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62 Cards in this Set

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the inguinal canal is a short (___cm), oblique, passage directed ____through the inferior part of the ___? it lies parallel and superior to the?

-4 cm

-directed inferomedially, through inferior part of the anterolateral abdominal wall

-parallel and superior to inguinal ligament

what passes through the inguinal canal in men?

in women?

men- spermatic cord

women- round ligament of the uterus

the deep ring yes superior to the ___, medial to the ___, and lateral to the ____?

superior to the inguinal ligament, medial to the femoral artery, lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels

the superficial ring lies just superior to the ___?

to the pubic tubercle

the conjoint tendon (AKA___), is formed by the joined insertions of the ____and the___into the?

-AKA falx inguinalis

-joined insertions of the internal oblique and the traversus abdominis muscles into the pubic crest and the pectinate line

the ___forms the medial 1/3rd of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal?

the conjoint tendon, aka falx inguinalis

the __ ring is the beginning of the ingunial canal?

the deep inguinal ring

the deep inguinal ring is located midway between?

between the ASIS and the pubic symphysis

the deep inguinal ring is the beginning of a tubular evagination of the?

the transversalis fascia (internal spermatic fascia)

the ___ring is at the end of the inguinal canal?

the superficial inguinal ring

the superficial inguinal ring is superior to the?

to the pubic tubercle

the superficial inguinal ring is the beginning of a tubular evagination of the?

aponeurosis od the external oblique muscle (external spermatic fascia)

floor of the inguinal canal?

medial 1/2 of the inguinal ligament and the lacunar ligament

roof of the inguinal canal?

formed by the arching fibers of the transverses abdominis and internal oblique muscles on their way to form the conjoint tendon

anterior wall of the inguinal canal?

external oblique aponeurosis throughout the length of the canal and reinforced laterally by the internal oblique

posterior wall of the inguinal canal?

transversalis fascia which is reinforced medially by the conjoint tendon

the external oblique aponeurosis is reinforced laterally by the?

internal oblique

the transversalis fascia is reinforced medially by the?

conjoint tendon

descent of the testis occurs __or___the peritoneum?

beneath or behind

as the testis descends, posterior to the ___, the __forms?

posterior to the peritoneum, the spermatic cord forms

the spermatic cord takes on coverings or fascias that are continuous with?

with layers of the anterloateral abdominal wall

as the spermatic cord passes through the deep inguinal ring, it takes on the ___fascia, which is derived from the ___?

takes on the internal spermatic fascia, which is derived from the transversalis fascia

as the spermatic cord passes beneath the conjoint tendon, it takes on a layer from the ___, the __fascia, which contains?

from the internal oblique, the cremasteric fascia, which contains skeletal muscle

as the spermatic cord passes through the superficial ring, it takes on a layer from the ___, the ___fascia?

from the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle, the external spermatic fascia

___is the middle covering of the spermatic cord?

cermasteric fascia

the cremasteric fascia is derived from the?

internal oblique muscle

the cremasteric fascia is innervated by the?

genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve (L1/L2)

what is the cremasteric reflex? (how to do it, what it can be used to test integrity of)

-stroke upper medial thigh, which is innervated by the ilioinguinal nerve (L1) and a reflex arc causes the cremasteric muscle to contract

-can be used to test integrity of L1 spinal level

the upper medial thigh is innervated by the?

ilioinguinal nerve (L1)

the cremasteric reflex is more active in?

in children

testicular innervation is ___and___and ___from ___?

-vagal parasympathetics and visceral afferents and sympathetics from T10-T11 spinal cord segment

testicular VS. scrotal cancer?

-testicular cancer travels to lumbar nodes

-scrotal cancer travels to superficial inguinal nodes

percentages for inguinal hernias? and male:female ratio?

25% of males and 2% of females will have an inguinal hernia in their lifetime

male:female ratio is 12:1

what are the two types of inguinal hernias?

1. direct (AKA acquired)

2. indirect

direct (AKA acquired) inguinal hernias usually occur in___? and they account for ___of all inguinal hernias?

-usually occur in older patients

-one-thrid of all inguinal hernias

indirect inguinal hernias account for ___of all inguinal hernias? and they are ___predominance?

-two-thirds of all inguinal hernias (most common)

-right side predominance

which type of inguinal hernia is most common?


___is the site of direct inguinal hernias, which occur medial to the ___?

inguinal triangle, occur medial to the inferior epigastric vessels

indirect hernias enter the?

the deep inguinal ring

an indirect hernia has ___over it, while a direct hernia is covered by___? why is this?

indirect- has peritoneum and the coverings of the spermatic cord

direct- covered by peritoneum alone

-this is b/c the viscera herniate along the path of testicular descent in the case of an indirect hernia

in an indirect hernia, viscera herniate along the path of ___?

path of testicular descent

indirect hernias are __more common in males?

20 times more common

indirect hernias leave the abdominal cavity ____, through the ___?

lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels, through the deep inguinal ring

direct hernias protrude through an area of __in the posterior wall of the inguinal canal ___to the ___?

an area of weakness

-medial to the inferior epigastric vessels

indirect hernias leave abdominal cavity ___to the inferior epigastric vessels? Direct hernias leave the posterior wall of the inguinal canal __to the inferior epigastric vessels?

indirect- lateral to

direct- medial to

which type of hernia is prone to strangulation?

indirect hernias (direct are less prone)

which type of hernias are more common in older people?

direct hernias

both, indirect and direct hernias, may protrude through the?

through the superficial ring

when doing a physical examination for a hernia what do you do?

place a fingertip into the scrotal sac and advance up into the inguinal canal

while doing a physical examination for a hernia what would tell you it is most likely an indirect hernia?

if the hernia comes from superolateral to inferomedial and strikes the distal tip of the finger

while doing a physical examination for a hernia, what would tell you it is more consistent with a direct hernia?

if the hernia strikes the pad of the finger from deep to superficial

a femoral hernia appears where?

below the inguinal ligament

a femoral hernia passes into the ___and into the?

into the femoral canal into into the medial thigh

a femoral hernia is ___, not__?

is acquired, not congenital

femoral hernias happen predominately in?

middle-aged or older women

female:male ratio for femoral hernias?

female:male ratio is 4:1


a fluid-filled sac surrounding a testicle that results in swelling of the scrotum

hydroceles are common in? but most disappear when?

common in newborns, but most disappear without treatment within the first year of life

older boys or men can develop a hydrocele due to?

inflammation or injury within the scrotum


an enlargement of the veins within the scrotum

varicoceles are a common cause of?

of low sperm production and decreased sperm quality

most varicoceles develop?

over time