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14 Cards in this Set

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frequency polygon (graph) with distinctive characteristics
Normal Distribution - symmetrical bell-shaped curve stat workhorse
The number of standard deviations a case is away from the mean of the distribution
Z score
The Standard Normal =?
normal distribution of Z scores
can we infer that trends/relationships in sample data can be generalized to a larger population?
Survey/Epidemiological Research
Survery/Epidemiological Research and experiments
Statistical Inference
Are the results sufficiently different from chance to conclude a true/effect
Are the results sufficiently different from chance to conclude a non-zero effect.
Experiments in Statistical Inference
If Ho is true on the average the difference b/2 two sample means will be?
the likelihood of the sample data coming from the sampling distribution assuming Ho is true
Level of Significance (alpha)
the probability or likelihood below which we will say not very likely and reject the null
Level of Significance - in general set at .05 or 5%
When probability of Type 1 error decreases probability of type 2 error?
risk of rejecting Ho when Ho is actually true
Type 1 Error - False Positive
Risk of failing to reject Ho when Ho is actually False
Type 2 Error - False Negative
the probability of detecting a difference b/t treatments in a study, when a actually exists.
Power - Opposite of type 2 error
Desired lvl of power
= or > 80 - increase by increasing sample size.