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32 Cards in this Set

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Difficoltà, problema

Minor difficulties



A problem that you have to deal with before you can make progress

Ostacolo: sia figurato sia materiale nella corsa agli ostacoli in atletica

Major hurdle


Ostacolo sia in senso materiale che figurato


An unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of

Situazione difficile

Current predicament


Disastro, sia in senso stretto che figurato

Total disaster


A subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about: problema, questione, argomento

Sensitive issue: argomento delicato

A set of newspapers or magazines published at the same time: emissione, edizione

To produce or provide something official: emettere, pubblicare, distribuire, fornire

At issue: most important in what is being discussed "the point at issue is what is best for the child."

Make an issue of sth: to make something seem more important than it should be

Have issue (with sb/sth): to have difficulty or disagreement with someone or something


Sfida, stimolo

Significant challenge


Disputa, dibattito, controversia, polemica

A lot of disagreement or argument about something, usually because it affects or is important to many people

Considerable controversy


Ostacolo, impedimento, battuta d'arresto, contrattempo

Something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing

Minor setback




Dilemma, difficult choice




-Di solito è uncountable e quindi va usato al singolare (I've had a lot of trouble) NOT troubles.

-Troubles si usa solo per riferirsi a tutti i problemi che una persona o un paese ha: "Telling someone else your troubles Can really help."

- può essere usato per dire "difficulty" con have trouble+ -ing: I had a lot of trouble starting the car this morning "

Ongoing and pervasive problem

Problema che continua, ininterrotto e pervasivo

Ongoing : continuing to exist or develop or happening at the present moment

Arise (formal)

Presentarsi, verificarsi, apparire, manifestarsi, spuntare

To happen

"Should the opportunity arise, I'd love to go to China."

"Could you work on Saturday, should the need arise (= if it were to be necessary)?"

"Are there any matters arising from (= caused by) the last meeting?"

"If any complications arise, let me know and I'll help."

"Problems arise if the parents' approach to discipline is inconsistent."

"An occasion may arise when you can use your knowledge of French."

"An unforeseen difficulty has arisen."

"His reputation for carelessness was established long before the latest problems arose."

Insormountable and daunting problem

Problema insormontabile e spaventoso, scoraggiante

Daunting: making you feel slightly frightened or worried about your ability to achieve something


To make something that is already bad even worse


To make something bad such as pain or problems less severe


To limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something: "Her progress has been hindered by her lack of experience."


Verb; To make something less harmful, unpleasant or bad


Verb; To correct something or make something right


Verb; to make a problem or difficult situation worse

Noun; a chemical that combines two or more elements ; something consisting of two or more different parts

Complicate, aggravate

Complicare, aggravare




Tackling this problem

Overcome the difficulties raised by this issue

Remedy the situation

To prevent a catastrophe/to find a way/ to reach a compromise

Resolve this issue

Do more harm than good

Far piu male che bene

Dwell on

To think or talk about something a lot of the time

Energy crisis

Crisi energetica

Gain insight into

Avere una visione, ottenere informazioni, farsi un'idea, comprendere meglio

Insight : the ability to have a clear, deep and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation

Genetically modified food


Take stock of sth

Assess or evaluate a situation carefully: fare il punto della situazione

to examine a situation carefully:

"After the storm homeowners came out to take stock of the damage."

Take notice of

Prestare attenzione a, fare attenzione a, pay attention, to give something your attention

"Voters are beginning to take notice of him as a serious candidate."