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60 Cards in this Set

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Commonly occurs in the vaginal, very common. white "cottage cheese" Discharge, First presents, and WHite crusts on red base.

Vaginal candidiasis, often first presents with painful sex.

How do you treat vaginal candidiasis, dose?

Fluconazole or cream, they have OTC kits now Monistat. 150 usually.

Mouth or esophagous use NYSTATIN- it is a slurry. Diflucan is a pill

Other symptoms with candiasis

Itching/burning/pain/redness, typically oral in children and some adults present with candidiasis if they take antibiotics

RF candidiasis

Diabetics are at risk, immunoincompetent

Difference of oral candidiasis and leukoplakia?

You can scrape oral candiasis, you can have oral or pharyngeal candidiasis.

Test for Candidiasis, what does it show

KOH- test, budding hyphae will be shown.

Derm antifungal Tx, and name

Topical tx, candida dermatitis.

Fungemia- endocarditis in heart or heart valves

FUngurea- uri

Test for esophageal candidiasis

EGD with biopsy/ use a brush

What is the Most Common cause of FUngal Meningitis

Cryptococcosis: Cryptococcus neoformans- pulmonary infection

DX: Cryptococcal

India ink/ Usually asympotomatic, see in immunosupressed, No tx if you have a good immune system

HIV pt with Cryptococcal TX:

Amphotericin B- rough SE, Fluconazole often used as first line. If treated with itraconazole tx prophilactivly whole like.

rf cryptococcus

aids/ immunocompromised

Histoplasma capsulatum, rf, tx DX, xray

Histoplasmosis- asymptomatic pulmonary infection

Rf- Aids, low immune

tx- Amphotericin B, or itraconazole

DX:urinary Test,

xray- diffuse infiltrates and markings all around

Bird droppings or bat guano exposure in ohio river valley or outside US


Most common opptounistic infection in aids patients. No, matter what your tcell count is.

Aids defining ill ness, TX

Pneumocystis, Bactrim.

CXR- fine, Very sick patient, non productive cough,

"Test is Direct antibody testing and silver stain"


Why dont you give children under 2 honey and botox, home canning

Botulism-attacks nerves antitoxin

Sudden onset dry mouth, dysphagia, diplopia, dysphonia, muscle weakness that progresses to respiratory paralysis. TX:

Botulism: trivalent equine antitoxin

urethral discharge in men, dysuria, vaginal discharge, post-coital bleeding. Men notice it more, Painful:men, Painless:female. Leads to what major problem

CHlamydia, infertility in women, PID, Reactive arthritis, Reiter's syndrom- most commonly associated with chlamdyia classically associated

Test and TX chlamydia

urine test or pcr, treat with z-pack, doxycline may also be used but not common

when you see chlamydia what else do you treat anyways


Trachomatis is cause by

chlamydia to the eye, transferred from flies to the eye, one of the leading causes of blindness in less developed countries

"rice-water stool", Tx, DX, Poor sanititation increases transmission

Cholera, ORT- oral rehydration therapy (pedialyte basically), IV fluids. TX: azithromycin, DX: with stool sample

Gray throat, membrane tightly adherent to the posterior pharynxe

Diptheria, corynebacterium

TX for a grayish membrane, Club shaped bacteria with a leather hide

SECURE AIRWAY, Antibiotics penecillins, and EES-erythramyacin)

yellow discharge or looks like chlamydia, SPecifically 2 little circles- di


candida dermatitis tx:

Fluconazole/ nystatin

EGD brushing and biopsy used to show hyphae psuedopod budding


Dx Fungal meningitis and tx

India ink and CSF- may show cryptococcal antigens

Amphotericin B or Flucanozole, if you get this must be treated prophylactivly for life- huge headact and meningitis symptoms are also associated with this

Pulmonary infection with a patient that had full cd4 functioning, silver stain +, non productive cough and fever, CXR interstial infiltrates- growing up and outward interstitial infiltrate. How do you treat this? and what other DX test is used

PCP, Pneumocystitis, amphotericin B and TMP-SMX, DX: Direct flourescent antibody

Lady injects her face and comes down with a neurotoxin that causes double vision, can't swallow or talk well, dry mouth, muscle weakness. what is it and TX

Botulism, Trivalent equine antitoxin

patient presents with post coital bleeding, Reiters arthritis white discharge. Highest risk, DX, TX`

Risk of sterility, DX:PCR, TX:Z-pack

Simple disease simple treatment

disease DX: PCR, RT-PCR




RT-PCR: Rubella


"Rice water stool"

Dx: Stool sample

Tx: ORT, IV fluids, possibly Zpack


Grayish membrane of posterior pharynx

Secure the airway

Anything with stridor intubate immediatly

TX: Trivalent equine( antibiotic ees/penicillin)


Liver enlargement occurs with chlamydia and gonorrhea


Yellow discharge, Painful drip, Gonoccocal arthritis

TX: Cetrifoxone 125mg IM, Azithromyacin 1 g

2 things with inflammatory bowel syndrome like symptoms

Salmonella and shigella


Turtles, chicken, raw eggs, "pea soup" diarrhea with MARKED constipation, blood and pmn's,


Bat droppings, DX:urine or biopsy, asymptomatic pulmonary infection.

TX: Amphotericin B and Itraconazole

RF: low immune


Tx: levaquin and ceftriaxone

Rose spots


Day care transmission, dysentary, abrupt tenesumus, toxicity

Tx:FQ in adults, children TMP-SMX or azythromycin


Lock jaw-trismus


Vaccine- tetanus immunoglobin and 24mu/d of penicillin G aqueous solution

Hallmark is Night sweats, respiratory transfer is airborn, hemotysis

Symptoms of Tuberculosis

Tx of tuberculosis

INH *old, rifampin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide

DX of tuberculosis

Chest xray, qrf, PPD+, acid fast test 3 in a row

Tb infection

Latent TB

TB disease

Miliary TB

8-12 wks asymptomatic

Positive ppd cannot spread

Cavitating process shown on xr generally in the apical region of the lungs right side

Miliary- classic cxr pattern of soft nodules 2-3 mm

If PPD + wheal induration

>15 mm >4 no known risk- low risk

>10 mm if intermediate risk- DM, ESRD, malignancy, prednisone use; immigrants from high risk countries; long term care or incarcerated; health care workers

>5 mm high risk: Hiv, IVDU, close contacts, cxr with previous disease

Atypical mycobacterial infections

not in immunocompetent usually, Causes night sweats weight loss and abdominal pain/ fatigue diarrhea and anemia caused by MAC


Fecal-oral transmission tropical regions, colonic disease, Hepatic abscesses- fever, hepatomegaly, pain

DX: Stool for Oval and Parasitic, Antigen and PCR, or CT scan

TX Metronidazole, paromomycin for cysts, drain abscess if warranted


Rash at site with cough and subsequent GI infestation, Bloody stool, Anemia

TX: Mebendazole

CHills, fever, sweat, Dx: thick and thin specific blood smear

Malaria, propyhlaxis chloroquine and doxycycline if in a resistance area

Pin worms

treat mebendazole once, than repeat in 2 weeks

alterd mental state, headache, and new seizure

Pregnant major complications, Reactivation in aids<100 cd4 count, Head ct will show ring- enhancing mass lesion

DX: serology, biopsy

TX: Pyrimethamine, and sulfadiazine

Toxoplasmosis Cat litter

Borelia burgorferi

Lyme disease

Erythem Migrans bulls eye, can cause dementia as well

lyme disease

Lyme disease DX, TX

DX: elisa and WB conf. Lymphs in CSF.

TX: doxycycline>8years, Amoxicillin<8 years, Ceftriaxone for more severe

ceftriaxone treats what diseases

Gonorrhea, Salmonella, Lyme disease,

3 stages of lyme disease

1- erythema migrans, fever/chills, myalgia, fatigue (localized/early)

2( cardiac manifestations (myopericarditis or AV block), Neurologic manifestations, bell's palsy, meningitis, peripheral neuritis

3 (persistent) Musculoskeletal manifestations, crippled

FLu like prodrom, with a red macular rash starts on writsts and ankles spreads centrally

Rocky mountain spotted fever, tx with doxycycline