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21 Cards in this Set

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Define intimacy
refers to closeness between two people. Sometimes we associate “intimacy” or “being intimate” with sexual relations.
four key features of intimacy
-Love and/or affection
-Personal validation
Benefits of intimacy
They buffer us against loneliness,provide us with positive feelings about ourselves and others,enhance our self-esteem,are connected to happiness,reduce our likelihood of illness, depression, and accidents.
feminization of love
by defining or “seeing” love in largely
expressive terms (telling each other how you feel)
gender differences in intimacy
John Lee's six basic styles of love
-Eros:Romantic or passionate love.
-Ludus:Playful or game-playing love.
-Storge:Love between companions.
-Mania:an obsessive love, a combination of ludus and eros, characterized by an intense love–hate relationship.
-Agape:A combination of eros and storge, agape is altruistic love.
-Pragma:A combination of storge and ludus, pragma is a practical, pragmatic style of love.
Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love
According to the theory, love is composed of three elements that can be visualized as the points of a triangle: intimacy, passion, and decision or commitment. The intimacy component refers to the
warm, close feelings of bonding you experience when
you love someone. The passion component refers to the elements of romance, attraction, and sexuality in a relationship. The decision or commitment component
consists of two parts, The short-term part refers to your decision that you love someone, The commitment represents the long-term aspect; it is the maintenance of love, but a decision to love someone does not necessarily entail a commitment to maintaining that love.
Describe how love, marriage and social class are related.
companionate love
refers more to the warm and tender affection we feel
for close others. It includes friendship, shared interests
and activities, and companionship. It is milder
and less intense, may lack sexual attraction or desire,
and produces less of the extreme highs and lows people experience from passionate love
passionate love
is “an intense longing for union with another” and is familiar to us because it most fits our ideas of romantic love, or the state of being in love. can be seen through cognitive, emotional, and behavioral indicators.
attachment theory of love
maintains that the degree and quality of attachments one experiences in early life influence one’s later relationships. It examines love as a form of attachment that finds its roots in infancy.
anxious or ambivalent attachment
the infant shows separation anxiety when the mother leaves. He or she feels insecure when the mother is not present, and this insecurity results from her being inconsistently available, leaving the infant afraid to leave her side. In avoidant attachment, the infant senses the mother’s detachment and rejection when he or she desires close bodily contact. The infant shows avoidance behaviors with the mother as a means of defense. In Ainsworth’s study, 66 percent of the infants were secure, 19 percent were anxious or ambivalent, and 21 percent were avoidant.
halo effect
the assumption that good-looking people possess more desirable social characteristics than unattractive people.
female sexual scripts
Females are expected to wait for and comply with the male’s initiation of sexual activity and to be pleased with how each sexual encounter progresses.the female script focuses more on feelings than on sex, more on love than on passion.many women unable to talk about sex easily because they were not expected to have strong sexual feelings. a woman does not tell a man what she wants.
Contemporary Sexual Scripts
Sexual expression is positive. Sexual activities are a mutual exchange of erotic pleasure. Sexuality equally involves both partners, and the partners are equally responsible. Legitimate sexual activities are not limited to sexual intercourse but also include masturbation and
oral–genital sex. Either partner may initiate sexual activities. Both partners have a right to experience orgasm, whether through intercourse, oral–genital sex, or manual stimulation.Nonmarital sex is acceptable within a relationship context. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual orientations and relationships are increasingly open and accepted or tolerated, especially on college campuses and in large cities.
Stages in Acquiring a Lesbian or Gay Identity
The first stage is often marked by fear, confusion, denial, and the perception that desires mark the person as different from others. In
the second stage, if these feelings recur often enough,
the person recognizes the attraction, love, and desire
as homoerotic. The third stage includes the person’s
self-definition as lesbian or gay. This may take a considerable struggle because it entails accepting a label that many still consider deviant. 4th stage is to enter the gay subculture. A gay person may begin acquiring exclusively gay friends, going to gay bars and clubs, or joining gay activist groups. The final stage begins with a person’s first lesbian or gay
affair. This marks the commitment to unifying sexuality
and affection.
antigay prejudice
is a strong dislike, fear, or hatred of
lesbians and gay men because of their homosexuality.
is an irrational or phobic fear of gay
men and lesbians
is bias and/or discrimination in favor of heterosexuals.there are both institutionalized forms of heterosexism—such as the continued denial of marriage rights throughout most of the United States—and individualized expressions of heterosexism—as in the telling of jokes or making disparaging comments about sexual minorities.
What are the three stigmas associated with homosexuality
sexual stigma, enacted stigma, felt stigma