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52 Cards in this Set

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chlamydia infections are sexually transmitted infection called
nongonococcal urethritis NGU the main result is infertility or stability because of scar tissue
cuz NGU nongonococcal urethritis common STD with a few signs in men and virtually none in females can lead to sterility or in facility because of scar tissue
Chlamydia trachomatis
refers to inflammation of the vagina and can be caused by a number of different microorganisms parallels urethritis in males
saddle nose
assign of congenital syphilis
how many female with gonorrhea are asymptomatic and therefore continue to mine only spread the disease
Hutchinson's teeth
notched incisors are a sign of congenital syphilis
Candida albicans
an opportunity that causes 75% of the cases of vaginitis
untreated syphilis
A latent period after the secondary stage this may last for many years before the tertiary stage develops
Neisseria gonorrhoeae can actually catch a ride on
HPV human papilloma virus
causes genital warts about 10 percent of the time they can lead to the cancer of the cervix or penis
sign of gonorrhea in males is discharge of
yellow green creamy pus from the penis
candidiasis is an black infection often falling broad spectrum antibiotic use which kills off the normal flora is the most common types of vaginitis affect 75 percent of women males are often carriers
an STD dating back to reports of Columbus and his men returning to Europe from the New World high incidence and drug users and prostitutes today primary secondary and tertiary stages can eventually lead to death if not treated early
is an ancient from 150 ADsexually transmitted disease mainly affecting 15 to 24 year old penicillin has been effective in the past but there is an increase in resistance strains can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and females infertility and males and females
refers to inflammation of the urethra which parallels vaginitis and females
refers to infection of the bladder lack of a septic technique during hospital stays with catheters can be a cause
genital warts are distinctively
cauliflower like in appearance
pap smear
an annual test to detect cervical warts in to check for abnormal cells indicating cervical cancer
along with monogamy and proper use condoms is the most effective prevention of most sexually transmitted diseases
gram negative bacilli of the guts many can get into the urinary tract and cause infections because of close proximity of the your urethra through the anus
herpes simplex 2 refers to
genital herpes
gonorrhea is commonly known as the
urethritis refers to inflammation of the
nosocomial infections
are due to poor asceptic techniques and a hospital during catherization can lead to urethritis cystitis or nephritis
lymphogranulom venerum LGV
is a potential complication of sexually transmitted Chlamydia trachomatis infections where the lymph nodes in the groin swell and drain pus
the Tertiary stage of untreated syphilis occurs when
rubbery masses called Gummas develop on the skin or vital organs do to cell mediated attacks
the secondary stage of syphilis is marked by
an infectious rash appears all over the body several weeks after the chancre of the primary stage disappears this also sub sides in a few weeks and then the disease becomes latant for many years
protects against HPV 16 18 6 and11
HPV type 6 and 11
cause genital warts
HPV 16 and 18
cause cervical penis and anal cancer
Gardasil vaccine against HPV
is preventive not therapeutic and should be given before exposure to the virus to be effective ideally before the beginning of sexual activity the vaccine is widely approved for use by both young women and young men
a constant source of infection of sexually transmitted disease
undetected and asymptomatic carriers
the stage of untreated syphilis occurs when rubbery masses called, develop on the skin or in vital organs due to cell mediated attacks
lymphogranuloma venereum
occurs when lymph nodes in the groin swell and drain pus gross swelling and drainage of the genitalia can occur
the primary stage of syphilis
a chancre open sore at the site of infection pus is highly infective even without treatment and completely disappears im a few weeks
is an opportunistic Candida albicans infection and the most common cause of vaginitis
a type of vaginitis caused by flagellated protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis males are often carriers
Treponema pallidum
a very fragile pathogen that is only spread by direct contact such a sex
this antibiotic was very effective in treating gonorrhea and told resistant strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae begin to appear in 1976
gram negative bacilli of the gut are collectively called enterics many can get into the urinary tract and cause infection because
the close proximity of the urethra to the anus
Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes
a serious side effect of gonorrhea for women is
painful pelvic inflammatory disease PID scaring of tubes can lead to infertility or ectopic pregnancies
a female who have unprotected sex just once with a male who is gonorrhea has a blank percent chance of contracting the disease
herpes simplex 2 is also called blank . viral infection more painful highly infectious blisters reoccur every 3 to 4 months usually due to stress and out break during pregnancy can lead to a problem resulting a miscarriage or retardation
genital herpes
Treponema pallidum is the blank that causes blank
spirochete that causes syphilis
congenital syphilis is caused by
vaginalbirth by an infected mother results in still birth or neurological damage this was a reason for pre marriage blood test in the past
papilloma virus causes genital warts about 10% of these can lead to
cancer of the cervix or penis
papilloma virus causes blank about 10% of these can lead to cancer of the cervix or penis
genital warts
good stage is syphilis is marked by a very infectious skin rash occurs several weeks after chancreous stage this also subsides in a few weeks and then becomes latent for many years
amount has unprotected sex just once with a female who has contracted gonorrhea has a blank chance of getting the disease
vaginitis and urethritis are term that refers to inflammation of blank of females and males this often occurs with STDs
mucous membranes
how many adults in the US have genital herpes
1 in 4