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88 Cards in this Set

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What is meant by the term privacy?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Having privacy is the freedom from intrusion by the public and others. It is hard to control privacy with the introduction of ICT systems.

What personal information is likely to be held on ICT systems?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-Credit History

-Likes and Dislikes
-Purchases made
-Insurance details
-Exams and Qualifications
-Marketing Information
-Phone call details
-Criminal records
-Medical details
-Vehicle details

Why are ICT systems set up?
How can we determine a picture of someone's life using the way the system has been set up?

Topic 5- INFO 2

They are set up to collect, process and store personal information. When you link all the information from all the systems, it allows you to build up a picture of somones personal life.

What examples would show an erosion of privacy?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-Surveillence cameras

-Marketing database
-Mobile phone records
-Records of purchases
-Internet service provider
-Credit checking agencies

How can a computer identify who is using the system?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Having an individual User ID.

Give three facts about a User ID...

Topic 5- INFO 2

-Unique to a particular user and will normally be an abbreviation
-Allows you to have your own personal settings and files

-When the user-ID is entered the computer knows who is using it.

Why are passwords used?
How are they used?

Topic 5- INFO 2

It is used to protect an ICT system against illegal access. They are known by one person who set it so they have access to resources.

Why are passwords not displayed and appear as a series of asterisks?

Topic 5- INFO 2

So no one behind can observe your password that could steal it and gain unauthorised access.

What is the problem with passwords?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-people choose simple words which makes it easier for hackers
-they choose pet names, footie teams which can be guessed by people who know them

-People forget passwords as they have to remeber lots of them
-They arent changed regular enough

What are the rules to choosing an appropriate password for your system or an account?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-Don't use dictionary words
-Don't use your own name
-Always use the maximum number of characters
-Includes numerals as well as letters
-Use other characters if it allows it
-Don't tell anyone else your password
-Never respond to an e-mail that asks for your password.

Why would a manager want to monitor their employees at work and how can they do this?

Topic 5- INFO 2

So a manager can view the amount of time an emplyee has spent on the internet, websites visited and the e-mails they sent. It can be used to collect evidence about an employees use of resources and if they are misusing the access to the internet. They can also check programs and data stored.

How can you be monitored at home on your ICT system?

Topic 5- INFO 2

The connection to the internet provides others with lots of ways of finding out about you and what you do on-line.

What is a cookie?

Topic 5- INFO 2

A small text file downloaded to your computer used by websites to collect information about how you use it. For example a website will try and promote products that a user has viewed before orviewed a product similar to it. This is done without users consent.

What is an internet service provider?

Topic 5- INFO 2

The organisation that provides a connection service to the internet.

What is spyware and name some typical spyware uses?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Spyware is a software which collects information without their consent about the user of a computer connected to the internet.
-investigate your search history so they can target advertising at you.

-intercepting passwords and credit card details for fraud/theft.

Name some Internet service provider records and spyware records...

Topic 5- INFO 2

Internet service provider records:
-pages visited

-how long you spend on each page



-keystrokes used
-web browsing history

What are the spyware causes?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-identity theft/fraud

-computer crashes

-poor performance (slows computer down)

-lots of pop ups and banners

-software problems

-security software is disabled e.g. firewalls

How would you remove spyware?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-Install anit-spyware

-Install security suite of software

-Install software provided by the ISP

What will an Anti-Spyware do?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-Scan memory for any spyware
-Scan any new programs that try to reinstall themselves/ been downloaded
-Scan the entire hard drive

What can your shopping tell you about monitoring?

Topic 5- INFO 2

If you pay with card or loyalty this can remember what you have purchased to target you with marketing of similar products in the future.

What is phishing?

Topic 5- INFO 2

People who are fraudtsres send e-mails that are random to people who use on-line banking to update their account details. They click the link and the web browser gets copied and they go to a fake website similar to the original where people enter their details and give them to the fraudster.

What is a Trojan?

Topic 5- INFO 2

This is a small program used to get details of your user ID ad passwords.

How can you prevent fraud from happening?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-Be suspicious of any emils sent to you.

-Never give personal information.

What is identity theft?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Stealing information sbout you such as banking details in order to commit fraud.

What processes might be carried out to someone stealing your identity?

Topic 5- INFO 2

1. someone routes through recycling and find old bank statements so they can redirect the mail to there house.

2. Start to open new accounts with these details pretending to be you.

3. They take money to buy a car for example and pay for insurance.

4. Car accident happens they give your name and address therefore you get arrested.

How would you keep banking details private?

Topic 5- INFO 2

By encryption which codes the data whilst its being sent over a network and only the true recipitent can decode it. If a hacker gets hold of it it will be in code and totally meaningless.

What is encryption?

Topic 5- INFO 2

The process of coding files before they are sent over a network to protect them from hackers. It also codes files stored on a computer so it can't be read.

What should encrytion be used for?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-sending credit card details

-online banking

-sending payment details

-confidential emails

-sending data between terminals

What are the problems with encrytion?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-security forces like the police dont like this as they cant crack it themselves when they need to read emails

-it can be used for secretive criminals and terrorists.

Where do threats to ICT systems come from?

Topic 5- INFO 2







-abuse by staff



-natural disasters

-faulty hardware or software


How can a loss of data loose money for a buisness?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-loose buisness so a decrease in income

-lack of confidence by customers

-lost computer time

-need and cost for staff to sort the problem out.

What six natural disasters could cause a threat?

Topic 5- INFO 2

loss of power, communication lines lost, damage to systems

-Lightening Strike

momentary loss of power or complete loss

-Tidal Waves

fire and smoke damage and destruct buildings
water damage to hardware and software, loss of power and communication lines


loss of power lines, destruction of communication equipment.

How can faulty hardware/software be a threat?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Faulty hardware can result in the hard drive being damaged, rendering the data and programs become unusable.

Faulty software could contain errors which can damage or cause a loss of data.

How can you minimise the threat of having a fire?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-no smoking

-no overloaded power sockets

-wiring checked regularly

-bins emptied regulalry

-no large paper quantities

-fire alarms in all rooms

-sprinkler system

-fireproof safe

-remove backup copies off site

What is computer/hardware theft?

Topic 5- INFO 2

It is when a thief steals the computer or other hardware.

Data protection act protects this to store data loss.

Why are laptops vunerable to theft?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-small, light and easily concealed

-used publically

-put into car boots

-desirable and easy to sell

What is hacking and what would a hacker do once they get into a system?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Hacking is when you try and get into a system without authoristation. They do it because:

-They want satisfaction that they could get into it
-Gain access to personal data
-Commit blackmail when they have data

-Cause data damage
-Deliberately alter data

What is a Denial of a service attack?

Topic 5- INFO 2

This is an attack to deprive a company of some of its resources. It can cause a buisness to loose money as if the attack was made on an online clothes store it could deprive customers of buying products.

What can cause power loss and how can it be prevented?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Natural disaters can cause it or cutting through the wrong wire. When this happens it may not shut the system down properly causing the data to be lost.

To prevent this a standby power system should be installed to ensure the system stills runs until the supply is activated again.

What is an uninterruptible power supply?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Standby power is an example of this. One may need a combination of stored power and a generator. Stored power is like a bank of batteries and a generator is usually powered by petrol. As there is a slight delay in loosing power and starting the generator batteries are needed in this interval.

Protect against power surges.

What causes a change in the power supply of a system?

Topic 5- INFO 2

It is when the light starts to flicker due to a fluctuation in power. It can be a cause of data loss.

What are internal and external threats?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Internal threats are threats fom inside an organisation where as an External threat is a threat from outside the organisation.

What would internal threats include?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-Employees introducing viruses deliberatly or accidently

-Staff stealing or damaging hardware and software

-Staff damaging or losing data

-Comprimising the privacy of personal data by leaving computers logged on.
-Staff hacking into the system.

How could you protect against internal threats?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-Use passwords
-Attach computers to desks to stop theft
-Have a policy
-Change passwords regularly
-Install virus checking software

-Train staff to stop accidental mistakes

What would external threats include?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-People outside the organisation stealing hardware/ software.

-People from outside hacking in to change info stored

-Natural disastors

-Loss of telecommunications services

-Viruses introduced from file attatchments.

How would you protect against external threats?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-Install an interuptible power supply

-Encrypt data on laptops incase they are stolen
-Keep ICT systems away from areas that flood
-Use a firewall
-Use encryption
-Use biometirc measures to prevent unauthorised access.

What is the difference between crime and malcrime?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Crime is an illegal act against the law where as malcrime is imporper or careless misconduct/use

Give examples of malpractice...

Topic 5- INFO 2

-accidentally deleteing data
-not taking backups

-not scanning for viruses regularly

-copying old data over new data

-not logging off the network after use
-viewing improper content
-not keeping back ups
-wasting time surfing the internet

-giving away log on details
-downloading the wrong content

Give examples of crime...

Topic 5- INFO 2


-identity theft

-software piracy


-theft of hardware or software

-deliberatly spreading viruses

-deliberate destruction of data

-running unlicensed software

What is a hardware measure (give an example) and explain an access restriction and Locking a keyboard?

Topic 5- INFO 2

A hardware measure is when a computer and other equipment can be used to reduce threats.

Data on removeable media can be put in a fireproof safe.

Access restirctions can be used like using keypads to enter ict rooms. Biometric testing can be used which nvolves face recognition and finger prints to recognise a frequent user. No combinations will need to be remembered.

Locking keyboards uses a card and a card reader to restrict access. When the card gets removed you cant use the mouse.

What are software measures?

Give examples...

Topic 5- INFO 2

It is the way in which software can be used to limit how a user uses a stand alone computer or networked computer.
E.g. User names and passwords can be recognised, access rights, firewalls, encrytion.

Explain the software measure of access rights...

Topic 5- INFO 2

This restricts a users access to only the files they need for the job they are doing. These rights are controlled by the network manager.

They can only have access to files including:

-Read only


-No access

Explain what a firewall is...

Topic 5- INFO 2

It is a peice of software that works in a network to prevent communication allowed across networks so it can be protected from hackers. It can be hardware, software or both.

It is control data traffic between two networks and checks each packet of data to see if anyhing breaches security measures.

What does the term procedures mean?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Procedures means the management of control that are put in place to ensure that users work in a way that reduces ICT threats.

Explain the procedure 'Sepeartion of duties'...

Topic 5- INFO 2

Ir protects against Fraud by ensuring more than one person is involved when dealing with something like an order. Collusion of staff would need to happen for fraud to happen so it makes it more difficult.

What is a Non-disclosure?

Topic 5- INFO 2

They are agreements added to prevent employees passing on confidential information to others.

Why is training, the careful selection of staff and the retention of staff a procedure?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Training is impirtan to stop things being deleted accidentally.
Careful selection of staff means taking references before employment and making sure they are fit for the job.

Retention of staff would be to make sure suitable trained staff who are qualified are retained to make sure they know they are valued.

What is an audit trail and what does it do?

Topic 5- INFO 2

An Audit Trail is a way of tracking all possible details of a specific transaction. They rpovide records which are used to track transactions and they are performed at regular breaks.

What is an Acceptable use policy and what does it do?

Topic 5- INFO 2

It is to prevent staff from misusing the ICT system in an organisation. Te policy highlights clearly to all staff what is acceptable use and what isnt. It tends to protect the organisation of a company as well as the individuals.

What are the 6 main areas on a typical IT acceptable use policy?

Topic 5- INFO 2

1. Intro

general info f the organisation, and why the policy is there

2. General computer use

Health and safety info, advice about clean workstations and eating and drinking near equipment

3. Network and Internet storage

passwords and usernames, logging on and off, warnings
4. E-mail

internal and external are appropriate. warnings about unknown emails

5. Security

Data protection act, authorise and unauthorised access and security measures should be followed

6. Training

offered to staff

Why do we have the Data Protection Act 1998?

Topic 5- INFO 2

We have it to make the transfer of data much easier to protect.

It covers the misuse of personal data.

It gives the individual the right to check the stored infrmation about them is correct.

What is personal data?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-data about an identifiable person
-who is alive
-specific details to that person

What would include data specific to a particular person and who would likely have hold of this?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-medical history

-credit history


-religious beliefs

-criminal records

Marketisation companies would be likely to have these details so they can relate products to your personal information.

What are the 8 data protection prinicples?

Topic 5- INFO 2

1.fairly and lawfully processed

2.processed for limited purposes

3.adequate and relevant and not excessive


5.not kept for longer than necessary

6.processed in accordance with data subject rights


8.not transfered to countires outside the EU

What does the processing of personal data mean?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-obtaining data

-recording data

-carrying out any operation

What is meant by notification and how can it be done?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Notification is the process of letting the Information Comissioners Office know that an organisation is storing and processing personal data.

Commissioner o certain details:
-company registration number
-name and address of the data controller

-the classes of the data that is held

When is data exempt?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-when the data can jeopardise the detection of crime

-when the release of information would harm the public more than not realising the information

What is a data subject?

Topic 5- INFO 2

The person whom the personal information is about.

Why would the subject of the information want access to their information held about them?

Topic 5- INFO 2

So that the subject can see the personal information to check that it is correct.

What are the duties of an information commisioner?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-to promote good info handling

-investigate complaints

-provide guidelines

-bring legal proceedings
-responsible for administering the two acts (Data Protection and Freedom information act)

What is the data subject uncovers wrong data about themselves?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-they have the right to compensation for finacial loss or injury caused by incorrect data

-Have the right to the data being corrected or even deleted.

What data about a subject could there be rejection of access?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-detection of crime

-data used foor prosecution of offenders

-data used for tax collection

Why does consent need to be given to pass personal information on to others?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Because personal information is valuable.

What act is the information commisioner also in charge of and what does this act do?
What are the exeptions in this act?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-The Freedom of Information Act 2000

It gives the right of access to information held by public authorities. An individuals information could be e-mails, meeting minutes.

What does public authority include?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-central governement

-loacl authorities

-hospitals, doctors

-schools, colleges, unis

-police and prison service

Why was the Computer Misuse Act 1990 passed and what did it go against?

Topic 5- INFO 2

It was passed to deal with a number of misuses as the use of computers becaome widespread.
It goes against:
-deliberate viruses

-carrying out unauthorised work on an organisations

-for hacking into other systems

-use computers to commit frauds

What is the problem with prosecuting under the Computer Misuse Act?

Topic 5- INFO 2

The police need to prove that they did misuse deliberatly. Proving this is very difficult as it is almost impossible to prove that someone did it and why.

Name some offences under Section 1 that will give a sentence of 6 months imprisonment...

Topic 5- INFO 2

1. securing access by using any function to access data

2.access is unauthorised

3.they know it was unauthorised at the time

six months imprisonment

Name some offences under Section 2 that will give a sentence of 5 years imprisonment...

Topic 5- INFO 2

Commiting a further offence such as blackmail after section 1.

5 years imprisonment

Name some offences under Section 3 that will give a sentence of 5 years imprisonment...

Topic 5- INFO 2

1.impair the operation of any computer

2.prevent or hinder access to any program or data

3.impair the operation of any program or reliability of any data.

5 years imprisonment

5 offences under the computer misuse act...

Topic 5- INFO 2

-using ict to commit fraud


-planting or transfering viruses

-using ict systems for unauthorised work

-deliberate destruction

What is the problem with computer software?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-easy to copy

-easy to transfer files over the internet

-people dont see copying software as stealing goods

What are the problems with copied software?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-not entitled to technical support

-no qualified upgrades

-might not be incomplete

-may conatain viruses

What is the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and what does it do/allow?

Topic 5- INFO 2

This act allos the owner of software to copy the software provided they have their permission.

What is an offence under these acts?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-copy or distribute software without permission

-run purchased software covered by copyright on two or machines

-force employees to make or distribute illegal software.

What are the consequences of going against the Patents at 1988?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-unlimited fines up to 10 years imprisonment

-lose reputation

-sued for damages

What is software piracy?

Topic 5- INFO 2

Illegal copying of software and data.

What are 5 illegal activties under the Copyright, designs and patents act 1988?

Topic 5- INFO 2

-selling pirated copies of software

-copying images without permission

-force others to illegally copy files

-running multiple copies of software

-sharing digital music illegally