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60 Cards in this Set

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where is this money from?
dari mana uang ini?
they study in the class room or in the sydicate room
mereka belajar di ruang kelas atau di ruang kelompok
the teacher sits on the chair
guru duduk di kursi
what are your daily activities here?
apa saja kegiatan Anda sehari-hari di sini?
my age is 27 years
umur saya 27 tahun
how old are you?
Anda sendiri umarnya berapa?
the girl's age is five years and the boy is three years
yang perempuan umurnya lima tahun dan yang laki-laki tiga tahun
how many children do you have?
anak Anda berapa?
I have two children one girl and one boy
anak saya dua orang- satu perempuan dan satu laki-laki
how old are they?
umurnya berapa?
are you already married?
apakah Anda sudah menikan?
I was born in .... Bendigo
saya lahir di.... Bendigo
The headquarters is in building number what?
Markasnya di gedung nomer berapa?
there are approx 60 students in the Indonesian Language Department
Ada kira-kira 60 siswa di Departemen Bahasa Indonesia
May I borrow them?
Boleh saya pinjamnya?
what did you (all) watch?
kalian mononton apa?
oh, great, goodbye, ya.... good luck!
oh, bagus, selamat jalan, ya... semoga sukses!
when do you depart to Australia?
kapan Anda berangkat ke Australia?
correct. i already got my visa yesterday. Today I have to go to the bank to take out money
Betul. Saya sudah dapat visa kemarin. Hari ini saya harus ke bank mengambil uang
I heard that you will work in Australia
saya dengar, Anda akan bekerja di Australia
perhaps he is still at the HQ
barangkali dia masih di markas
when will he return?
kapan dia kembali?
I'm not sure, ma'am. Do you want to return later?
saya kurang tahu, bu. Apakah Ibu mau kembali nanti?
I'll just wait here
saya menunggu di sini saja
your plan for today is what?
acara anda hari ini apa?
this afternoon I want to study bymyself, and later in the evening I want to watch a film with a friend
sore ini saya mau belajar sendiri, kan nanti malam saya mau nonton film dengan teman
he went to HQ a little while ago, ma'am
dia tadi ke markas, bu
what are the facilities in this language centre?
ada fasilitas apa saja di pusbasa ini?
I am Batakien from North Sumatra
saya orang Batak dari Sumatra Utara
are there a lot of students in the Indonesian language department?
di departemen Bahasa Indonesia - banyak siswa?
I have not yet eaten
saya belum makan
would you like to borrow my pen?
Anda mau pinjam pena?
C'mon, let's go now.
Ayo, Kita pergi sekarang
what is the name of this?
ini apa namanya?
what is your disguise/ false name?
siapa nama samaran?
where do they watch the film?
mereka menonton film di mana?
Gosh! You're already good at speaking the Indonesian language
Wah! Anda sudah pandai berbahasa Indonesia
I have to go to HQ
saya harus ke markas
he/she lives in.... Pt Cook
Dia tinggal di... Pt Cook
In the other departments there are only just a few students.
di departemen lain siswanya hanya sedikit saja
I have to meet with the commander
saya harus bertemu dengan komandan
there is no bread in this pantry
tidak ada roti di lemari makan ini
early in the morning I eat in the mess
pagi-pagi saya makan di wisma
where do you originate from?
Anda berasal dari mana?
are you also a student or a teacher?
Ibu siswa juga atau guru?
how long will you be here?
Berapa lama Anda akan berada di sini?
I must go there now
I harus ke sana sekarang
tentu saja
ADF School of Languages
Sekolah Bahasa Angkatan Bersanjata Australia
there are not many books in the library
tidak banyak buku di perpustakaan
where is this train off to?
kereta api ini mau ke mana?
I live at base Williams
saya tinggal di pangkalan Williams
where are you from?
Anda dari mana?
where do you read books?
Anda membaca buku di mana?
what is it's meaning?
apa artinya?
after school I have a rest for a little while, then play sport
sesudah sekolah say istirahat sebentar lalu berolahraga
what facilities are in the school?
Fasilitas apa yang ada di sekolah ini?
Does that person als live on base?
orang itu tinggal di pangkalan juga?
my name is not Dana
nama saya bukan Dana
where do you study the Indonesian language?
Anda belajar bahasa Indonesia di mana?