time constant=2> complete equiplibrium 6min

-more soluble isoflurane- time constant 3-4min> complete equilibration in 10-15min

(constant= circulation time)

pharm principles

solubility, equilibrium

Pp inspired gas= Pp End tital alveolar gas

low sol in blood = equil. fast vice versa

fat: blood parititon coefficient

n20=2.3vs halothane 51

GG coefficients for N20, HaL/ISO/DES/SEVO





Sevoflurane =0.65

speeds of induction

brain PP= aleveolar + blood pp in minutes

anestheisa= after alveolar pp=MAC

CO and uptake HIGH vs LOW CO

high CO= more rapid uptake- rate of ^ in PA and induction of anesthesia are slowed

LOW CO= shock speeds rate of Increase of PA

-less uptake into the blood

Rate at which PA decreases with time

depends on increased solubility

order 4 gases


reate of decrease of PA for Halothane vs iso/des/sevo

halothane-metabolism & alveolar ventilation

ISO/DES/SEVO- principally from alveolar ventilation

what doesn't trigger MH

N20 & xenon

ADR halogenated anesthetics



CO preserved in ISO/DES

-each causes lowBP

-direct stim of laryngeal & tracheal areas

-histamine relase /noxious stimuli activate

reflex response > in light anesthesia

spon vent < min volume in dose manner( ^ CO2 tension, Differences among agents modest)

Halothane - room temp? flammable?

volatile liquid @ room temp- stored in sealed container

-light senstive (can breakdown) amber bottle with THYMOL preservative

-not flammable or explosive with O2/air

Halothane Pharm- sluble, elim, coefficient

^ blood: gas & fat:blood partition


alveolar conc. < inspired con. (long uptake)

SOluvle in fat/tissues: accumulate in long admin.

-speed recovery depends on duration admin

60-80% elimn unchanged by lungs 1st 24hr

biotransform hepatic CYP: metab Trifluouracetic acid)


halothane clinical use

first modern inhaled anesthetic

not pungent-kids tolerate it

Anesthesia @ end-tital concentration .7-1%

halothane ADR cardiac

cardiac- predictable dose dep. reduction ABP

-MAP dec. 20-25% @ MAC

-dec HR or Normal HR w/ low BP(disppear after hours)

attenuation of baro reflex(dec. chron/ionotrop)

HR ^ in light anesthesia

-sensitize heart to epi(PVC, sustained VT)

^ epi levels (exogenous/endogenous)

HALOTHANE ADR autoregulation

alters resistance of specific vascular beds/redistributes blood flow(skin & brain dilate> ^ CBF/skin perfusion

-autoreg: renal/splanhi=nic & CBF inhibited> reduced perfusion w/ dec BP

-inhibits hypoxic pulm. vasoconstrictoin(HPV)--> inc. perfusion of poor vent regions


Respiratory HALOTHANE ADRs

spont RR are rapid /shallow(dec. alveolar vent)

^ in art CO2 tension w/o compensate ^ in vent.

-inhibits peripheral chemoreceptors response to arterial hypoxemia

-potent bronchodilator


dilates cerebral vasculature(^ CF/CB volume- ^ ICP)

attenuates autoreg of CBF> dose dep.

-CBF ^ w/ reduction in ABP

reduce ABP< lower limit of autoreg-->cbf dec sig.

suppreses cerebral metaolism and cerebral metabolic rate