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13 Cards in this Set

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What are the only valid reasons to induce labor and what is NOT considered a good reason?
Good Reasons:
1. (true) post dates
2. clinical indication
-non reassuring NST or low BPP
-GDM on insulin
-hx of previous stillbirth at term
What is considered a true post date pregnancy?
Pregnancy lasting beyond 42 weeks
-prolonged pregnancy
-post date pregnancy
294 days beyond the LMP
What is the definition of a stillbirth and how often does it occur?
death before delivery after 20 weeks
collective incidence of 6 per 1000
Is the cause of the rise in incidence of stillbirth after 40 weeks known?
No, it is not clearly understood
What are the stillbirth rates per 1000 between 40-43 weeks?
1/1000 at 40wks
1.5/1000 at 41wks
1.8/1000 at 42wks
2.9/1000 at 43wks
When does ACOG recommend induction?
-consider induction in pts >41 weeks with a favorable cervix
-if cervix is unfavorable, semiweekly testing or induction are "equally reasonable options"
How is dating done?
1. 1st tri scan
2. 2nd tri scan
3. good LMP
4. 3rd tri scan

-Anticipatory guidance: EDB 4 wk range.
-Optimal length of gestation is truly not known, 42 weeks as “post dates” is arbitrary.
When should you do an NST/AFI?
And if expectant managing, when would you decide induce and no longer do NST/AFI?
-NST at 41+0 & 41+3or4
-AFI at 41+0
-Induce at 42+0
What is the minimum gestation for induction? If you needed to induce before this time, what criteria would need to be present?
-39 weeks
-Must have an amnio for fetal lung maturity, and/or strong medical indication (preferably both)
How does induction increase the cesarean section rate according to risk factors of parity, chronic HTN, fibroids, fetal weight >4K, and GA >42wks?
Case Study 1:
-28 yr old primip at 40 1/7 wks
-Prodroming for 4 days, in triage every 12 hours
-Asks: “why can’t you induce my labor?
-Her cervix gives a bishop score of 3
-Her NST is ok
-Her AFI is ok
What would be your management?
Case Study 2:
-Multip 35 yrs old somali woman
42 3/7
-Only 2 pn visits in last month
-Now in yr exam room
-No antenatal testing
-God will take care of me
What would be your management?
Case Study 3:
41 3/7 wk primip
Bishop score 2
-NST non reactive with variable to -80’s
-AFI 10
What would your management be?