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110 Cards in this Set

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How did industrial growth effect distribution of wealth in the U.S?
many workers earned low wages, while a few prominant industrialists help much of the wealth
Whom did the AFL organize?
skilled workers
What was the biggest factor leading to industrial growth in the late 1800s?
Industrial and Technological advances
What was the goal of the Sherman Antitrust Act?
to limit the amount of control a business could have over an industry
Under the idea of social darwinism what was government supposed to do?
have little interferance
T or F. Andrew Carnegie argued that wealthy industrialists helped the entire nation
T or F. John d. Rockefeller used the trust to gain control over much of the oil industry
What is vertical consolidation?
having control of many different businesses that make up all phases of a products development
Workers upset with the widening gap between rich and poor turned to these for answers
labor unions
What led to government regulation of businesses during the Gilded Age?
unfair business practices (monopolies)
The port of entry for the majority of immigrants in the late 1800s
Ellis Island, NY
What attracted many Asians to the U.S in teh late 1800s?
Gold, work on railroads
What was president Roosevelt's "Gentlemen's Agreement" in 1907 about?
tried to slow immigration of Japanese (Japan and US made agreement that San Francisco ended the no Asians in public school policy and Japan stopped issuing passports to laborers)
Prohibitionists and purity crusaders shared what goals?
improve public morals
Why was the Pendleton Civil Service act passed?
to support reform of eh spoils system
The immigration laws of the late 1800s and early 1900s discriminated against this group most
Chinese (immigrants and laborers)
Immigration patterns shifted in the 1890s with most immigrants coming from what parts of Europe?
from Northern Europe to Southern, Western and Eastern Europeans
T or F. Immigration and increased productivity of factory jobs lead to the rapid expansion of urban areas
Who most Presidents during this time sided with
big businesses
What was the main objective of nativists?
restrict immigration into the US
Why did most immigrants come to the US?
Opportunities & a better life
T or F. Most Americans viewed Asian immigrants with respect and admiration
The nations first labor strike was began by whom?
Railroad workers who were facing a 10% cut in wages
What ended the Homestead strike?
the assination attempt on Henry Frick, public sentiment turned against the strikers
As a result of the Pullman strike the US government did what?
approved appeals by factory owners to deny union recognition
Why was the Interstate Commerce Act passed?
to regulate rates the railroads charged for shipping
What were the Exodusters trying to escape?
discrimination and racial violence in south
One of the main requirements needed to get land as part of teh Homestead Act
live on and make improvements on lad for five years
Outcome of wounded knee
200+ Natives killed, marks end of Indian resistance in west
How whites tried to assimilate Native peoples
Expected Natives to adapt to white culture (farming and Indian schools)
Political platform that the Democratic party stood on in the Gilded Age
Free silver, increased money supply, lower tariffs, less gov. aid to big business
Political platform that the Republican party stood on in the Gilded Age
Gold standard, immigration restrictions, high tariffs, and enforcement of Blue laws
Main objective of the Social Gospel Movement?
apply the teachings of jesus to poor neighborhoods in large cities, help the poor by providing social services
Settlement houses of the 1800s offered poor city dwellers what?
social services. helped find jobs, deal with legal problems, health care issue
How did political machines increase their power and influence?
by getting jobs for many immigrants in exchange for votes
Who was William Marcy Tweed?
democratic party boss in NY
Prohibition/temperance groups saw a link between this vice and lower public morals
alcohol use
Purpose of the Dawes Act (1887)
to divide reservation land into private family lots (about 160 acres), wanted the Native Americans to adopt white culture
Jim Crow laws were..
local and state laws created to discriminate African Americans, mostly after Civil War.(1890s) Ex: poll tax, literacy test
Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling
they were to keep whites and black "seperate by equal," legalizing segregation
Gilded Age time period
Great change of the Industrial Revolution
farms to factories
factors leading to industrial change in cities?
new machinery/technology
Founded Standard Oil Company?
John D. Rockefeller
What was the primary use for oil prior to automobiles?
gas lamps
Steel was in such a great demand for?
Railroads, (taller buildings also)
Railroad engines were powered by what?
Steam engines
How did railroads compound the problems of farmers?
charging high shipping prices
What were three of the largest growing cities?
New York, chicago, Boston
What two groups caused an influx in growth of cities?
Farmers and Immigrants
How long was a normal work week?
60 hours, 12 hour days
What was the ultimate power of immigrants?
What infamous politician used bribery to influence immigrants vote to win elections?
William "Boss" Tweed
Hiram Revels becomes the first African American to do what?
Elected into US Senate
By 1877 Georgia passed a law about African Americans saying what?
they had to pay to vote (poll tax)
What caused the most staggering devastation to the Native Americans after the Indian Wars?
Killing of the buffalo
What improvements were there for women in the Gilded Age?
working, and 1/2 of all colleges were coed
What was the major improvement for public education?
it was required by law
Who created settlement houses in the cities to help the less fortunate?
Jane Adams
The 1896 nationwide strike was aiming for what?
12 hour to 8 hour work days
1892, strike takes place where?
Homestead, PA (steel mill)
1894, workers picketed what company severely effecting railroads?
Pullman Railroad Company
What broke up both Homestead and Pullman showing American gov. sympathy to big business?
government troops
Legislators looked at labor unions as being what?
How did the majority of labor unions end up?
black listed or broken up
What was passed by Congress in 1890?
The Sherman Antitrust Act
Violent massacre of Jews
a large open area beneath the ship's deck, often used to house traveling immigrants
a time of isolation to prevent the spread of a disease
agreement among homeowners not to sell real estate to certain groups of people, such as Jews or blacks
Restrictive Covenant
law passed in 1882 that prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the country, but did not prevent entry of those who had previously established US residency
Chinese Exclusion Act
1907 agreement between the US and Japan that restricted Japanese immigration
Gentlemen's Agreement
A non-citizen is also know as an
Prior to the opening of Ellis Island in 1892, where did immigrants entering in NY go?
Castle Garden Depot, near southern tip of Manhattan
What was Trachoma?
Eye disease common among immigrants
What general area did immigrants choose to live in America?
near their port of entry, common: NY, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore
area where one ethnic/racial group dominates
Why were Asians the main targets?
they greatly differed from Americans and European immigrants and weren't easily accepted. (taking the jobs of whites)
why did labor unions fight so hard to keep Asian immigrants out of the US?
they claimed Asians were physically and mentally inferior to white Americans
What was Angel Island?
near California where most Asian immigrants entered the US
What was the school district doing that upset the Japanese?
they said all chinese, Japanese and Korean kids should have to go to different schools that whites, violating the 1894 treaty allowing Japanese to enter the country freely
How did irrigation of southwestern land effect immigration in that part of the US?
the land went dry offering new job opportunities to work on farm and ranches, mexicans were skilled and would do hard labor for low wages
Created the telegraph
Samuel Morse
Struck oil in 1859
Edwin L. Drake
Invented electric power
Thomas A. Edison
He improved filament in light bulbs
Lewis Latimer
Created the transformer
George Westinghouse
Created the talking telegraph
Alexander Graham Bell
Came up with a process to more easily remove impurities from steel
Henry Bessemer (Bessemer process)
Invented the suspension bridge
John Roebling
How did the system of patents encourage innovation and investment?
Helped create and expand industries
Robber Barens
(negative conotation about business leaders) Belief that business leaders stole the ideas of the public in their favor, and made their workers work in dangerous conditions with low wages. Greedy, bribed politicians &judges
Captains of Industry
(positive conotation about business leaders) View that business leaders served their nation in a positive way, increased supply of goods by building factories, raising productivity and expanding markets, created jobs
People should be free to make as much money as they can. After they make it, however, they should give it away
Carnegie's philosophy "the Gospel of wealth"
market structure dominated by only a few large, profitable firms
only one company that wanted complete control of a product or service and be free to raise its prices
Loose association of businesses that make the same product
Owning many small companies that come together as one huge company
Horizontal Consolidation (John D. Rockefeller; oil)
Having control of many businesses making up all phases or assets or the product
Vertical consolidation (Andrew Carnegie; steel)
what did the Sherman Anti-Trust Act try to do?
wanted to limit the amount of control a business could have over an industry, outlawing any combination of companies
an economic and political philosophy that favors public (or social) instead of private control of property and income
a union for laborers devoted to a specific craft
Craft Union (skilled workers AFL)
process in which workers negotiate as a group with employers
Collective Bargaining
union that organizes workers from all crafts in a given industry
Industrial Union
negative term for a worker called in by an employer to replace striking laborers
a radical who opposes all government
one of the first labor unions, founded by Terence Powderly (leader)
Knights of Labor
another name for the IWW
Leader of the American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Samuel Gompers
leader of the American Railway Union
Eugene V. Debs