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43 Cards in this Set

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What are bacteria called that exist in oceans and spoiled food at freezing to 45 degrees F?
How do you describe a bacteria that produces acid as it grows?
How do you describe a bacteria that survives in acid
What pH readiing is considered neither acidic or basic?
What pH is human blood?
What bacterias grow in the presence of oxygen?
Obligate aerobes, microaerophiles and facultative anaerobes
Most bacteria in the mouth are __________ and ______________based on their requirement for oxygen.
Obligate anaerobes or facultative anaerobes
Bacteriostatic describes an agent that only stops the growth of microorganisms but does not kill them. True or False
Bactericidal means
Bacteria are killed
Viruses can live on their own without a host. True or False?
False. They need a host
What is the protein coat of a virus called?
The virus takes over a host and tells it to ______the virus.
Antibiotics cannot kill a virus because viruses have no_____
Cell wall
What two ways can you contain or slow advance of a virus?
Immunization and infection control
A virus can be killed when it is outside the body. True or False
True. Virus cannot be killed inside the body
Candida Albicans causes what fungus?
Why do many older people get thrush and stomatitis?
Body defenses are depressed
An endogenous infection comes from organisms inside or outside the body?
An exogenous infection comes from organisms inside or outside the body?
Who was the first to observe tooth scrapings and gutter water under a microscope?
Antoni VanLeeuwenhoek
True or False: Bacteria are made up of more than one cell.
In the bacteria, strep mutans, what is the genus or family name
Gram negative bacteris when stained turn what color?
Red or pink
Morphology means
What part of bacterial cell gives it shape and keeps it from being crushed?
Cell wall
Cocci are what shape
Which type of bacteria measures the longest?
What liquid term describes cytoplasm?
The cytoplasmic membrane has what function? Regulates cell_______
Name eample from dentistry of cleaning agent that acts on the cytoplasmic membrane
Antimicrobial chlorhexidine, antibacterial hand cleaners
Does being placed on an antibiotic for a strep infections immediately kill all the present bacteria?
No, it prevents any more from being made
True or false: Antibiotics work by acting on the cell wall to prevent synthesis
Which has an outer membrane? Gram negative or gram positive organisms?
Gram negative
Endotoxins are found in the ______ _________.
Outer membrane
What do endotoxins cause in the person being infected?
Fever, bleeding, vomiting, bone destruction
Give example in the mouth of disease where endotoxins destroy bone
Periodontal disease
What part of the cell produces the capsule?
cytoplasmic membrane
What part of the bacteria helps it move?
What part helps it attach to other cells
Fimbria or pili
Why are spores used to determine if autoclave is killing germs?
The are one of most resistant forms of life. If they are killed in autoclave, other microorganisms will be too
True or False: Spores have a very short life
False, they can lie dormant for yhears
Mad cow disease is causesd by a protein substance called
Prion. can't kill a prion
What are bacteria called that most affect the human body as far as temperature goes?
Mesophils (22-45C. 98.6 F)