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48 Cards in this Set

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What phylum do flatworms belong to?
What is a quick way to remember the Phylum Platyhelminthes has flatworms in it?
"Platy Flaty"
What are the two main types of categories that Platyhelminthes are divided into?
Tubellarians and Flukes
What are the two types of tubellarians?
- Marine Flatworms
- Terrestrial Flatworms
What is the process called in which Marine Flatworms ripple their skin to make themselves move?
What is a nerve cell called in a Platyhelminthes?
What quality do ganglia have?
They are light-sensitive (they are also nerve cells in Platyhelminthes)
What does a Platyhelminthes use for movement?
Muscle cells and Cilia
What type of cells are used to filter and shoot out excess waste from Platyhelminthes/flatworms?
"Flame" cells
What is a type of Fluke?
Tape worm
Where does a Tape Worm live inside a host?
In the intestines
What is the main characteristic about Flukes?
They are parasitic to organisms
What do all flatworms have for nutrition?
Gastrovascular Cavities (one entrance/exit)
What are the three main things a Platyhelminthes can be?
- Carnivore
- Scavenger
- Parasite
What organs do Platyhelminthes use for respiration and circulation?
They have no organs for either of these processes
How does oxygen and carbon go into the body of a Platyhelminthes if it lacks the organs for its respiration system to function otherwise?
How do Platyhelminthes reproduce sexually?
They can mate with any worm because they are hermaphrodites
(contain the sexual organs for males and females) (Herma-phro-dites)
How do Platyhelminthes reproduce asexually?
Binary Fission
What is the coelom structure for a Platyhelminthes/flatworm?
Acoelomate Structure
What symmetry do Platyhelminthes have?
Bilateral Symmetry (can only be cut one way to be made even)
(Bi-later-al Sym-metry)
What are the seven major characteristics of a Platyhelminthes?
- have SOME internal organ systems
- Bilateral Symmetry
- Cephalization (Ceph-ali-zation)
- Acoelomate Body-Plan
- Flame Cells filter and remove excess water
- Soft and flat
- Light-sensitive eye-spot
What animals are in the Phylum Nematoda?
Round Worms
What is a quick way to remember that round worms are in the Phylum Nematoda?
The "O" in NematOda is round, just like round worms
What are four examples of round-worms in the Phylum Nematoda?
- Trichinosis-Causing Worms (Tri-chin-osis)
- Ascarid Worms (As-carid)
- Filarial Worms (Fil-ari-al)
- Hook Worms
What carries Trichinosis-Causing Worms?
Uncooked Pork
What type of round-worms burrow into your organs and tissue causing great pain?
Trichinosis-Causing Worms
What type of Nematoda/Round-Worm causes malnutrition?
Ascarid Worms
What is usually the carrier of Ascarid Worms?
contaminated food or water
What type of round-worm burrows into the intestine, then blood, then lungs, then throat, then back to intestine sometimes clogging it?
Ascarid Worm
What type of Nematoda/Round-worm blocks fluid passages of the lymphatic system?
Filarial Worms
What type of Nematoda/Round-worm can cause Elephantiasis?
Filarial Worms
What type of disease can a Filarial Worm sometimes cause in which the lymphatic system is blocked?
What fraction of people do Hookworms infect on Earth?
About 1/4
How do Hookworms weaken their host?
feeding on their blood
How do Hookworms enter someone?
By ingestion or by an unprotected foot touching the soil where they are
What type of Nematoda/Round-Worm weakens their host by feeding on their blood?
How do Nematoda/Round-Worms reproduce?
***ONLY sexually (first one so far that reproduces strictly sexually)
How do Nematoda/Round-Worms reproduce sexually?
By internal fertilization
What type of feeders are Nematoda/Round-Worms?
What do some Nematoda/Round-Worms feed on?
Algae Fungi and/or organic matter
What type of digestive system do Nematoda/Round-Worms have?
A digestive tract (***Important; mouth and anus) (First one to have digestive tract so far)
How do Nematoda/Round-Worms move?
- Use muscles
- Pseudocoelom - use both to form hydrostatic skeleton
What are the eight major characteristics of a Nematoda/Round-Worm?
- Slender, unsegmented, and tapered at both ends
- **Many are parasitic or plants and animals
- **Have digestive tract with two openings
- Most are free-living and inhabit soil, salt flats, aquatic sediment, and water
- Food moves in ONE direction though the digestive tract
- **Bilateral Symmetry
(Bi-later-al Sym-metry)
- Have specialized tissues and organs that carry out specific body functions
- Have a pseudocoelom or "false coelom"
How many ways does food move through the digestive tract of a Nematoda/Round-worm
One way (**Important)
What kind of symmetry do Nematoda/Round-Worms have?
Bilateral Symmetry
(Bi-later-al) (Sym-metry)
What is a key characteristic about Nematoda/Round-Worms?
They are parasitic (**Important)
Do Nematoda/Round-Worms have specialized organs and tissues?
How many openings does the Digestive Tract of a Nematoda/Round-Worm have?
2 (Anus and Mouth)