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88 Cards in this Set

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How did the Song reunite China?
They imposed centralized rule, used warlord tactics, and were very involved.
They also made eductation available to more people.
This increased gvt. size.
Describe the downsides of the Song decision to promote scholarly positions so highly.
There were more scholars than scholarly jobs. These men ended up being placed at irrelevant posts, such as those in the growing military. The unorganized millitary brought their doom.
What does the Sui Dynasty accomplish?
They reunify a shattered china using its millitary.
What happened because of the Grand Canal?
The strong government forces the citizens to build the grand canal, which makes China better in the long run. The forced labor and high taxes led to a revolt.
The fall of the Sui Dynasty mirrors the fall of which other Dynasty?
The Quin, because it too was short, but they both helped later on.
What was longevity of the Tang Dynasty?
[pronounced Tong]
The Tang Dynasty lasted the longest of the three empires. It was very long living.
What was special about the ideoligical views of some of the Tang Emperors?
[pronounced Tong]
They were Buddhists, which conflicted with many of the views of Confucianism.
Why was the Tang [which is pronounced Tong] Dynasty so prosperous?
They were able to travel amongst themselves efficiently and quickly. Also, they had the equal field system.
How does the Equal Field system work?
It was 80% nonhereditary and 20% hereditary. The mulberry bushes were pased down from generation to generation, while the crop-growing land was cycled around.
This kept people really happy.
Why were mullberry trees important?
They were used to feed silk worms. Silk = very, very rich people.
What was a civil service exam and who had them?
Tang [pronounced Tong] China had them. They were like the SAT's, so they were merit-based. It made the appropriate people act as government officials.
Who was Wu Zetian?
a FEMALE emperor! The only in history. She supported Buddhism, and she claimedd to be a Buddhistara.
This is important because if you believe in reincarnation, gender is a coincidense, not a life ranking.
Tang Millitary
Reclaimed Korea, Manchuria, N. Vietnam and Central Asia and turned them into tribute states. Forced their emperors to Kowtow
What is Kowtow?
The Emperor of a tribute state has to bow and touch his head to the ground to show his 'unworthiness'
How did the Tang decline?
The Equal field system failed as people donated their land to Buddhism (when you give up everything, why not give it to the church?)
Also, a rebellion led by the Turks left them with no option but to inlist the help of their expensive neighbors, which bankrupt them.
What were the strengths of the Song empire?
Agriculture, technology, industry and commercial endeavours. Incredible wealth. Great irrigation systems.
Terraced the mountains to grow food on.
How did the Song and later Dynasties become so wealthy?
They imported quick ripening rice that yielded twice the harvest.
What happened to the population of the Song Dynasty and later Dynasties?
It boomed, due to quick growing rice and food distribution.
What effect did the Song Dynasty's wealth have on demographics?
People returned to the cities, where all of the partying was.
Chinese potery that was thinner, lights, more adaptable, and stronger than terra cota. "Chinaware". Spread over all of Eurasia.
How did China use its advances in metalurgy?
Iron plows, tons of iron arrow heads, buildings, bridges.
What was the downsides of increased technology in China?
Nomadic invaders used the same innovations against China.
Developed, ironically, by Daoists searching for a potion for everlasting life. Used as a distraction, bomb, flamethrower, or cannon.
The invention of a printing press occured in China. They favoured wood blocks.
In india, the Dhow was invented, and in China the Junk was the ship of choice.
Flying Money
The first credit was invented. People could write down on paper that they owed money to someone and it could be extracted from their account.
Paper Money
Soon flying money turned into paper money, which could be withdrawn anywhere in China. This eventually inflated.
What caused much of the ideological change in China pre-mongols?
Influence from nearby foreigners caused the rise in popularity of Buddhism.
How does Buddhism appeal to the poor?
By supporting them financially, which allows them to be very grateful. Lots of Buddhists for pretty cheap.
What does Buddhism do to appeal to more Chinese people?
Changes terms and ideas to reflect Chinese culture.
When Buddhism becomes more like Confucianism, what does it become known as?
Chan or Zen Buddhism
Zen Buddhist monk who travels to India to get cool Buddhist stuff.
What do Confucists have against Buddhist celibracy?
Without sex, you have no kids. Without kids, you have nobody to worship you when your an ancestor.
When Confucianism becomes more like Buddhism, what does it become known as?
What was Neo-Confucianism?
Confucianism, but with the deeper quest for knowledge found in Buddhism
Why did nations want to trade with China?
It was an economic giant and it had all the cool stuff.
Why was the Tang able to conquer Korea and Vietnam?
Tang was very powerful
Why did Korea not become fully ruled over, and maintain its freedom (more or less)?
Because it was also wealthy. Conflict was avoided in the name of extended battle.
Who benifited more from China'a alliance with Korea?
Who benifited more from China'a alliance with Vietnam?
What was the Tang law code and why was it strange?
A Confucist code of law. It is unusual because Confucis said that law codes made lawbreakers and were innefficient.
What was a womens role in Tang China?
Due to Nomadic influence, women were given more rights.
What was a womens role in Song China?
"Footbinding" sums up this answer.
What was a womens role in Sui China?
Women cook, clean, and give birth. Modesty is key.
Foot binding
The binding of Chinese women’s feet with string. It hunched up their feet and was considered attractive. This made an entire generation crippled in walking anywhere and brightly showed the presence of sexism towards females and how things were getting worse for them.
What are the advantages of sea trade over land trade?
Very hard to be robed.
Travel farther.
Which three regions were connected by Indian Ocean Trade Networks?
Europe, Africa, and China
The Capital of Tang China
What happened to Africa's coast due to trade?
It began becoming dotted with towns and cities because of its proximity to the middle east.
Great Zimbabwe
Capital of Muslim Africa. Very grand.
Heian Japan
A period of Japanese history. It was based on country life and was a lot about social. It was big on beauty, art, calligraphy and poetry. The royalty was about wooing and was very isolated from the rest of Japan. The isolation led to unequal land distribution which resulted in revolting and the dissunification of Japan for years after.
What type of social structure did Japan have?
A feudalism similar to Europe's
Why was Arabia so sucessful as a trade hub?
It was located in a key location for trade and it was an oasis town in the middle of the desert.
What were India's most sucessful industries?
Important location between China and India. Fought over constantly. At the end of this period, China ruled over it.
Ancestor/nature worship
What was the Japanese Emperor's position?
He was a figurehead who didn't do that much. When stuff went wrong, he wasn't blamed.
Taika and Nara Japan
Very Chinese-like:
(just know a few)
Equal field system
Capital city.
Chinese Writing and Learning
What was the social pyramid of Japan like?
Generals (Shogun)
Lord (Biamyos)
Samurai (Warriors)
Free-Samurai (Romi)
Merchants (Chinese influence)
Ritual Suicide
Japanese views on women
How were Samurai paid? How was this different than Europe?
In money. This contrasts the land given out in Europe.
Genghis Khan
Who had the largest empire in history?
The Mongols under Genghis Khan
What were the Mongol people like? How did they live?
They were nomads with no possestions save for what they carried on their backs
What was the mongol religion?
Sky God

or a mix of many.
What were women's roles in Mongol society?
They were equal.
What was mongol view on farmers?
They were bad.
What was the main item imported by the Mongols?
Iron Stirrups
Why did Genghis origionally set out to conquer?
To gain tribute
Chinggis Khan
Genghis Khan

This is just another spelling.
Genghis' son. He assalted much of China.
Why was Eurasia so easy for the Mongols to conquer?
It was splintered.
What spread easily through the Pax Mongolia?
Bubonic Plague.
Also, ideas and culture.
How did Mongols organize thier troops?
In leagues of 10,100, 1000, and 10,000; all of which had a leader. Highly flexible.
Why couldn't the Mongols attack Japan?
Horses cannot swim. Plain as that
Like a city-state. They are mongol kingdoms, such as the Golden Horde or Il' Khan
Why don't the Mongols and Muslims get along?
The Mongols worship Idols and "false" gods. They also consume blood.

The Muslims killed Mongol messengers.
What effect do the Muslims have on the Mongols?
The Mongols addopt Muslim culture and religion.
What effect do the Mongols have on the Muslims?
After being sacked, the Middle East is never as powerful ever again
Why were the Abbasid sure they would win?
They thought God was on their side. Also, they were undefeated.
How does the Golden Horde fall apart?
The tax base falls apart because they killed all of the farmers and farm land. Also, the paper money fails and bubonic plague sweeps.
Timur the Lame
Also known as Tamerlane, he was the last great nomadic conquest of Eurasia. He was called the lame because he walked with a limp. He ripped through the war-shattered Persia Genghis had left in his wake. He established what would eventually become the Mongol-Turk regime the Mughals.
A Russian leader who decides he would rather bow down to Mongol rule than be obliterated by it. Russia becomes a tributary state. In return for being spared, Nevskii also has to put down his own country’s rebellions. Eventually, he was made a saint for saving the Roman people. Moscow becomes the capital because of this. Eventually, there is no more money because it was all given to Russia. Peasants become serfs, and less interaction occurs between the outside world and Russia. This causes Russia to miss the Renaissance, an advent it never recovered from. The eventual overthrow of the Mongols led to the creation of Tsars, and the “Third Rome”. Nevskii’s harsh government was cruel, but it did prevent the slaughter of his people
When the Yuan Mongols ruled over China, who did they place at the bottom of their social pyramids?
Chinese Citizens of that very land, because many were farmers.
How did the Yuan Fall?
Tax problems
Paper money failure
overthrowal by China
Why did Mongols become more Urbanized?
They started to appreciate Middle Eastern Urbanization's perks.
Leader of Il' Khan