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266 Cards in this Set

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Do Volatile inhalation agents depress the Autonomic Nervous System? If so, what part(s)?
YES; depresses both the SNS and the PNS
Which 3 agents inhibit preganglionic sympathetic efferent activity?
Halothane, Enflurane and Isoflurane
Which 3 agents reduce postganglionic sympathetic nerve activity?
Halothane, Enflurane adn Isoflurane
Which 3 agents block postsynaptic nicotinic receptors in the stellate ganglion?
Halothane, Enflurane and Isoflurane
Which 3 aqents induce reductions in norepinephrine release from postganglionic sympathetic nerves?
Halothane, Enflurane and Isoflurane
Which 3 agents may contribute to depression of reflex vasoconstriction in peripheral blood vessels?
Halothane, Enflurane and Isoflurane
Does Halothane inhibit the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS)?
TRUE/FALSE: Halothane depresses vagal nerve efferent activity
Halothane inhibits reflex _____ in response to increases in arterial pressure
Which 2 IAs have equivalent depression of PNS and SNS?
Halothane and Isoflurane
Does Halothane depress the baroreceptor reflex control of arterial pressure?
Does Halothane depress the sympathetic responses to declines in arterial pressure (such as increased HR in response)?
With Halothane the HR stays stable with increasing MAC concentration; Although the BP is dropping with increasing MAC, HR stays low and stable; what does this mean?
the Baroreceptor reflex is NOT intact; Halothane depresses this reflex
What effect does Halothane have on myocardial contractility?
dose related depression of myocardial contractility
Which 2 IAs have a higher dose-related depression of myocardial contractility than Isoflurane?
Halothane and Enflurane
What effect does Halothane and Isoflurane have on preload and afterload?
Halothane and Isoflurane produce beneficial decreases in LV preload and afterload in patients eith heart failure and coronary artery disease
What inotropic effect does Halothane produce?
Negative inotropic effects
What are the negative inotropic effects from Halothane caused by?
Alterations in intracellular Ca++
The negative inotropic effects of Halothane and Enflurane cause a depression of what?
Routine BP meds such as Beta Blockers and Calcium channel blockers may increase the _____ of BP depression caused by admin. of Halothane or Enflurane
Although some IAs depress BP, should routine blood pressure medications be continued despite this?
Does Halothane cause bradycardia or tachycardia?
Is Halothane-induced bradycardia more problematic in adults or peds? Why?
Peds; because their BP depends on their HR
How does Halothane cause bradycardia?
Slows the rate of SA node discharge by direct and indirect effects on SA node automaticity; also prolongs AV conduction time and refractoriness
What drug should you have ready when giving a Pediatric patient Halothane (due to its bradycardic effects)?
Which IA sensitizes the myocardium to the arrhythmogenic effects of Epinephrine?
Which IA reduces the threshold for atrial and ventricular arrhythmias?
When escalating doses of epinephrine (endogenous or exogenous) is combined with admin. of _____ (IA), PVCs and sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias are more likely to occur
TRUE/FALSE: When administering Halothane you should avoid the coadmin. of Epinephrine
If patient is to receive Halothane during surgery, why is it important to keep patient calm before/during surgery?
to avoid increases in endogenous Epinephrine levels
What drug can you give patient pre-op to keep them calm in an attempt to decrease/limit endogenous Epi levels?
When administering Halothane, Epinephrine coadmin needs to be avoided or severely limited; if it's necessary to give Epi, what is the recommended concentration and dosage?
1:100,000 (0.1 mg/10 minutes)
1:100,000 (0.3 mg/hour)
0.5% Lidocaine s.q. given with Epi allows you to ____ the dose of Epi you can safely administer with Halothane. Why?
Double; because of the cardioprotective effects of Lidocaine
Halothane causes what changes in PCO2 above 1 MAC? Why does this occur?
slight Increase in CO2; occurs because of the Decrease in TV
What effect does Halothane have on TV?
What effect does Halothane have on RR?
What net effect does Halothane have on overall minute volume?
Fairly stable
All IAs depress the response to ______
the depressed response to hypoxia that occurs with IAs can ve overcome by doing what?
Stimulating the patient
Which IA depresses the response to hypoxia more severely than other IAs without external stimuli?
When administering Halothane to a COPD patient is it good to allow them to ventilate spontaneously or to use mechanical ventilation? Why?
Mechanical Ventilation; Halothane depresses the hypoxic drive to breathe (which is what COPD patients depend on); mechanical ventilation would be most appropriate
What effect does Halothane have on GFR and renal blood flow?
Decreases both
Does Halothane decrease or increase urinary output? Why?
Decrease; decreased due to decreased CO and decreased BP; autoregulation of renal blood flow is intact
What intervention is important when giving Halothane to prevent Halothane-induced decrease in GFR, renal blood flow and decreased urinary output?
Give them fluids; pre-op hydration abolishes or attenuates these effects
What effect does Halothane have on uterine muscle?
relaxes uterine muscle and inhibits contractions
Does Halothane rapidly cross the placenta?
What's a disadvantage for using Halothane alone in a C-section patient? What combo is recommended to use instead?
Increases blood loss; use 0.5 MAC of Halothane and 0.5 MAC of N2O
While Halothane causes uterine relaxation and can cause excessive bleeding, how can this be useful in a postpartum patient?
valuable for uterine relaxation to help remove retained placenta fragments; retained placenta fragments can cause a woman to bleed to death!
Halothane undergoes 2 pathways for metabolism; what are they?
Reduction (Low O2)
Oxidative (ample O2)
When Halothane undergoes the Oxidative metabolic pathway, what is it metabolized to?
Trifluoroacetic Acid
All Fluorinated Volatile IAs (EXCEPT Sevoflurane) may produce what metabolite?
Trifluoroacetic Acid
Trifluoroacetic acid is detected in the urine for how long?
Many days
In genetically susceptible patients, an antigen is formed that provokes the formation of antibodies to the Trifluoroacetic Acid metabolite of Halothane; this sensitivity reaction is called what?
"Halothane Hepatitis"
Which fluorinated IA is the only one that will NOT produce the Trifluoroacetic Acid metabolite?
Trifluoroacetic Acid cross sensitivity may occur between which 3 fluorinated IAs?
Halothane, Enflurane and Isoflurane
Which fluorinated IA is the least metabolized IA and therefore the least likely to cause hepatic damage?
First reports of liver damage associated with Halothane occurred in _____ (year)?
What's the incidence of the "mild form" of "Halothane Hepatitis?" The severe form?
Mild form=1:5
severe form=1:10,000
The mild form of Halothane Hepatitis causes what kind of necrosis? The severe form?
Mild form=Focal Necrosis
Severe Form=Massive Hepatic Necrosis
The mild form causes mild elevation of what liver enzymes?
The severe form of Halothane Hepatitis causes a marked elevation of what liver enzymes?
ALT, AST, Bilirubun, Alkaline Phosphatase
What is the mortality rate of the severe form of Halothane Hepatitis?
Is Halothane a potential triggering agent for Malignant Hyperthermia?
Which agent has replaced Halothane as an induction agent for children in the U.S?
Pro-arrhythmic potential has been confirmed with the use of Halothane; how would you treat Halothane-induced dysrythmias?
Treat with Lidocaine
Chemically, Ethrane (Enflurane) is an _____.
Why is it important NOT to hyperventilate a patient on Ethrane (Enflurane)?
Decreasing PaCO2 < 30 torr causes SEIZURE activity
Administering Ethrane above ____ MAC concentrations can cause seizure activity
above 2 MAC
If patient on Ethrane (Enflurane) has seizure activity and they are at a MAC concentration above 2, what do you do?
Treat by decreasing MAC, returning to normocarbia
Does increasing MAC of Enflurane (Ethrane) lead to electrical silence (EEG)?
NO; can't depress electrical activity of the brain like you can with other agents
With Ethrane admin. is autoregulation of Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) completely intact?
NO; however increases in BP/MAP cause SMALLER increases in brain perfusion than with Halothane admin
With Ethrane admin, autoregulation of CBF stays relatively normal and stable until approx. what MAC?
0.6 MAC
What effect does Ethrane (Enflurane) have on CSF production and absorption?
Increased rate of production and decreased absorption
Because Ethrane increases production and decreases absorption of CSF, what effect does this most likely have on ICP?
May increase ICP
What 3 factors increase ICP with Ethrane admin?
increase in CBF, seizure activity, and increased CSF production
What factor decreases ICP with Ethrane admin?
Enflurane depresses the Myocardium to a greater extent than which 2 other IAs?
Halothane and Isoflurane
Enflurane (Ethrane) has what effect on PaCO2?
Greatly increases PaCO2;
Because Enflurane greatly increases the PaCO2 level in the patient, is it a good drug to chhose for a patient who is going to breathe spontaneously?
What effect does Enflurane have on TV?
Decreases TV
What effect does Enflurane have on RR?
What effect does Enflurane have on Minute Ventilation?
Metablism of Enflurane produces what kind of an ion?
Inorganic Fluoride ion
Even low fluoride ion concentrations have been associated with a 25% decrease in maximum urine _____ ability
Because Enflurane metabolizes into a fluoride ion, what effect does this have on renal function?
May temporarily alter renal function
Should you administer Ethrane to patients with pre-existing renal disease?
NO; may be harmful
Which IA produced the highest serum Fluoride concentrations when metabolized which is why we no longer use it anymore due to its harmful renal effects?
Methoxyflurane (Penthrane)
Does Ethrane produce dose-related skeletal muscle relaxation or rigidity? How?
Relaxation; depresses NM function
Does admin of Ethrane potentiate or inhibit muscle relaxants?
Because Ethrane produces good muscle relaxation, its use may be adequate for what type of surgery?
Usage of Muscle Relaxants allows the dose of Ethrane to be _____.
Decreased (synergistic)
Ethrane has a lower incidence of liver damage due to its low degree of ______.
Which IA, Halothane or Ethrane, has a higher degree of biodegration?
Which IA has the highest incidence of biodegration and therefore the highest incidence of liver damage?
How is Ethrane metabolized (which pathway)?
Oxidative metabolism
What percentage of Ethrane is metabolized?
Although Ethrane is not used in the U.S. anymore, why is it often used in 3rd world countries?
Structurally, Isoflurane is very similar to which other IA with only one difference? What is that difference?
Similar to Desflurane; the Cl- atom in Isoflurane is replaced by a Fluorine atom in Desflurane
Chemically, what is Forane (Isoflurane) called?
a Halogenated methyl, ethyl ether
Isoflurane (Forane) is an isomer of what other IA?
Enflurane (Ethrane)
Is Isoflurane flammable?
Does Forane (Isoflurane) have a preservative?
Is IV induction with Isoflurane (Forane) more or less rapid than Halothane and Ethrane?
More rapid
What is the major problem with performing a mask induction with Forane?
It's irritable to the airway, therefore causing slower inductions (ppl cough, hold their breath,etc; they don't breathe it in as readily)
Recovery with Isoflurane (Forane) is more or less rapid than Enflurane?
more rapid
Recovery with Isoflurane (Forane) is more or less rapid than Halothane?
Less rapid
Why is recovery with Halothane more rapid than with Isoflurane (Forane)?
due to Halothane's extensive metabolism
What effect does 1 MAC of Isoflurane (Forane) have on EEG spikes?
decreases the amplitude and increases the latency of EEG spikes
What effect does 1.5 MAC of Isoflurane (Forane) have on the EEG?
burst suppression and decreased latency
What effect does 2 MAC of Isoflurane (Forane) have on the EEG?
Isoelectric activity (flat line)
Does Isoflurane (Forane) interfere with evoked potentials?
YES (at >1 MAC)
What is beneficial about Isoflurane (Forane) producing isoelectric activity (on the EEG)?
Beneficial because it decreases the cerebral CMRO2 (o2 demand)
With Isoflurane (Forane) a MAC of 0.6-1.1 produces what kind of change to the CBF?
No change
Isoflurane (Forane) increases CBF by about 19% at what MAC?
1.1 MAC
All agents may increase ICP but effects are attenuated by decreasing what?
Which IA requires you to hyperventilate simultaneously with induction (to decrease PCO2 and ICP)?
Isoflurane (Forane)
Which IA requires PREVIOUS hyperventilation (to decrease PCO2 and ICP)?
Which agent should you NOT hyperventilate at all because decreasing the PCO2 can actually cause seizures?
Ethrane (Enflurane)
Because autoregulation of CBF is impaired with Halothane admin, as MAP increases, CBF _____.
Autoregulation of CBF is intact with Isoflurane (Forane) at 1 MAC; this means as MAP increases, CBF is prevented from _____.
Does increased CBF always mean increased Cerebral Blood Volume (CBV)?
What effect does Isoflurane (Forane) have on CSF production and reabsorption?
No change in production, increased reabsorption
Although it has not been proven, it is said that Isoflurane (Forane) is ______ and the agent of choice in neurosurgical cases
Why is Isoflurane (Forane) considered "neuroprotective?" How is it protective?
Isoflurane (Forane) does not cause major disturbances in Cerebral O2 balance during hypotension (due to autoregulation)
Increasing MAC of IAs typically does what to BP?
What effect does Isoflurane (Forane) have on SVR at 1 MAC?
decreases it significantly (<80% of normal)
True/False: Isoflurane peripheralizes circulation to skin, muscle, etc
Isoflurane peripheralizes blood flow to skin; what effect does that have on the patient's temp?
drops the patient's temp
With Isoflurane (Forane), as BP drops, HR increases; this means the Baroreceptor reflex is ______.
Isoflurane (Forane) has a mild _____(receptor) agonist effect; this leaves CO virtually intact and stable
Beta agonist
With Isoflurane, CO and CI are _____.
Are arrhythmias common with Isoflurane (Forane)?
Why are arrhythmias uncommon with Isoflurane (Forane)?
Less sensitivity of the heart to Epinephrine than Halothane and Enflurane
Because Isoflurane produces less cardiac sensitivity to Epinephrine, how much more of an Epi dose can you give with Isoflurane than Halothane?
May triple the dose of Epinephrine with Isoflurane
Enflurane produces a cardiac sensitivity to Epinephrine that is somewhere between Halothane and Isoflurane; How much more of an Epi dose can you give with Enflurane than Halothane?
May double the dose of Epinephrine with Enflurane (Ethrane)
In a normal, awake patient, a decrease in HR, Preload or Afterload, or a negative inotropic state causes coronary (vasoconstriction or vasodilation)? This is due to metabolic ______.
Vasoconstriction; metabolic autoregulation
Metabolic autoregulation causes coronary vasoconstriction secondary to a decrease in HR, Preload, Afterload, negative inotropic state, etc; what is the overall purpose of this metabolic autoregulatioin?
to decrease myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2) and to decrease myocardial O2 supply
Which non-IA drug causes "Coronary Steal Syndrome?"
Does Isoflurane (Forane) cause Coronary "Steal" Syndrome?
Which 3 IAs are used for anesthesia cardiac pre-conditioning (preconditions heart and protects against prolonged myocardial ischemia)?
Isoflurane, Sevoflurane and Desflurane
What effect does Isoflurane have on HR?
Will increase HR
With Isoflurane, what is the only hemodynamic parameter that is significantly related to ischemia?
Because Isoflurane can cause tachycardia which can cause myocardial ischemia, what drug should you give to prevent this ischemia?
Beta1-antagonists (Beta Blockers)
True/False: In patients predisposed to myocardial ischemia, it is important to make sure they continue their heart medications prior to surgery
What effect does Isoflurane have on PaCO2?
What effect does Isoflurane have on TV?
What effect does Isoflurane have on RR?
What effect does Isoflurane have on minute ventilation?
Isoflurane depresses respiratory system (due to increased PaCO2) more or less than Halothane and N2O?
Which IA has the worst bronchodilator properties and should be avoided in asthmatics?
Which 2-drug combination is very bad to admin. to asthmatics because of their poor bronchodilator properties?
Thiopental + N2O
PaCO2-induced respiratory depression is greater or less with Isoflurane alone than with Isoflurane + N2O?
Greater with Isoflurane alone
Using Isoflurane with muscle relaxants allows you to ____ the dose of the muscle relaxants (than if used alone)
Isoflurane is minimally metabolized; what % is metabolized?
Isoflurane is metabolized by what metabolic pathway?
Oxidative pathway
Isoflurane is metabolized into Trifluoroacetic Acid; what is important about this?
Need to be aware of cross-sensitivity (Halothane, Enflurane and Isoflurane)
Does Isoflurane produce any renal dysfunction? Why or why not?
NO; because so little of it is metabolized there are only an insignificant amount of Fluoride ions produced
Is Isoflurane nephrotoxic?
What effect does Isoflurane have on Renal Blood Flow (RBF), GFR and Urinary output?
Decreases all
Why is RBF, GFR and urinary output decreased with Isoflurane?
due to decreased BP and a subsequent decrease in perfusion to the kidneys
What effect does Isoflurane have on the Liver?
Increases hepatic blood flow (O2 supply to the Liver is greater with Isoflurane than Halothane)
In general, Isoflurane (Forane) is NOT hepatic toxic; what is the one case where it could be?
with cross sensitivity reactions(in patients who are genetically susceptible)
What are the major general advantages of Isoflurane (Forane)?
CV stability, Ischemic preconditioning, Lack of sensitization of the heart to circulating catecholamines (Epi), Limited biodegration, decreased hepatorenal toxicity, good muscle relaxation properties, no CNS excitatory effects
What is the major disadvantage of Isoflurane (Forane)?
Not good for mask induction due to irritation to the airways
There is only one major difference between the chemical structure of Desflurane and Isoflurane. Otherwise they are identical. What is it?
Isoflurane has an ethyl group with a Cl- atom on the alpha carbon; Desflurane's same ethyl group has a Fluorine atom on the alpha carbon
What is the chemical classification of Desflurane (Suprane)?
Halogenated methyl ethyl ether
Desflurane (Suprane) has an increased resistance to metabolism; because of this it has a higher/lower peak concentration of Trifluoroacetic Acid?
Rank Halothane,Isoflurane and Desflurane in order from greatest to least concentration of Trifluoroacetic Acid produced from metabolism
Halothane (500),
Isoflurane (5),
Desflurane (<0.5)
Is Desflurane reactive or non-reactive in sunlight?
Is Desflurane reactive or non-reactive in soda lime?
Is Deflurane reactive or non-reactive with metals?
Does Desflurane have a pleasant or a pungent odor? Is this good or bad for mask inductions?
Pungent odor; not recommended for mask inductions (like Isoflurane)
Other than the pungent odor of Desflurane, what's another reason Desflurane is not recommended for mask inductions?
Can cause Laryngospasms
What effect does Desflurane have on CBF and CMRO2?
Increases CBF and decreases CMRO2
Does Desflurane produce any seizure activity?
What kind of EEG changes does Desflurane produce?
Dose-related decreases
What type of test is Desflurane good to be used for during procedures such as Harrington Rod placement where the patient needs to answer questions about their status, etc?
The Wake-up Test
Why is Desflurane a good drug to use for the wake-up test?
Its low solubility coefficient allows them to wake up quickly and be put under quickly
What effect does Desflurane have on HR?
What effect does Desflurane have on MAP? How does this compare to Isoflurane?
Increases MAP; increases MAP more than Isoflurane does
What effect does Desflurane (Suprane) have on PaCO2?
What effect does Desflurane have on TV?
What effect does Desflurane have on RR?
What effect does Desflurane have on minute ventilation?
fairly stable minute ventilation until 1 MAC and then decreases
True/False: Desflurane is the most desirable agent to use for an asthmatic
False; it's the least desirable agent to use in asthmatics due to it's lack of brochodilator effect
Is Desflurane an airway irritant?
What occurs (symptoms) due to Desflurane being an airway irritant?
Patient coughing, breath-holding and Laryngospasm
What population should you be cautious with when administering Desflurane due to its airway irritant properties?
Is it good to administer Desflurane to a patient with an LMA? Why or why not?
NO; Laryngospasm can occur
Because Desflurane is an airway irritant, it should not be started in a smoker until what occurs first?
ET tube is in place
Rank Desflurane, Sevoflurane, Isoflurane and Halothane in order from greatest to least ability to potentiate muscle relaxation?
The 2 IAs with the lowest blood/gas solubility coefficients (Desflurane and Sevoflurane) are the best at potentiating muscle relaxation; why is this?
decreased blood/gas solubility coefficients allows these agents to move quickly into the NMJ
Does Desflurane produce any change in serum creatinine or BUN (or any other significant renal effects)?
Does Desflurane produce any change in liver function tests?
What percentage of Desflurane is metabolized?
Minimum to none--0.01%
With Desflurane is there any evidence of organ toxicity?
Is Desflurane a trigger for malignant hyperthermia?
True/False: All inhaled anesthetics produce some CO (Carbon Monoxide).
Rank Desflurane, Enflurane and Isoflurane in order from greatest to least production of CO in Baralyme CO2 Absorbent
Which 2 IAs produce about the same amount of CO in Soda lime CO2 absorbent?
Desflurane and Enflurane
What percentage of Hgb is bound with CO in nonsmokers?
What percentage of Hgb is bound with CO in smokers?
What percentage of Hgb bound with CO causes death?
What factor produces more CO?
interaction with strong bases in relatively dry carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbents
What 3 factors influence the level of CO production?
Choice of anesthetic agent, inspired anesthetic concentration, and type, temperature and degree of dryness of the CO2 absorbent
What are some simple ways you can minimize or eliminate CO?
Use fresh absorbent, Use Soda Lime instead of Baralyme, avoid techniques that dehydrate the CO2 absorbent
Dehydrating CO2 absorbent increases CO production, so avoiding techniques that dehydrate the CO2 absorbent is critical; what are 2 ways you can avoid dehydrating the CO2 absorbent?
Use low gas flows or (as a last resort) rehydrate absorbent by adding approx. 1 cup of water (230 ml) per 1.2 kg of absorbent (i.e. standard cannister)
What are two new absorbents that are now being used (which have a lower incidence of dehydration and CO production)?
Amsorb and DragerSorb Free
As an "economical delivery method", how much flow of gas and for how long would you administer it to equilibrate the VRG?
6L/minute for 10 minutes
As an "economical delivery method", how much flow of gas and for how long would you administer it to equilibrate the muscle group?
4L/minute for 20 minutes
As an "economical delivery method", how much flow of gas and for how long would you administer it to decrease the incidence of absorbent dessication (drying out)?
2L/minute for 30 minutes
With Desflurane, is wash-out fast or slow?
Extremely fast (has low solubility coefficient)
Because wash-out with Desflurane is extremely fast, what are 2 very important things to remember regarding patient comfort?
Anticipate early analgesic needs;
Reverse muscle relaxants early
Why is Desflurane good to use for obese patients?
low solubility coefficients--won't hang out in the fat as a reservoir
How should you administer Desflurane to avoid unacceptable tachycardia?
Induce and change levels slowly
What chemical classification does Sevoflurane (Ultane) belong to?
Halogenated methyl isopropyl ether
What type of odor does Sevoflurane have?
"Ethereal;" Non-pungent
True/False: The odor of Sevoflurane is well tolerated by mask
Is Sevoflurane stable or unstable in CO2 absorbents?
What is the major degradation product of Sevoflurane when Sevo comes into contact with Soda lime or Baralyme and CO2 absorbent?
Compound A
What chemical classification is "Compound A?" (major degradation product of Sevo)
Which other IA (other than Sevo) has a similar degradation reaction as Sevo when comes in contact with CO2 absorbents and therefore is not stable in Soda lime CO2 absorbents?
How is Compound A formed from Sevoflurane?
By the extraction of the acidic proton in the presence of a strong base (KOH) to form an alkene (Compound A)
The degree of degradation of Sevoflurane to Compound A increases with (increasing or decreasing) temperature
The chemical reaction of CO2 with absorbents is endothermic or exothermic?
Exothermic (heat is produced)
Dry (or fresh) absorbents produce (more or less) heat?
More heat
Increased temperature increases degradation of Sevoflurane and production of Compound A; the temperature increase depends on what factors?
fresh gas flow in breathing circuit, metabolic status of the patient, ventilation and concentration of Sevoflurane
Why is it good to use a high flow rate when admin. Sevoflurane?
High flow rates decrease the production of Compound A by reducing re-breathing
Are flows of <2L recommended with Sevoflurane admin?
What do high concentrations of Compound A cause (in rats)? At what concentrations?
Cause renal injury and death; occurred when levels reached 25-50 ppm or greater
Cases of humans with renal changes occurred after Sevoflurane admin (Compound A); Under what conditions did these renal changes occur?
Prolonged Sevoflurane exposure
While "renal changes" have been demonstrated in humans after Sevoflurane admin, a large number of studies were done which demonstrated no change in BUN and Creatinine levels after Sevo admin; why could this be?
may not be sensitive enough markers to demonstrate renal dysfunction
What's the most important factor in determining how much Compound A a patient will inspire?
Inspired fresh gas flow is most important factor
Should we avoid using Sevoflurane in a patient with preexisting renal disease?
What effect does Sevoflurane have on CBF and CMRO2?
Increases CBF (the least among the Volatile IAs) and decreases CMRO2
Which IA increases CBF the LEAST among the volatile IAs?
What's interesting about the effect Sevoflurane has on CBF and CMRO2 at 1 MAC?
decreases CBF by 38% and CMRO2 by 39% (coupled)
True/False: With Sevoflurane admin, the cranial vessel response to PaCO2 is impaired?
False; it is intact (you can hyperventilate patient, bringing CO2 and ICP down)
Sevoflurane produces what general cardiovascular effect?
dose related depression
What effect does Sevoflurane have on BP?
dose related decrease
What effect does Sevoflurane have on HR?
up to 1 MAC, decreased;
at 1.5 MAC, increased (baroreceptor reflex is intact)
What effect does Sevoflurane have on MAP?
MAP is decreased until approx. 1.5 MAC and then it levels out (or slightly increases); baroreceptors are intact
The Epinephrine induced arrhythmogenic effect of Sevoflurane is equivalent to which other IA?
What general effect does Sevoflurane have on the respiratory system?
Dose related depression
What effect does Sevoflurane have on PaCO2?
True/False: Sevoflurane is the best bronchodilator and the best IA to use in asthmatics
Does Sevoflurane potentiate NM blockers?
Because Sevoflurane potentiates NM blockers (muscle relaxants), the dosage of Muscle relaxants should be guided by a ____ ____ _____
Peripheral Nerve Stimulator
Sevoflurane is the next best drug to ____ for NM Blocker potentiation
What percentage of Sevoflurane dose is metabolized?
Does Sevoflurane form Trifluoroacetic Acid?
Since Sevoflurane does not form Trifluoroacetic Acid, what 3 things also do not occur?
Does not stimulate antibodies to TFA, does not cause immune mediated hepatic toxicity, and no cross-sensitivity with Halothane
What are the 2 metabolic products of Sevoflurane?
Hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP) and Inorganic Fluoride ion
How is Hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP) metabolized?
Conjugated with Glucuronic acid and excreted in the urine
HFIP (metabolic product of Sevo) represents ____% of Fluorine released from Sevoflurane metabolism; what is the problem with this?
80%; worry about renal not being able to concentrate urine in Pediatrics (Peds lack UGT enzymes necessary to catalyze the transfer of glucuronic acid)
Why are we more concerned about Enflurane and renal insufficiency than Sevoflurane and renal insufficiency?
Because Enflurane has a higher solubility coefficient than Sevoflurane (stays around longer)
Is Sevoflurane a potential trigger for Malignant Hyperthermia?
What is a problem with Sevoflurane upon emergence (particularly in Peds)?
Emergent Excitement
Describe "Emergent Excitement"
Transient confusional state associated with emergence from GA
Emergent Excitement is not to be confused with what other similar condition that occurs after Ketamine admin?
Emergence Delerium
When does Emergent Excitement typically occur?
Within the 1st 10 minutes of recovery
The peak incidence of Emergent Excitement occurs in what age of children?
2-4 year olds
What 2 IAs are associated with emergent excitement?
Sevoflurane and Desflurane (esp. Sevoflurane)
List the etiological factors of emergence excitement
IA, Post-op pain, type of surgery, age (typically 2-4 year olds), preoperative anxiety, underlying temperament, adjunct medications
What are the 2 main conditions to be cautious about when admin. Sevoflurane to Pediatrics?
Increased levels of HFIP, and Emergent Excitement