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102 Cards in this Set

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Propionibacterium acnes
the bacterium responsible for acne the most common skin disorder affecting 85% of teens
as lyme disease progresses to the CNS neurological disorders such as blank and heart arrhythmias occur
facial palsy
scalded skin syndrome is also called
ritters disease
the vector for Rocky Mountain spotted fever in the west part of the United States is Dermacentor andersoni
the blank tick
vaginal candidiasis
commonly called a yeast infection is a common opportunistic infection in women flickering broad spectrum antibiotic use
one of the main factors that may trigger an outbreak of cold sores or fever blisters
Tinea unguium
ringworm of the nails
tinea pedis
ringworm of the foot aka athlete's foot
tinea cruris
refers to ringworm of the groin, jock itch
a severe complication of measles and approximately one out of a thousand cases fever headache compulsions retardation epilepsy deafness with a mortality rate of 15% especially in developing countries
measles encephalitis
another name for conjunctivitis
pink eye
responsible for hair follicle infection (pimples) and skin abscesses (furncles and carbuncles )
Staphylococcus aureus
herpes simplex 1
reoccurring cold sores and fever blisters above 90% the population has the virus only 15% experience these outbreaks
often used to treat acne; because it is teratogenic pregnant women cannot take it
the vector for Rocky Mountain spotted fever in the east part of United States is Dermacentor variabilis
the blank tick
warts are usually benign tumors composed of hard tightly packed epithelium with a scaly broken top
highly contagious pyoderma consisting of superficial pus filled blisters covered by a weepy yellow crust usually caused by Streptococcus pyogenes
occurs due to inflammation of an eyelash hair follicle
tinea capitis
ringworm of the head scalp
chicken pox pustules are most common on the blank of the body and sparse on the peripheral extremities
molluscum contagiosum is a mildly contagious disease of humans caused by a pox virus characterized
waxy raised skin papules with a distinctively umbilicated top
the rash of Rocky Mountain spotted fever is unusual in that begins
on the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands
the leading cause of preventable blindness in the world
conjunctivitis caused by Chlamydia trachomatis
toxic shock syndrome and scalded skin syndrome or both caused by viral genes in
lysogenized strands of Staphylococcus aureus
severe acne
called cystic acne (acne vulgaris) often results in scars
sebaceous gland infection
pimples sties furuncles and carbuncles also the sebaceous glands of hair follicles increase production of sebum in response to sex hormones and resulting in acne
commonly known as a boil; a skin absence composed of pus in a plug of dead cells
red measles begins with a fever running nose cough and swollen red weepy eyes; a fine red rash spreads from the forehead to the body in about 1 week accompanied by distinctive Koplik spots in the mouth;
the first M of MMR vaccination; this disese should be eradicated but the continued presence of a non-immune population served as a constant reservoir
red measles
Rubeola the first M of MMR vaccination; this disese should be eradicated but the continued presence of a non-immune population served as a constant reservoir
begins with a fever running nose cough and swollen red weepy eyes; a fine red rash spreads from the forehead to the body in about 1 week accompanied by distinctive Koplik spots in the
yeast affection is a common opportunistic infection in women falling broad spectrum antibiotic use
vaginal candidiasis
the vector for Lyme disease
Ixodes, the deer tick
rubeola red measles is characterized by a red rash limited to
the upper half of the body
erythema infectiosum
also known as fifth disease or slapped cheek syndrome; face has characteristic slapped cheek appearance in the body is covered with a lacy looking rash
the progression of the chicken pox outbreak
macules (small red spots)
papules (bumps)
vesicles (blisters)
pustules (blister with a red border)
the center of a cutaneous anthrax lesion is
refers to a fungal skin infection commonly known as ringworm; lesion is circular and itches
herpes simplex 1
oral herpes because the lesion developed around the mouth
oral candidiasis
also called oral thrush
cutaneous anthrax
zoonosis caused by Bacillus anthracis from contact with contaminated hide fur or waste of ungulates
reactivation of the virus that causes chickenpox results in
herpes zoster or shingles the painful rash mimics that of chickenpox exccept that it is limited to sensory nerves on one side of the body
plantar warts
are located on the soles of the feet
conjunctivitis caused by Chlamydia trachomatis
the leading cause of preventable blindness in the world
herpes simplex 1
refers to the recurring cold sores and fever blisters over 90 percent of the population has viris only about 15% experiencies outbreaks
burn infections that turn bluish green or caused by
Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to many antimicrobial agents
and herpes simplex 1 infections the virus
remains in trigeminal nerve and may be reactivated by many factors including stress excessive sunlight, etc.
tinea barbae
refers to ringworm of the shaved part of a man's face
Lyme disease is a zoonosis caused by
Borrelia burgdorferi a spirochete, transmitted by deer tick, diagnosis by a lesion that looks like a bulls eye
varicella zoster
herpes family virus that causes chickenpox varicella primary infection of chickenpox and zooster latent infection of shingles
koplik spots in the mouth
resemble tiny grains of salt on red mocosa are sure sign of rubeola red measles
the antibiotic tetracycline is often used to treat
infected female Dermacentor tick passes a parasite which causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever directly to their offspring in their eggs, this is referred to as
transovarian transmission
toxic shock syndrome
lead to use of tampons and menstrating woman washing hands before inserting reduces the incidence drastically
German measles is highly contagious its vaccine is the R of MMR
the progression of the chicken pox outbreak is from macules (small red spots) to blank (bump) to vesicles (blisters) to pustules (blisters with a red border)
a symptom of rubeola (red measles) light causes intense pain to the eyes
smallpox pustules were more common on
the peripheral extremities and sparse on the trunk of the body
Tineas are able to spread easily through the skin because
the fungi produced enzymes kerantinase
the toxin that causes toxic shock syndrome is referred to as a blank because it causes fever
refers to reoccurring cold sores and fever blisters over 90 percent of the population has a virus only about 15 percent get these outbreaks
herpes simplex 1
vaginal candidiasis is a common opportunistic infection in women following
broad spectrum antibiotic use
characteristic of the third stage of lyme disease
migrating arthritis
the distinctive tick bite lesion of Lyme disease resembles a bull's-eye it is referred to as
Erythema chronicum migrans (ECM)
cutaneous anthrax begins with a
pastule on the skin
the first infectious disease to be eradicated from Earth announced by WH0 as of 1979 because of worldwide vaccination efforts
variola (small pox:
Molluscum contagiosum
musky contagious disease of humans caused by a poxvirus characterized by waxy raised skin papules with a distinctively umbilicated top
Erythema infectiosum also called
5th disease indicate its order among the common childhood disease
vaginal candidiasis is the most common type of
accutane is often used to treat acne because it is teratogenic, it cannot be taken by
pregnant women
sex hormones released at puberty affect sebaceous glands by
increase sebum production if and when ducts become blocked pressure causes rupture of the follicle lining resulting in acne
scalded skin syndrome
also called ritters disease is caused by lysogenized Staphylococcus aureus, an exfoliative skin toxin carried by the blood causes epidermis to peel off
the progression of the chicken pox outbreak is from macules (small red spots) to papules bump to blank (blisters) to pustules (blisters with a red border)
rubella syndrome
refers to a group of complications caused by mother having German measles during her pregnancy children are born with deformities of brain damage abnormal eyes and deafness
rare and sometimes fatal disease caused by a toxin and produced by certain lysogenized strands of Staphylococcus aureus a high sudden fever delirium and a Sunburn like rash are characteristic
toxic shock syndrome
benzoyl peroxide, antibiotic tetracycline or Accutane
treats acne that occurs when sebum block hair follicles and the opportunistic bacteria causes inflammation
Lyme disease is a zoonosis caused by Borrelia burgdorferi a sporochete and transmitted by deer tick, Diagnosed by a bite lesion that looks like
bulls eye
a superficial mycosis commonly called ringworm
scalded skin syndrome aka Raiders disease is caused by lysogenized Staphylococcus aureus an exfoliative toxin carried by the blood that causes
the epidermis to peel off
Erythema infectiosum is also referred to as
slapped cheek syndrome because of the appearance of deep red cheeks
a distinctive characteristic of Erythema infectiosum is a
Lacy looking rash all over the body
such as Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a disease primarily of other animals and humans can also get
Erythema infectiosum is also known as fifth disease or slapped cheek syndrome face has characteristics slapped cheek appearance and the body is covered with
lacy looking rash
midly contagious skin disease of humans caused by a poxvirus characterized by waxy raised skin papules with a distinctively umbilicated top
molluscum contagiosum
a symptom of rubeola read measles light causes intense pain in the eyes
smallpox pustules more common
on the extremities and sparse on the trunk of the body
a big furuncle (boil )with multiple drainage heads
herpetic whitlows
blistered outbreaks of herpes simplex 1 on the fingers
chicken pox is the most widespread of the childhood rashes in the US caused by a herpes virus
chickenpox varicella is caused by herpes virus characterized
itchy lesions spread from head to the face to the mouth of the body to the arms and legs the progression of the outbreak is from macules (small red spots) to papules (bumps) to vesicles (blisters) to pustules (blisters with a red border)
impetigo furuncles and carbuncles can all be spread by
contact with contaminated inanimate objects such as fomites
refers to infection of the hair follicle, called a pimple
acne occurs when sebaceous glands of hair follicles increase production of blank in response to sex hormones produced at puberty
untreated cutaneous anthrax infections can spread in word and lead to
septic shock
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii transmitted by a tick bite starts with sudden headache muscle joint pain and a fever, faint pink rash then becomes blank
hemorrhagic and may invade internal organs leading to shock and death
fire skin superficial pus filled blisters covered by a weepy golden brown crust like impetigo
sebum production blanks at puberty
rubella (compared to rubella)
also called German measles is a milder infection the red measles, only last 3 days, can be a very serious problem during pregnancy 6- 25 percent of women lack immunity where it can cause deafness brain damage and eye abnormalities in the fetus
scalded skin syndrome aka ritters disease is caused by lysogenized Staphylococcus aureus, is a blank toxin carried by the blood causing the epidermis to peel off
exfoliative skin
refers to the inflammation of a hair follicle, a pimple
tinea corporus
ringworm of the body
what causes acne and how can it be treated
sebum blocks hair follicles and then opportunistic bacteria causes infection, can be treated with topical benzoyl peroxide the antibiotic tetracycline or accutane
wart also called
a common opportunistic yeast infection following broad spectrum antibiotic use