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44 Cards in this Set

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What does "Arthropoda" mean?
"Joint Foot"
What are the three groups of Arthropoda?
Crustaceans, spiders and relatives, and insects and relatives
What are examples of Crustaceans?
Crabs, lobster, shrimp, crayfish, barnacles, and etc.
What are examples of spiders and their relatives?
Spiders, horse crabs, ticks, mites, and scorpions
What are examples of insects and relatives?
Insects, centipedes (two legs per body segment), and millipedes (four legs per body segment)
How do we classify arthropods?
Number/Structure of *body segments and *appendages
What are the things an Arthropod can be? (food-wise)
- Herbivores
- Carnivores
- Omnivores
- Blood-suckers
- Filter-feeders
- Detritivores (De-triti-vores)
- Parasites
What functions can the various mouth-parts of an Arthropod preform?
- Pinching
- Sucking
- Chewing
- Etc.
How do terrestrial arthropods reproduce?
Sexually by **INTERNAL fertilization (male drops off sperm and female puts it in)
How do aquatic arthropods reproduce?
Sexually by INTERNAL or EXTERNAL fertilization
What is a "true" example of incomplete metamorphosis?
A mayfly larva that is raised in water grows to be a full-grown, adult mayfly
How can an Arthropod move?
By almost any means (jumping, flying, crawling, etc.)
What does "Cephela" refer to?
The head of an organism
What is an example of complete metamorphosis?
A caterpillar turning into a butterfly
What are the exoskeletons of Arthropods made of?
What is a Cephalothorax?
The head and body, fused together, of an organism
What is the term referred to when the head and body of an organism are fused together?
What is an "ocelli" like?
An extra eye-spot
What kind of symmetry do Arthropods have?
Bilateral Symmetry
What is the process by which Arthropods shed their exoskeleton?
What do Arthropods shed during molting?
Their exoskeleton
What kind of circulatory system do Arthropods have?
An open-circulatory system (**Important)
What are the tubes inside the body of an insect which they breathe through?
Tracheal Tubes
What are the holes on the outside of an insect's exoskeleton by which gases enter?
What is the 3-Part insect body plan?
- Head
- Thorax
- Abdomen
What does the head, thorax, and abdomen make up of an insect?
The 3 part body-plan
What does Echinodermata mean?
"Spiny Skin"
What are the five main groups of Echinodermata?
- Sea Urchins
- Brittle Stars
- Sand Dollars
- Sea Cucumbers
- Sea Stars (starfish)
How many species of Sand Dollar are there?
How do Echinodermata obtain their food?
Some have a jaw-like structure to scrape algae off rocks
How do starfish obtain food from crustaceans?
By first prying the shell open and then lowering their stomach to eat the insides
How do members of Phylum Echinodermata reproduce?
Sexually (**External Reproduction - Important)
What is unique about the symmetry of Echinoderms?
The larva are *bilateral, and the adults have *5-part radial symmetry (VERY IMPORTANT)
What kind of symmetry do the larva of Phylum Echinodermata have?
Bilateral Symmetry (**Important)
What kind of symmetry do the adult organisms of Phylum Echinodermata have?
5-Part Radial Symmetry (**Important)
What do some Echinoderms use for movement?
**Tube feet, and thin layers of muscle attached to the endoskeleton
What do sea urchins and sand dollars use for movement?
They have movable spines that are attached to their endoskeletons
What type of cephalization do Echinodermata have?
NO Cephalization!! (no head) (**Important)
What is the texture of an Echinoderms skin?
What is the internal skeleton of an Echinoderm called?
What type of system do starfish have?
A water-vascular system
What do some Echinoderms have that aid in respiration, circulation, and movement?
Tube Feet
What do "tube feet" aid in?
- Respiration
- Circulation
- Movement
What kind of symmetry do adult Echinoderms have?
5-part radial symmetry (**Important..)
(Rad-ial Sym-metry)