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23 Cards in this Set

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theres a disproportion in these to compounds in cows milk compared w mature breast milk
casein high in cows
lactoalbumin high in breast
the problem w giving emfamil w iron to a new born is
it has too much proteins it creates a hyperoosmolar state that the baby can metabolized since the lungs are not mature enough
breast milk, similac, and cows milk contain the same amount of?
the difference from mature milk and calostrum is
calostrum is hyperosmolar
why is it not ideal to give low fat milk to babies
bc myelination takes place in early life,they need fat to myelinate, do not give low fat milk until they are >2y/o
intake is easier to control than expenditure.... it will take much more effort to burn the calories than control the intake of food
which type of milk has the highest protein content
skim cows milk
human milk has a this distribution of calories
35% fat
5-15 protein
the rest are CH
why is the newborn diet low in protein?
not ideal to give protein to the new born bc his kidneys cannot process the high osmolar load
besides the essential aminoacids what additional ones does the newborn need
histidine, lysine
carbohydrate in the newborn diet
whats the most common etiology of lactase deficiency
acquired d/t decreased lactase intake
essential minerals required in newborn diet
what the ideal Ca/P ratio that favors reabsorption
why is the demand of Fe higher in the newborn, and whats the ideal source for it
bc babies need to replace and add more Fe daily to produce new RBC.
The best source is breast milk,
cows milk does not have enough Fe.
what would be the complication of giving skim milk to a baby suffering from diarrhea
skin contains high amounts of Na, can potentially cause hypernatremia in the newborn
these compounds are deficient in both breast milk and cows milk
Vitamin D
how does breast milk provide anti infective protection to the new born>
igA and other immunoglobulind are transmitted in milk to the newborn; they decrease the incidence of viral resp infections, viral gastroenteritis,
why do we need to provide Vit K supplement to the newborn?
to prevent hemorrhagic disease of the newborn... the intestine of the newborn is sterile so there are no bacteria to produce Vit.K
whats the ideal age to introduce solids to a newborn and why
6 mo.
the baby can actually learn to coordinate neuromuscular structures to swallow
ideal technique of introducing new foods to the newborn
new food type every 5days,
watch for allergies
start w cereal bc it has iron
order of introducion of solids to the new born
1- cereals
2- vegetables (green->yellows)
3- meats
4- fruits
5- table food
whats the ussual feeding demand schedule of the baby
every 3-4 hr
how long does it take for the mom to adjust to a babys feeding schedule
1wk to 10d